Please dont say i love you pt 2

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I'm pretty sure the car ride wasn't this long but y'all can pretend it was lmao, also pretend I remember how this chapter went...

We drove in the red Mercedes that Leo had somehow "borrowed". I drove (obviously because Meg sure couldn't have done it, y/n sure but I have had a lot more practice than her) y/n sat in the front passenger seat, and with lots of complaints from a certain little girl, we managed to get Meg into the backseat.

We sat in silence for the most part, our voices barely there from the previous events. My head nodded with exhaustion, the only thing keeping me awake was those rumble strips on the sides of roads.

Meg lay in an uncomfortable position where her neck looked like it had been snapped to the side. Her seatbelt kept here snug in her spot (after much explaining and lots of examples of how one can die because of not wearing your seat belt.) y/n, right next to me, sat with her head turned away from me so I couldn't tell if she was asleep or not.

The sun was barely there in front of us. A deep dark blue engulfed the sky, and stars splattered across. I hummed a song, not one that was already written, just one I made in my head. Lester had his likes too, though I wouldn't recommend listening to the songs written by my mortal self. See, I might have enjoyed singing, but that doesn't mean I was any good. (My Lester self ofc)

Y/n's head turned, facing me. A smile, one that could be translated as either tiredness or drunkenness. Considering y/n was too young to drink, and was pretty sure she had none, I assumed she was tired.

"What song are you humming?" She asked.
I shrugged.
"I don't know yet."
I saw her head nod. "It's still in the makings?"
" Yeah." I chuckled.

I looked over for half a second, she smiled in a way that made her not seem so tired. Her voice hummed a giggle. The butterflies in my stomach had started a karate dojo, doing kicks and stuff. (I've never had to learn karate as a god leave me alone.) I wasn't watching where I was going, I hit the rumble strips again, reminding myself to keep my eyes on the road. My heart skipped a beat and I swerved back into my lane.

Meg jumped from her sleep and started yelling at me.
"Keep your eyes on the road idiot," She grumbled. "Or...I'll..." she fell asleep again.

My heart tried to calm down to a somewhat normal pace. A few deep breaths and I felt better, at least my heart wasn't running laps anymore.
"You should get some rest," I said without taking my eyes off the road this time. "I'm going to need you to drive soon."

I could see her head nod From my peripheral vision. I wasn't sure whether or not it was from exhaustion or she was agreeing. Either way, she fell asleep.

A few hours passed, and it was nearly midnight, I pulled over at a gas station and woke (y/n) up. they groggily glared at me with what was probably hatred. (I got that a lot as a god) they stumbled out of their seat as I held the door for them. I handed them a bottle of water that I had bought previously at one of our stops. She took it and guzzled down the whole thing. She walked to the driver's side and hopped in. I did the same but on the passenger side.

Though now that I sat there I wasn't fired anymore.

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