Defying Gravity- Frozen parody

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I know this isn't a 'Let it Go' Parody, but it's Frozen related:)




Why couldn't you have stayed calm, for once!

Instead of flying off the handle -- !

I hope you're happy

I hope you're happy now

I hope you're happy how you've

Hurt your reign forever

I hope you think you're clever



I hope you're happy

I hope you're happy too

I hope you're proud how you would

Hide your only Sister

Just because you'd miss her



So though I can't imagine how

I hope you're happy

Right now



Elsa, listen to me. Just say you're sorry!

You can still rule our parents kingdom

What you've worked and waited for

We can pretend this never happened-



I know

But I won't hide it - No!

I can't hide it anymore


Something has changed within me

Something is not the same

I'm through with playing by

The rules of someone else's game


Too late for second-guessing

Too late to go back to sleep

It's time to trust my instincts

Close my eyes

And leap...


It's time to try defying Arendell

I think I'll try defying Arendell

And they can't bring be back



Can't I make you understand

You're having delusions of power



I'm through accepting Dangers

Cause someone says they're so

Some things I cannot do

But till I try I'll never know


Too long I've been afraid of

Losing love, I guess I've lost

Well if that's love

It comes at much too high a cost


I'd sooner buy defying Arendell

Kiss me goodbye, I'm defying Arendell

And you can't pull me down!



Elsa, let me come with you . Think of what we could do -together!

Unlimited... Together we're unlimited

Together we'll be the greatest team

There's ever been - Elsa!

Dreams the way we planned 'em



If we work in tandem



There's no fight we cannot win

Just you and I, defying Arendell

With you and I defying Arendell

They'll never bring us down!



Well, am I coming?



Spoken: No. I'm sorry Anna...



I hope you're happy

I hope you're happy now that you're choosing this

I hope it brings you bliss

I really hope you get it

And you don't live to regret it



I hope you're happy in the end

I hope you're happy, my friend



So if you care to find me

Look to the Northern sky!

As someone told me lately

Everyone deserves the chance to fly


And I'll have to fly solo

But at least I'm flying free

And I can finally

Release the storm inside of me


Tell them how I am defying Arendell

I'm flying high, defying Arendell

And soon I'll match them in renown

And nobody there ever was

No Parents, Duke, or Royal laws

Is ever gonna bring me down!!



I hope you're happy



Look at her

She's wicked

Get her!!



Bring me down!



So we got to bring her-







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