Lessons from Jade

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Tori couldn't figure out how she ended up here, nor could she believe she was actually about to do this. She had been curious about her sexuality for a year or two now. She would find herself staring at Cat and soon other girls she didn't even know, and sometimes she would let her mind drift to dirtier thoughts. But it had been pushed to the back burner, until now. She wanted to act on her curiosities.

And somehow that had led to flirting with Jade.

It wasn't long before Tori noticed Jade's gaze would linger on her, changing from that of annoyance or loathing to one of intrigued or admiration.

Jade had walked right up to Tori and asked if she could help her with homework. Her notion had completely blind-sided Tori, but she agreed and soon it was rare that they would be seen alone in the library. Sometimes their conversations stayed strictly on the homework, and it was those nights that Tori went home feeling empty. But sometimes they would talk about other things, although at first innocent topics. What they did over the weekend, their plans from Christmas Holidays, complaining about their friends just to name a few.

Tori had underestimated how observant Jade was. She had nearly spilled her soda over their work when Jade asked Tori if she was attracted to women.

"What?"she said indignantly.

The raven-haired girl raised an eyebrow, crossed her arms over her chest and stared blankly at her.

"I saw the way you looked at Cat in class today." Jade elaborated.

Tori felt a blush rise to her cheeks, and she stared guiltily at her barely started essay.

"So what, are you going to tell the entire school now?" she asked bitterly.

"Why would I do that? We're friends." she said, sounding hurt.

Tori looked up at the pretty girl across from her. It was hard not stare at Jade when she spent majority of her time with her. Her sharp jaw line...her crystal blue eyes...her naturally plump lips.

"Have you ever kissed a girl?" Jade asked.

Tori's silence was her answer. Jade nodded, pondering for a moment. Tori bit her lip anxiously, wondering what Jade was thinking of her right now. Did she think this was funny? Sweet, innocent Tori. Kissed two boys.

"What if I told you I'm also attracted to women?" she heard Jade say, a sly smile on her lips.

Tori's breath hitched as she stared at Jade with wide eyes.


Jade nodded, then scribbled something down on a piece of paper and slid it to her.

"My house, Friday night, at eight o'clock. If you want to, that is." she whispered.

And that was where she was now. Inside Jade's room, sitting on a bed with Jade sitting just inches away from her. Her breathing had gone shallow and her heart was pounding against her ribcage.

"Relax, Vega. You trust me, right?" Jade said soothingly.

She reached out to brush Tori's hair off her shoulder, and Tori felt her body stiffen. She did want to do this. She really did. But if she made a fool of herself, if she was horrible at this, Jade might never let her live it down. Or she'd lose a good friend. Both thoughts made her stomach churn.

She forced herself to nod. "Yes." she whispered.

"Then trust me when I say we'll stop any time you want to, just say the word."

Tori took a deep breath then forced herself to stare directly back at Jade. She had never seen such a soft expression on the girls face.

Jade started inching closer, her breath tickling Tori's nose. She smelled of peppermint and vanilla and it was absolutely intoxicating. She willed herself to relax, at least she had kissed someone before. She knew what to do. At last Jade's lips softly pressed against hers. They were soft and warm and everything Tori imagined them to be. She felt a rush of heat course through her body and she reached to pull Jade closer.

Her arms were around Jade's neck, while Jade had wrapped her arms around Tori's waist. Tori pressed her body against Jade's, sighing into her mouth. She felt Jade's tongue slip between her lips and Tori welcomed her eagerly. But after a few seconds, Jade pulled away and licked the extra saliva off her lips.

"How was that?" she asked.

It took a second for Tori to gather her thoughts.

"I liked it... I really liked it." she admitted, and fuck did that feel good.

Jade smiled and trailed a finger down Tori's thigh. Tori watched, her breathing going shallow again but this time for an entirely different reason. Her skin tingled at Jade's touch. Jade was watching too, and she became entranced in this pattern.

Finally Jade looked up at Tori slowly, a curious twinkle in her eye. "We could go further."

Tori cringed, her nerves returning on full blast. "I-I don't want to be bad at... it."

Jade cocked her head and sprawled her hand across Tori's thigh, squeezing it reassuringly. Something at her core was beginning to stir. She was torn. She had never let fear stop her before... why should she start that now? But this meant being vulnerable in an entirely different way, a way she wasn't sure she was comfortable with.

"I can teach you." Jade murmured suggestively.

"Okay" Tori agreed, feeling herself regain control of her anxiety.

