Chapterrr somethin something

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WARNING there's smoking in this chapter.

If you don't or have never smoked and you continue reading just use your imagination.


I sat at work hunched over my phone on break. I was contemplating my life, while I ate a (sandwich of choice). My palms were sweaty as I frantically tried to type out what I was thinking.

I glanced up at the clock, my break was over. I stood up feeling a little nauseous, I held my stomach as I swayed. I had a couple more hours of work, I could make it.

That lasted two minutes. I was waiting tables when I brought out a plate of shrimp. Holding back my gags I barely managed to serve them without throwing up. Rushing to the bathroom I continued to convulse, hurling as soon as I reached the toilet.

My coworker, Tabatha walked in right in time to see me vomiting into the toilet. Rushing to my side she rubbed my back, she suggested I go home. And after me, insisting I stay and her threatening to report me I begrudgingly did.

I drove in the car alone, but it was much more quiet than usual. Maybe it's the lack of music, or my mood, I don't know.

The turn for my neighbor hood crept up, but I didn't really feel like heading straight home to my husband. I kept driving past, I didn't know where I was going but I need some time to think. I could only drive so far until I'd have to see him again.

I rolled up to a gas station, one were I was a familiar face at. I used to smoke and I'd always buy my cigarettes there, it calmed me, just like now, sitting were I once smoked calmed.

The owner (yall pick out a name for this one pls it's 2am) came out with a pack of cigarettes and sat next me me. He gave his pack a couple smacks on his hand before pulling one out, offering it to me like he does every time I sit here. And like always I decline.
He stuck it in his mouth and lit it.

"What's bothering you this time?" He blew his smoke out in front of him. I swatted it away, not something I tended to care about, but I do now. He seemed to notice.
"Are you sick?" He asked.

I nodded my head slowly, "yeah," I said  "kind of."
He nodded his head to like he understood. "Cancer?"

I shook my head no. I didn't have cancer, although I wondered how much worse telling my husband I had cancer was compared to what was really wrong.
"No, I'm just..." I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm struggling to tell my husband something."

His grin grew. "Ahh I see. you're pregnant?" He asked and I nodded my head, how he knew that I don't know, was I showing THAT much? "Are you not happy?" I glance up. I was happy, to an extent. This was never planned, Lester grew up with an abusive dad, and it's not that I think he'd make a bad dad, it was that he might think he'll be a bad dad. He might not even want kids.

"I am."

"And you're afraid he won't be happy." He said to confirm with what I was thinking.
Again I nodded.


"I remember when my wife told me she was pregnant." His gaze was locked on the sky. "I was pissed, I didn't want kids. I was sure it wasn't mine. Alas it was." Tears brimmed his eyes.

"What she was born, Never in my life was I so happy. So much joy filled my heart to have a beautiful daughter and beautiful wife. But that only lasted a day and a half when my joy was stolen. She died the next day."
His eyes fluttered shut.

"We never tried for another kid. I wish I was there for my wife during her pregnancy. Maybe things would have been different. It was harder on my wife than it was me."

He wiped his face, his cigarette was gone now. "The point is, if he loves you the way I know he does. He will stay and care for the baby, he might be upset at first, but I'm more than positive he will come back around."

I nodded, I hadn't realized, but I started to cry too. "Thank you."
He smiled

"No thank you young lady, you should go and tell him now."

I nodded and head for my car, and this time the car ride was a little louder. My brain was constantly screaming at me. 'Ahh we're doing it!' The yelling got louder as I entered the neighborhood, and pulled into the driveway. My heart pounded as I unlocked the house, I found Lester in the kitchen preparing dinner.

His face churned with worry when he saw me home early. I sighed.

"Hey love," he came to me, his hands caressing over my arms. "What's, wrong?"
I glanced at the ceiling and took a deep breath.

"I'm..." my eyes watered and my words got caught in my throat, but I thought of (dudes name). Lester loves me, I know he does.

I got a grip on my self and built up the courage to tell him.

"I'm pregnant." Silence lapped the room. Even the food sizzling seemed to quiet. I panicked. Lester was upset. I pulled out of his arms, but he grabbed me again.

"Are you serious?" He asked. I found the strength beneath trying to hold my cry to nod my head.

"You're not serious." His grin grew "oh my gods, your serious." He laughed. I thought he was laughing at me, but his eyes filled with tears. He spun around the room punching his fist in the air. He leaped towards me, landing a huge kiss on my lips, then dropping to his knees kissing my belly. He giggled between each little kiss.

My heart swelled with happiness knowing the Lester was happy.

"I'm going to make us a special dinner. The best one. I'll completely scrap what I was making before. What are you craving?" He barely had time to breath between each sentence.

I laughed " I want cake."

He stood up again. "Then we'll have cake!" He laughed too and planted a kiss on my lips. "I love you." He said. I hummed against his lips in response.

The smoker dude was kinda random m. It made sense when I first started writing. Anyway, lol.

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