~Chapter 7~

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I am halfway up the stairs, when Antony’s voice booms behind me, “take another step and you will regret it.” His tone causes me to flinch. A surge of electricity sets off in my toes and ends in the tips of my fingers.

Boy was I scared!

I turn on my heel, almost choking on my saliva at the look in his brown eyes. It was pure anger. Anger meant just for me, his sister.

It took me a minute to respond, but I knew what I wanted to say. “I can’t believe that all these years, I shook in fear at the thought of you knowing I even glanced at a guy. Scared of what you’d say or even do. And all the times you told me of all the bad things boys could do! I now come to feel sorry for myself. For ever believing that-” I took a breath before continuing. I needed to get this out, - “for ever believing that crap!”

With my last word, I raced up the stairs. Afraid that Antony might be right behind me due to the second rule I’ve broken today; no cursing!

I hadn't realized that the whole time I was speaking, my eyes were tightly shut. But maybe it was for the best; I was unable to see what emotion was plastered on Antony’s face.

Finially reaching the hallway of rooms, I walk over to mine and burst my door open, only to jump back in shock at the sight.

Alex stood before my dresser, calmly making his way through my bra and underwear draw, as if he did this everyday.

What kind of sick dude is this?

He smiles shyly as he notices me in the doorway. “Shit!”

“Get out of my room!” I yell pointing to the door behind me, he shakes his head in an understanding way.

“We can go to my place. Its rid of family drama and-”

“Fine. Lets go.” I say jumping at the thought, anything to get away from Antony and my tension filled house.

Alex was the first to walk out, leaving me to wonder upon what I was doing.

What was I doing?

I never imagined today turning out like this. Yes, I knew Antony would question me about Alex, but I thought I could make him understand that it was only for school’s purpose. But now-

“Hey, Nerd! Lets go!” I snap out of my thoughts at the voice of Alex. I look over at him, inhaling a breath then releasing it slowly. “Nerd?!”

I cringe at the name, but decide not to respond. Instead I stepped into the hallway of rooms, locking my door behind me.

Another rule broken; no locking doors.

Alex smiles as I take another glance at him, “c’mon.” He gestures me to the stairs and I let out a breath I didn’t know was being held in. “Do you have a backdoor that we could leave through without being seen?”

I nod, “yeah, great idea.”

We step down the last step, and peek around the wall that separates the dining area and the living room. Everyone was seated at the table- eating- as if nothing had happened. If-

“Hey! Let's go!” Alex says in a hushed tone, he waves at me, standing in the threshold of the opened backdoor.

“I’m coming.” I take one last glance at my family. Please forgive me.

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