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Meg Munro is stuck in a tower and in need of a drink.

Jude Carlisle is the bartender charged with delivering said drink.

The rest is a fairy tale. Sort of.

This is a short retelling of Rapunzel written for the Rewind the Classics Contest.

I hope you enjoy it  x

A little background context to Meg and Jude's tale

In July 2020, as much of Australia was slowly returning to 'COVID-normal' life, a second wave of infection was taking hold in the State of Victoria. As a result, Metropolitan Melbourne was placed back into Stage 3 lockdown. 

On 2 August, a state of disaster was declared and Melbourne moved to Stage 4 restrictions - the toughest restrictions to have been imposed in Australia during this pandemic. 

These restrictions include an 8pm curfew and a travel limit of 5kms from your place of residence. Mask wearing is mandatory. Melbournians are currently only allowed to leave home for one of four reasons: to shop for essentials (one person per household, once per day); to exercise (once a day for one hour with one other person); to give or receive care; or for permitted work. People must work from home if they can. Schools and childcare centres are closed (except to vulnerable children and the children of permitted workers). Cafes, bars and restaurants are able to operate as take away and/or delivery businesses only.

Whether single, living in a share house, married with children or otherwise - many Melbournians are currently struggling and, like Rapunzel, feeling trapped in their own homes. 

2020 is proving to be an extremely tough year. 

Even the memes are wearing thin. 

But at least we still have cocktails.

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