Chapter 3

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This day was weird and hopefully Namjoon is here. I will talk to him about my problems again. We used to tell each other everything when we were kids. When my dad came home drunk I just escaped to his house because I was afraid of fight my parents had every day.

I heard a car..that was him.

I opened the door and Namjoon was standing outside. Shock!

Damn..that boy is so tall...Is that really Namjoon?? Woow....what should I do now? I don't know what to say. We didn't see each other a couple of years and now he is here..for me. I guess I am still like a sister to him because he is still like a brother to me..


He whispered while he was standing in front of my door and he hugged me then.

His hug was something that I've missed so much. Thinking about my life gives me a headache and Namjoon is here now and my memories get back.

"I can't believe I see you (y/n)!"

He was surely surprised. The same as me.

"Believe me..I am surprised too."

I put my hand on his shoulder and we walked to the my room.

As I sat on my bed he sat next to me. I just couldn't hold tears anymore. My cheeks were wet and eyes were full of tears again. Even tho I was sad and depressed because of situation at home I was also kinda happy..Namjoon brought me that little piece of happiness now. I hugged him again and he hugged me back.

"Its okay to cry. You can cry until you feel better. Believe will help. You are allowed to release your feelings."

We were just hugging and I couldn't move.

He still understands me. That's good.

"Look..I am so sorry for this. Its 3:30 am and you could stay at home."

I was a little bit embarrassed because we almost forget each other and now after one phone call he comes to my house in the middle of the night.

"Oh don't worry about that. I will sleep here and I will be your big brother now. After all,you need someone to take care of you here in South Korea."

"You will do that for me?? Thanks dude! I really missed you. "

"Thank me for what?? Just shut up and go to sleep! You are tired."

It seemed like he was worried.

"Okay okay..But what with my mum? What if she decided to call again?"

Even Namjoon was here with me I couldn't stop thinking about my mum.

"Hey I am here. I will pick up. You need to rest now! Go to bed!"

He really was like my brother. I appreciate that so much. Honestly, I think he saved me when he came because I could do something bad to myself.

We were talking for a little bit longer than I fall asleep.


Sun that was shining through the window woke me up. Trying to get up I took a look at my phone. It was already 2:00 pm....I was so worried about my mum. There were one message from her :

"Hey honey! I just wanted to let you know I am fine now and I am not at home anymore. Please don't worry and be happy. Love you!"

I exhaled in relief. The day started good.

I think I can relax now.

After I put my phone on the bed I heard some noises from the kitchen. A quick smile escaped from my mouth. Did Namjoon cooked something?? Oh nooo!

I hurried up to the kitchen.

"Tell me you are not cooking!!"

I hoped he didn't touch anything because he always breaks everything what he hold in his hands. He could set my kitchen on fire.

"Nope! I ordered something from McDonalds for you. I thought that would be better."

As I sat on the chair I laughed quietly.

"Haha good!"

He smiled too and we started to eat.
We were talking about his cooking and that stuff. I just remembered that everyone called him "the god of destruction" when we were kids...Ah memories.. He don't want to have that nickname but he said his friends always calls him like that.

"So do you have some job here in Korea?"

I was curious what is he doing here.

"Yes! I am actually a rapper in boy group..."

What? Woow that's impressive.

"Really? That's awesome!"

"Yes but we don't have fans outside the Korea yet."

"That doesn't matter! I am sure you are great and you will have more fans....Just be patient."

Interesting...I have a cousin who is rapper in the boy group..

"I know. We are trying so hard. Its not that easy."

"Of course is not. Nothing is easy....How many members are in that group?"

This talk was really cool and serious. I've never had a chance to talk to rapper( XD.)

"There are six guys and me in the group..."

A lot of people bruhh.

"You wanna meet them??"

I immediately stopped eating and I put my sandwich on the table. It was like he heard my thoughts..

Meet them?? Well..I would like to but he knows I am too shy.. I really don't want to be rude...

"Meet them??"

He was confused. He probably did not expect me to take so long to decide.

"Sure..why not!"

Okay...this could be fun. At least I will have more friends here.

Namjoon almost jumped from that chair. He hoped I would say yes...he is so predictable.

"Great! Want them to come over? I would like to stay here today."

They will come here? Well I think I am okay with that. If Namjoon said they are his group then they can come whenever they want.

"If they want they can...You will stay??"

"Yeah..are you okay with that?"

"Of course I am. You can stay as long as you want."

As soon as I said that, he immediately stood up and smiled to me.
Without thinking, he started cleaning the table.

"Thanks (y/n)! You are the best."

"Yeah right."

I smiled to him and I helped cleaning.

"I will call guys now."

"Okay. Call them."

I think I started sweating. Namjoon went to the adjoining room to call the boys and my palms were sweating like crazy.

Its okay (y/n)..They are probably kind like Namjoon. He is smart and his friends are too...This could be good..You don't have too many friends here .

Oh God I didn't meet that number of boys in my whole life and now I will meet six of them in the same time?
Okay..its time to be cool as fuck. No time to be shy.

"They will come for a couple of minutes."

As soon as he spoke, I stiffened(even tho I was talking with myself about that)..


*After 15 minutes*

The door bell rang.

Well shit...

Namjoon slowly started walking towards the door and I was sitting on the sofa.

What if...

Just when I started thinking I heard a noise from the hallway.

That's it. You need to get up and say hi..

Soon I saw Namjoon entered the living room and guys were following him. I stood up in the same moment. Probably to say hi or something...

The first one who entered the living room after Namjoon was one short boy who has chubby cheeks and blonde hair. He was short and he seemed pretty cute and kind.

Right after him the rest five boys came in.

