Just a bastard orphan in need of a break

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Only the real ones will know what Lester boi is singing in this chapter

It was a hard day at work that earned a trip to the coffee shop. Dealing with Karens, having to yell directions at people because nobody knows how to act like a human being? All part of my everyday life.

The coffee shop was just around the corner from my apartment so I could just grab a cup and head home. No interruptions, hopefully.

Except no, it had to get worse. And of course, it did.
I entered the coffee shop with my regular order in mind. I waited in line for fifteen minutes behind a mom with a little girl who wasn't sure what cake pop she wanted. When my turn finally arrived I already felt drained and ready to go home.

"What can I get you today?"

"Can I get a (drink order)."

"Sure thing will that be a-" She was cut off by the guy at the next register.

"How much?" he exclaimed. "That is outrageous for two cups of coffee!"

"Sir, I don't set the prices."

"Well, show me who did and I'll blow them to smithereens when I become a god again!"

"Sir if you keep this bad behavior up in going to ask you to leave."

"I'll show you bad behavior when I'm a god again!" he shook his fist at the man over the counter.
"Okay, Sir." two large men grabbed the boy by his arms and dragged him out of the shop.

"When I'm a god again!"

An embarrassed young girl, maybe twelve followed after him. Maybe his sister. How awful it would be to be in her position.

I got my coffee and was leaving the coffee shop when the boy was outside of the shop sobbing. A pang of sympathy hit me. He clearly had a worse day than me. The girl sat next to him with her arms crossed.
"You had to make a scene."

"I'm not spending twenty dollars for two watered down cups of sewer water!" He snapped back.

I turned in the direction of my home. None of my business two homeless kids got kicked out of a coffee shop.
"You!" I heard the voice of the boy behind me. I turned.
"Give me your coffee!"

"Lester no!"

I ran towards my apartment but the boy miraculously caught up to me.
"I haven't slept in a week, I'm weak, I am awake."
I sunk to his knees and sobbed at my feet.
"You've never seen an orphan in more need of a break."

"Are you...singing?" I ask.

"Shut up!" I screamed.
The girl grabbed his arm and hoisted him up.

"You're so embarrassing." She hissed.
He sobbed into his hands as he walked away.


This was just something weird I did thank you for reading loves!

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