Dealing with Writers Block

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My paper is bare and I haven't a prayer

of an Idea to be seen

A kingdom of Abbreviation

and it looks like I'm its queen


My mind is blank and I don't have a thing to write

Tried to think something up, Heaven knows I tried


Don't let them know, don't let them see

Be the good scribe, you always have to be

Deny writer's block, don't let them know

Well now they know


I don't know I don't know

Can't think of what to write

I don't know I don't know

Why can't I do this right


I don't care what my readers will say

Let the updates stop

I just can not think of a thing to say


It's funny how one day

my stories are just fine

And next thing that I know

I can't even draw a line


It's time to see what I can do

To test my pencils and pens too

No writers block, more words for me

I'm Free


I don't know I don't know

My minds a dreadful void

I don't know I don't know

Creativities destroyed


Here I sit and I here I stay

Let the updates stop


Imagination works itself into overdrive

A ending is the one thing for which I strive

And no thought hits me and I let out a fearful gasp

I cannot write today Tomorrow's all I have


I don't know I don't know

It'll come to me at dawn

I don't know I don't know

That Perfect writer's gone


Here I sit

in my computer's ray

Let the Updates stop

I just can not think of a thing to say


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