Jade stared at her as she unbuttoned Tori's flannel, exposing Tori's pale pink bra. Jade shrugged the shirt off her shoulders and down her arms before tossing it onto the floor. She leaned forward and started peppering kisses down Tori's neck, from right below her earlobe to the crook of her neck. When she felt Tori's body relax, she opened her mouth and allowed herself to enjoy the taste of her skin. She started trailing her hands up and down Tori's arms before moving to her chest.

Tori let out a small moan and pressed herself into Jade's hands. Jade grinned against her skin, and pushed down her bra straps. She pulled her bra down and took Tori's nipples inbetween her fingers, pulling and pinching lightly. Jade continued for a few moments, listening to Tori's breathing quicken and small moans escaping every so often, before she pulled her mouth away from Tori's shoulder.

"Do the same to me, Vega." Jade ordered.

Tori felt that familiar stirring in her core and she smiled shyly as Jade resumed her position. With slightly shaking hands, Tori unbuttoned Jade's flannel and took off her bra, throwing them both carelessly aside. She smiled at the feel of Jade's breasts in her hands, her nipples already growing hard. She began to mirror Jade's movements against her own breasts. Tori managed to lean forward and latch onto Jade's neck.

She was actually doing this and it felt absolutely wonderful. It felt right.

She was a bit disappointed when Jade pulled away, but she couldn't help the small gasp when Jade took one of her breasts into her mouth, her tongue circling around her erect nipple.

"Oh shit." Tori whispered, her head falling back slightly.

Jade smiled again but retracted quickly. Tori actually groaned and pouted.

"Lay down." she said.

Tori did as she was told, unsure of what exactly Jade was planning on doing next. Jade moved so she was sitting behind Tori's head and knelt on all fours so that her head was above Tori's chest, and her chest was right above Tori's mouth.

Jade didn't need to tell her what do, Tori already knew. She stretched her neck eagerly, pulling Jade's nipple into her mouth. Jade was now sucking on her breasts, being sure to give them equal amounts of attention. Tori reached up to Jade's other breast with her hand and resumed her pinching and pulling.

She felt the vibration of Jade's moan against her skin and she felt her a warm and sticky spot develop in her panties. Jade's hands were running up and down her stomach, pausing at the waistband of her skirt. Tori inhaled sharply when Jade bit her nipple, but continued toying Jade's breast with her tongue. She could feel the heat growing between her legs and her toes began to curl. Was Jade going to finish her off like this? She'd be able to if she kept going at this rate, but she desperately wanted more.

Jade seemed to read her mind and slipped a hand beneath her skirt, coaxing the outside of her panties.

"Fuck Vega, you're practically soaked already." she laughed.

Tori smiled to herself, hoping Jade felt proud that she was so arousing.

Jade moved herself off of Tori and crawled in between her legs, spreading them a apart. She smirked at the wide-eyed girl laying in front of her. When Tori stayed silent, Jade slid her skirt down her legs and began lightly brushing over her wet panties.

"You're enjoying this..." she mused.

Tori nodded eagerly. "Very much."

She glanced up at Tori, watching her chest fall up and down. A rosy tint had taken to her cheeks and her eyes were sparkling with desire. Jade pushed Tori's panties to the side and began rubbing her slowly. Tori let out a noise between a sigh and a moan.

Please don't stop touching me... she thought to herself as Jade's fingers were coated with her juices.

Tori felt Jade slip one finger inside her and she arched her back slightly. Jade smirked and used her thumb to rub Tori's clit gently, so gently it made Tori's legs twitch. Then a second finger was inside her and Jade had found a steady rhythm as she slowly pumped her fingers in and out.

"Faster...please." she moaned, squeezing her eyes shut and gripping the sheets in her fists.

But much to her displeasure, Jade stopped. A twisted, yet delighted smile playing on her sharp features.

"I told you I was going to teach you, Vega." she drawled, slipping off her own skirt.

Tori was quite shocked to discover that Jade wasn't wearing any panties in the first place. Jade laid back on the bed and spread her legs, exposing herself to the stunned girl. Tori wasn't sure what she had been expecting, but was surprised to see Jade was fully bare down there.

Tori began to move towards the girl but Jade stopped her. She sat up and slid her fingers into Tori one more time. She then held her juice coated finger in front of her.

"Taste." she ordered.

Tori's eyes widened in shock. Was Jade serious? But when she opened her mouth to speak, Jade shoved her finger in her mouth and refused to remove until Tori licked her finger clean.

"It's kind of salty." Tori admitted, cringing slightly at the taste.

