Chapter 1

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The flareon decided to let the leafeon go with the promise that she won't tell anyone what she saw, the leafeon slowly nodded her head.
When the leafeon left, the flareon went inside the volcano "why am I becoming so soft? That's the third one this week"
The flareon growled to himself "Okru! Long time no see!" A voice called then a charizard appeared "go away" the flareon snapped "hey hey! Calm yourself! I've brought some bodies of you want them for your collection" the charizard said "fine...put them in the deep part of the volcano" Okru replied still growling "ok! Just calm yourself" the charizard said and flew into the crater of the volcano, Okru walked over to his shelf when the charizard left, on Okru's shelf were heads of pokemon, the charizard came dashing back from inside the volcano "I have to go now! More pokemon to kill" the charizard chuckled evilly then left.

Okru decided to take a walk in the village to clear his head, when the charizard was gone, Okru went over to his wardrobe and saw a black coat that he put on so no one would recognise him, Okru picked up a bag full of coins so he didn't look suspicious. Okru left his volcano and started to head for the nearby village, he arrived there with happy laughs and chuckles "villagers..." Okru growled to himself and kept walking through the village, there were two vaporeons walking by asking questions to everyone and holding up posters, then they reached Okru "have you seen this pokemon?" One of them asked, holding up a wanted sign with a picture of a flareon in a red cloak "they don't suspect me yet" Okru said to himself "no, I have not" Okru replied "ok, remember if you see this pokemon, report it to us" the other vaporeon said and Okru nodded his head and saw them walk off to the nearest pokemon and hold up the sign, Okru shook his head and walked off to a cliff, there he saw the figure of an eeveelution "I need to kill something, this is my chance where no one is looking!" Okru said happily to himself, he opened his jaw wide and let out a ball of fire that hit the poor eeveelution, Okru walked up to it and was about to finish it off with his knife until he heard from the helpless eeveelution "please-please don't" it was a female voice.

I will be asking questions every chapter from now on, your choice may affect the story

Question: who do you ship flareon with

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