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I woke up at 7:30 a.m, like always. Was yesterday a dream? Did I really find five Decepticons, Rumble, Frenzy, Starscream, Soundwave, and Megatron at a park, and took them home? Did I actually talk to Soundwave?

Suddenly I heard a loud snore down the hall. My shoulders sagged. Nope it was real....all of it it. Fuck I actually wished it wasn't.

But wow! Whoever that was is fraggin' loud! was probably Megatron and his mega-loud mouth. Can you shut up?!

I groaned a covered my face with my pillow, trying to block out the noise.

'Screw it' I sat up, and got out of bed.....maybe I could duck tape his mouth shut?
But then I'd probably die.

I snuck out of my room and ran quietly to the stairs, but When I got my hand on the rail I heard a door open. 'Shit!'

I turned around, squinting my eyes from the light shining from the windows.

A young man stumbled out of his room, like he was highly intoxicated, realizing who it was I let go of the rail.

"Uh, Soundwave? Do you need, uh, help?"

He looked at me with dull eyes, he seemed so tired it was surprising he was even standing. Well, he was leaning on the wall, but still he was on the verge of collapsing.

Like seriously, he looked like a zombie from The Walking Dead, minus the blood and gore.

He nodded finally after awhile and stumbled over to me. I grabbed him by the forearms. "You alright?"

I'm touching Soundwave I'm touching Soundwave OMIGOSH EEEE!!!

He grunted.

"Take that as a "yes" then?" I asked, trying to contain my excitement. I can't believe I'm touching Soundwave.... I'm gonna die.

He stared down at me and I smiled innocently at him. "Why can't I think straight?"

" takes awhile for your mind to function. It's fine though it happened all the time when you wake up." I raised my eyebrows anxiously. "Did I wake you?"

He shook his head. "Negative it was...." A loud snore filled in the silence as he trailed off. "That."

I nodded, shrugging. "True, he's loud.....surprising the others are sleeping though it."

"Who said we're sleeping though it?"

I jumped as Starscream's tired voice joined the conservation. I stared at him sympathetically and looked back up at Soundwave shrugging. "Well, some."

The three of us went down stairs and headed for the kitchen to make breakfast. Which was gonna be toast.

Starscream sat at the table with Soundwave, who had fallen back asleep in his chair. I watched at the Seeker found my school bag.

He got into it. And at this moment I was glad I did not have anything personal in there.

"What's this?" He asked pulling my math out.

"It's called homework Screamer."

He looked at it and scoffed. "You're still in school?"

I nodded. "I'm seventeen in human terms."

"How old am I?"


He smiled proudly.

"But you act 13."

His mouth dropped, making me chuckle.


"27. The twins 16 and Megs," I glanced at the stairs, "45."

Starscream smirked. "So he is old."

"Yeah, and loud."

Starscream rolled his eyes. "Tell me something I don't know."

I looked at him. "I would, but you basically know everything. Although you guys need human names. I have one as do Rumble and Frenzy."

"What are your human names?"

"Rumble's Rowan, Frenzy's Jackson, and mines Ryan." The black haired man nodded.

"Don't make it stupid. Anything you give me cannot possibly measure up to the greatness of my real name anyway."

"Except maybe your ego" I snapped back, surprising him, then I grinned. "Steve."

He blinked. "Steve?"

"Yep Steve."

Starscream shrugged. "Whatever."

I laughed as two figures came down stairs.

"Well, well, look who finally woke up." I greeted teasingly. They groaned and plopped into the chairs by their farther.

I scoffed. "Anyway Soundwave needs a name." I stared at him. "I have to think about that."

I gave the twins toast. They gnawed at it.

"Geez, I didn't know Megatron could snore so slaggin' loud." Rumble dropped his toast and covered his ears.

I chuckled.

Megatron soon awoke and came down. I watched as he sat on the couch, particularly curious about what a sleepy Megatron might be like.

"Good morning Sunshine!"

His head snapped around. I could see the gears of his mind slowly grinding back into motion through his eyes.

"To the Pit with you, slagging femme." He grumbled after a long pause.

Ah. He was just as grouchy as awake Megatron, only with a time delay.

"Is he always so pleasant in the morning?"

Rumble shrugged. "I dunno. Actually, I don't think we've ever seen him right out of recharge."

"Yeah. He usually stays up for awhile." Added Frenzy. "Have you ever seen him after recharge, Dad?"

Soundwave didn't answer. He snored lightly, head resting on folded arms. Frenzy tried poking him. No response.

"Let him be, Frenzy." I smiled as Megatron staggered towards us in the kitchen. "Had a good sleep?"

"If that's what you call it," he blinked, trying to focus.

"Although....I recall the strangest visions." Megatron leaned on the short wall, shaking his head. "It was....about these two guys in black suits and hats. They drove around in a giant pizza. And then the pizza started singing and a whole swarm odds short Primes started dancing in the streets." He paused. "It was bizarre. Are night visions normal too?"

I chuckled. "You were dreaming. A weird one, but it was just a dream. Sometimes a resting human mind creates them put of things you've seen during the day. In this case you saw the Blues Brothers, pizza, and your worst enemy combined onto one."

He sighed with relief. "Good. I feared for my sanity. I thought I was losing it."

"It would certainly be a short trip." Starscream said.

"How would YOU like a short trip?"

A loud gurgle interrupted further argument. Starscream sat up straighter, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Why is my midsection making that noise? It hurts."

Another gurgle answered the first. "Mine too," Megatron admitted.

Soundwave continuing snoring.

"That's you stomach trying to eat itself. You have thirty minutes to live."


Rumble choked and dropped his second piece of toast. Frenzy fell out of his chair. Soundwave snorted and his head came up, eyes wide open. Starscream clutched his midsection, trying to smother the gurgles. Megatron's eyebrows had disappeared completely into his hair. They stared at me in complete horror. I took the opportunity to take a picture, crackling.

"What are you laughing about, femme? We require feeding!" roared Megatron.

"Calm down, calm down. I was joking. I knew that would wake you boys up."

They stared at me a moment more before it sank in. So they weren't going to die. The Decepticons let me have it.

"Oh Primus, don't say things like that!"

"I must face Prime in our deciding battle! Death here is out of the question!"

"Yeah, I can't die in this body! It lacks dignity befitted to me!"

"Insufficient humor not appreciated."

Frenzy was closest to me and tried to grabbed me. "Don't scare me like that!"

I dodged out of the way, getting close to Megatron in the process. He wasn't completely awake yet but there was murder in his eyes. "In the future do not say such things."

"Then how am I going to have any fun?"

"If I had my fusion cannon right now you'd be tasting it!"

I rolled my eyes.

An hour later I had gotten out of the shower and when I left the bathroom I found Soundwave standing by the door. I jumped.

"Holy Primus Soundwave! Why are you standing outside the bathroom?"

He shrugged.

I waved him off and went downstairs. "I found a name for you."

"Oh?" He asked following.

"Yep I hope you're fine with Walker, because that's what you remind me of."

He shrugged again. "That is acceptable."

The twins looked forward to the day. They sat on the back of one of the couches, their feet dangling down as they wobbled to keep balance.

"Everyone's up now, have you decided what we're gonna do today?" Frenzy asked

"Make it something fun. We never do anything fun back at base." Rumble chimed in.

Destroying Autobots wasn't fun?

"Um, well, I'm still thinking about it."

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, I looked up quickly, Frag I forgot.

"Crap....." I muttered standing up, I headed towards the door. I opened it. "Hey Dalton....what's up?" I said awkwardly.

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