I said :

And then they immediately turned towards me. Right then they realized I was standing three meters away from them.

All of them said : "Hello!" in the same time as they were staring at me like I was an alien...

I was staring too. I couldn't believe what I just saw.

Is that...that couldn't be true..Oh my God..

The bunny boy who almost died because of me and the alien boy were standing in front of me. I believe they were as shocked as I did.

Someone broke that silence between us....and of course that was Namjoon.

"So guys this is (y/n). My cousin."

He pointed towards me and I my cheeks turned red instantly. How embarrassing!! I wish I could control that stupid thing.

As I kept staring I looked at bunny boy for a couple of seconds and he made that smile again. That was the same smile that appeared in the corner of his lips.....anddd there you go..I started blushing even more. I felt like I would explode like a bomb (I am so sorry for this one 😂).

At least an alien boy saved me from exploding..I guess..

"Hey! You were performing in the center yesterday!"

First,everyone looked him and when I said : "Yes I did." everyone looked at me. Everyone except  bunny boy. He knew everything.

"You performed very well!!"

It seems someone is amazed with my awfully boring job. How interesting.


Unfortunately..I blushed again..

"You guys know each other??"

Namjoon and other guys were shocked...of course except bunny boy. He was in his own world...(How cute XD)

"Yes. She works like a street performer and I gave her money yesterday."

"Ohhh go ahead Taee.."

The short guy was laughing and teasing an alien boy and poked him in the back for a couple of times. ..He called him Tae..I think..

"Stop it Jimin!! Go away!"

"I am so sorry for these two kids. Nice to meet you (y/n)! I am Jin."

Tall black haired guy came closer and smiled to me.

"Oh hey Jin. Nice to meet you too."

Jin and I were talking for a couple of minutes and then Namjoon called him with him to the kitchen because he needed help with making coffee.

"It would be better for me to go with Namjoon. We don't want to risk our lifes."

"Yes,yes! Of course."

I laughed quietly because this was a living truth.

I guess I was there alone with the five of them. Jin seemed cool. Maybe they all are like that.

When I was thinking noise that were guys making broke my thoughts.

"I will introduce you to her..I am going first!!"

"No way! I am going first!"

"What?? I was first who entered the house!"

That was funny.(I heard Tae called him Jimin and Jimin called him Tae..well..idk eather..don't bother with this part 😂) . That short guy called an alien guy Tae and Tae called him I think their names are Tae and Jimin XD. They really were acting like kids.

While they were fighting other guy came to me. He was short too and he seemed somehow..older..than those guys over there..

"I am Yoongi.. You have a really nice house!"


"No you are Namjoon's cousin? He knows to talk about you sometimes. You are okay(okay like a person I mean)."

Namjoon remembered me before my mum called him? How cute. I thought he forgot me.

"Really? Well that is good to hear."

We talked a little bit more and than Yoongi left and sat on sofa. He said he is tired. I hoped that fight ended but they were still poking each other. I came closer to them and we started talking.

"Hey guys. Why are you fighting?"

I smiled softly and they cheeks turned red. Wow..I didn't know that I can make someone blush haha. Cute.

"Well we-"

"Its nothing!"

They cut off each other.

"I am Taehyung. Nice to meet you (y/n)! You performed really well."

"Nice to meet you to Taehyung. Thanks really but that is just a job."

"Never mind. You were great. I was wondering....could you teach me... some of those tricks..."

He is asking me to teach him something?? Holy mother of a God he is singer and dancer!! I should ask him to teach me something.

"Yup. No problem."

After this conversation the short cute guy started talking to me.

"Hey I am Jimin ."
"And I am J Hope. I am your hope!"

"He is not. He is Hoseok (y/n)!"
Jimin laughed so hard and they were so funny when they almost kicked each others ass in front of me.

"Nice to meet you two!"

Haha those guys were a wonderful company to me. So kind and cheerful boys I didn't met even when I was kid.

The conversation wasn't too long but it was funny. We laughed at almost every sentence that anyone said. It was cool.
Our conversation was interrupted by Namjoon and Jin. They brought coffee to the table in the living room.

When all of them sat I was wondering why that bunny boy didn't came to say hi even tho we know each other...well okay..we don't know our names yet but he could came to say hi.

For a while we drank our coffee and talked about his group. I found out they called they group Bts and their fandom is called Army. It sounds perfect. I am so proud of Namjoon...and of course I am proud of everyone.

After everyone drank their coffee I took the cups and brought it to the kitchen. Namjoon helped me.

"So what do you think about them?"

"They are amazing. All of them are so kind and such a friend material.(for now😂)".

"I am glad you like them. They surely like you too."

In the moment when he spoked bunny boy came to him and asked him for bathroom.

I easily heard what was happening because Namjoon said loudly:

"Ask (y/n)! She will show you the way to the bathroom. Right (y/n)?"

I stood there in front of him and I was frozen for a second...but I finally managed to say something.
"Yes..No problem. Come with me."

As I was walking to the bathroom he was following.

"Here it is."

I could hardly noticed but he was shy...I saw it in his eyes..

"Hey can I please know your name?"

It was a big step because I was shy too. I have his number. I need to know his name.

"Jungkook..That is my name.."

For the first time he smiled properly. It wasn't just a shy mystic little smile in the corner of his lips.

"Nice to meet you again, (y/n).."

And heyy again. This chapter is much longer than first two are and I am so sorry for wasting your time. Honestly..I don't like this chapter at all. It is too boring and I hate it. Sorry if its sucks (and it is),sorry for grammar mistakes also. Like I am always saying, I'll try to make another chapter much more better than this one. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it😊.
Have a nice day/night and see yaa in the next chapter😘

Love yaa❤😊

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