Jade dipped into her once more, this time slipping her finger into her own mouth and moaning at the taste. Tori's jaw dropped, but she quickly recomposed herself.

Jade resumed her position, spreading her legs once more. She looked at Tori expectantly. Her legs were shaking but she moved forward and sat between Jade's legs. Tentatively, she reached out to stroke Jade's already glistening lips. She felt flattered that she had aroused Jade to this point, clearly she wasn't as bad at this as she expected to be.

"It's not going to bite you, Vega." Jade teased.

Tori glowered at her. "I know that." she snapped.

She took a deep breath and felt the flesh between the slippery lips. It was squishy and wet, odd to the touch at first. But Jade's low moan encouraged her to continue. She found her clit and circledit with her thumb a few times.

"Thaaat's it, Vega." she hissed, arching her back slightly.

Tori bit her lip, a devious smile playing on her lips. She slipped one finger inside Jade, once again surprised at the texture. God she was wet; her liquids were beginning to drip down Tori's fingers. Tori found her rhythm, pulling in and out of Jade slowly at first.

Jade was panting and moaning, grasping at her own breasts. Tori wasn't sure what made her do it, but she moved over Jade, her fingers still working between her legs and quieted Jade with a rough kiss. Jade seemed just as surprised, but proud as Tori felt her smile against her lips. Jade's hands were in her hair then, grasping and bunching. Tori swallowed her whimpers and moans as she pumped her fingers faster and faster. She thought Jade was going to reach her climax, and maybe she was with the way her body was beginning to tense, but Jade reached down to pull away Tori's hand.

"One more thing I need to teach you." she heard Jade murmur in the semi-darkness.

Tori nodded and swallowed hard. Jade said nothing as she grabbed Tori's legs and with surprising strength, forced them to straddle her waist and then scooted her forward so Tori's legs were on either side of her face. Tori tried to speak, tried to ask Jade what she was about to do but her words were lost when Jade stretched her neck to between Tori's thighs, slowly licking up the juices and sucking on her sensitive flesh.

This was deliriously wonderful. Her entire body was tingling, she could no longer think straight. Or think at all for that matter. She let a out a whimper and fisted Jade's jet-black hair into her fists. It wasn't long before she was actually grinding against Jade's tongue, which had now taken to swirling around and nibbling at her clit. Her tongue was so soft and warm. Tori wondered if her juices were dripping onto her face as Jade's had coated her fingers. Right when the tension in her body started to arise however, Jade pushed her up by her ass.

"Turn around and bend over." Jade ordered.

Tori did in fact notice that Jade's chin was glistening in the candlelight. She smirked, finding an entirely sense of arousal from the sight. Tori did as she was told and found herself face-to-face with Jade's bare privates just inches from her mouth.

Tori yelped when Jade slapped her ass before gripping her hips into place and resuming her previous licking and tantalizing. Only for a moment did Tori hesitate, trying to focus on Jade's specific tongue movements. She was shaking with pleasure and desperately wanted to return to the sensation.

She finally lowered her head and began licking, though gently at first. It was easy this time to just let go and enjoy the taste of Jade; a perfect mixture of sweet and salty. She quickly found Jade's sensitive bud and flicked it repeatedly with the tip of tongue. Jade retaliated by sticking her tongue as far into Tori as she could, causing Tori to groan into the swollen flesh.


The only sounds filling the room where muffled groans, whimpers and slurps as their juices trickled down onto the bed. Tori had completely abandoned any sense of self-consciousness and had her head buried between Jade's slim thighs. She was feeling her body tense, and Jade's breath was growing more shallow. They were both on the verge she could tell. Her chest was heaving, her toes kept curling and uncurling and every time she moaned into Jade, the legs would twitch at the sensation.

One, two, five more licks and they were both trembling as their orgasms coursed through their veins. Jade shrieked a few times, vibrating against Tori's tiny bundle of nerves that rested between Jade's teeth. She couldn't control the shaking of her legs and she felt herself unravel, finally collapsing onto Jade as her heart rate returned to normal.

After a few moments of silence, in which they lay there coated in sweat and juices, Tori got up and laid against the pillows, staring up at the ceiling. Jade watched her, trying to read the expression on her face.


It took a moment before Tori felt she could answer. There were so many thoughts and emotions whirling around inside her, it was hard to make sense of it all.

"That was amazing." she mumbled, feeling slightly embarrassed when Jade laughed.

"If you think you might like being dominated, I could show you the wonders of that too." Jade said with a wink.

Tori sat mouth agape, as Jade laid next to her.

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