let me be your girl ღ

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Ah Nhie baby, Do you wanna be with me? Ah Nhie baby, I can't let you get down. I'm H.U.Y.Z can you see me babe? I wanna kiss your lip so sweet. Love you and trust you. I really believe in you. I guess we can spend together just tonight. I'm sure I can not let you get down, trust me Nhie baby. Just Tonight I hold you in my arms. Turn off the light let's show your skill. Nhie baby I got a suprise that when I know how you can shine...

Mirabel woke up because her alarm rang, she turns off her alarm and got up then go to bathroom. She took a quick shower, brushes her hair and then ran downstairs. She picked up her hangbag and headed to her brother store.

Fernando, the owner of Food Market, shook his head as she walked in. He knew what kind of hell Mirabel was going through. Mirabel finished her shopping and checked out.

"That’ll be $3.25."

"What?" Mirabel asked. "Umm… Fernando. That’s impossible. With all this stuff it should be around $15"

"I know Mirabel." Fernando gave her a sad smile. "The exact price is $14.32. Why don’t you keep the change for yourself?"

Mirabel opened her mouth in shock. "brother…I..I can’t do that," She said as she handed him $20.

He only took $5. "No. Keep it. I know before you decide to leave home, parent don’t give you the money anymore."

Mirabel looked up at Fernando with tears in her eyes. She said thanks and headed for home.

Mirabel decided to take a shortcut home but as she passed the alley, a hand pulled her in. She was knocked to the ground and a shadow hovered over her. She began to scream but the same hand covered her mouth.

"Shut up or else I'm gonna kiss you!"

Mirabel shut her mouth instantly. In the moon’s reflection she got a good look of her attacker. It was a boy who looked like same age as her. His face were extremely good-looking. But this was not a time to think about such things. He hug her from behind around the waist. She panicked but she knew what to do. She used the move she wanted to use every time she pinned her friend down and hit. She kicked him hard right into his family jewels. He gasped and fell to the floor. She picked up her groceries and ran but a few seconds later she turned back to the alley.

The boy was still lying on the floor. He was moaning softly.

Nhie lifted him up gently. "Are you okay?" she asked.

He shook his head

"I’m sorry," she said to him, she reached into her pocket and pulled the money "you should examined by a doctor" she placed the money in his hand and walked away.

He looked at her with this weird expression that she couldn’t read. Mirabel could tell the boy was watching her as she was walking away.

Mikey stared at the girl who had just walked away. ‘She must be the nicest or dumbest person in this world,’ he thought.

He began to stand up but had to use the wall for balance. That girl had kicked him a little too hard. Mikey had just run away from home again. He had ran away so many times that the alley was his second home. Mikey family were the richest people but they were also the most messed up family. His dad would betray a friend if it would bring him money. His mom, on the other hand, was an exact duplicate of his dad. She spend money like crazy.

When he ran away this time, he saw the young girl walking out of the store, she seemed to be the perfect target. But things didn’t turn out as planned. Mikey kept wondering why all the girls want him to be their boyfriend so they can live like a princess. Mikey knew he's doing it wrong because she was the first person in his messed up life that was nice to him because she wanted to be, not because she wanted something from him. He wanted to give the money back. When he gained some of his strength back, he began to chase her…

When Mirabel came home, suddenly she felt someone grab her from behind. Her attacker turned her around to face him. It was the same boy she met in the alley. She began to panic. "What more do you want from me?"

He raised a finger to her lips and tried to shush her.

Mirabel felt one of her attacks coming on. She started to hyperventilate and couldn’t breathe. She was beginning to black out. "Sorry about that. Well, what is it that you want from me?"

"Here." He handed her back the same money she had given him.

She looked up at him. "No, it’s okay. Keep it. I think you need it and you should examined by a doctor."

He shook his head. "No. I'm ok right now. I don’t take charity. Well, goodbye." Just as he walked away, She heard his stomach grumble. She bit her tongue so she wouldn’t laugh.

"Um, hey. I just made some food and I don’t know if it’s good or not. I need a guinea pig because I don’t want to serve it to my brother if it isn’t and besides, you did save my life."

Mikey looked at her. ‘Why is she being so nice to me?’ he thought. He knew she was just saying that because she heard him say he doesn’t want charity. Mikey's stomach was growling like crazy. He haven’t ate for 2 days already and the mention of food was killing him. "Uh, okay. I guess I’ll be your guinea pig since I have nothing to do." He studied her face as she smiled at him. ‘She’s pretty,’ he thought as he smiled back.

 Mikey looked at Mirabel who looked like she was going to die. "Oh my God! Are you okay?"

Mirabel shake her head no. Then she collapsed in his arms. Mikey didn’t know what to do but he had to save her life. He began to give her mouth to mouth. "Come on," he whispered to her. "Breathe. Don’t die on me." After a while she began coughing and opened her eyes.

Mirabel opened her eyes and saw a blurry object heading towards her. Then she felt something soft pressing against her lips andshe felt a gust of air. Then she realized Mikey was giving her air. She couldn’t believe what was happening. She blushed and gently pushed him away.

"Thank you for saving me. I’m okay now."

Mikey turned slightly red. "Uhh…you’re welcome. You kinda scared me there."

Mirabel let Mikey wait outside as she got some of the leftover mee-yuk-gook for him. He finished it in less than a minute. Then he leaned back and sighed. Out of nowhere, he let out a burp. she had to giggle. He looked at her and smiled.

"Sorry about that."

"It’s okay."

She hesitated before she asked him the next question. "Umm…so what’s your name?"

He glanced at her and then stared at the ground. She could tell he was debating to tell her his real name or not. She didn’t want him to feel obligated to telling her his name.

"It’s okay. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to."

Mikey looked at her surprised. "No! It isn’t that!" he yelled.

She stared back at him surprised too. Then he lowered his voice.

"I’m sorry. Please don’t misunderstand."

She nodded her head slowly and Mikey tell that she was confused. Mikey felt that he could trust her and he wanted her to be his friend.

"My name is Mikey and you are?"

"Mirabel, but you can call me Nhie. It’s easier to remember and I just want to call you Garebear" Then she gave him the sweetest smile.

Mikey felt his heart beat a little faster when she smiled at him. He blushed and looks away. "So uh, how old are you?"

"12" she replied. "And you Mikey?"

He smiled when she called him that. "I’m 12," he said turning back to look at her.

"12?" she asked in disbelief.

Mikey nodded.

 "Where are your parents Garebear? You’re too young to be living in the streets."

 He shrugged his shoulders. "I can take care of myself."

She gave him a doubting look because he was trying to pull that tough guy act on her.

"It’s okay though, I have a family. It’s just that things are bad at home so I’m just getting away from it for a while... So I ran away"

She could tell that Mikey was a good person. "Do you have a place to stay tonight?"

He shook his head.

 "How about staying in my room then," She offered.

 Mikey couldn’t believe his ears. He stared at Mirabel.

"Mikey?" Mirabel asked as she waved a hand in front of his face. "Are you okay?"

Mikey shook his head and snapped out of it. She placed her hand on his knee.

"Garebear, I asked if you want to stay in my room for tonight?"

Mikey was so touched that he felt his heartache. No one had ever cared about him so much but he didn’t want to feel as though he owed her. "No thanks."

Mirabel looked at him with her big sad eyes. "Please Garebear? I’m afraid of the dark."

Mikey smiled. He knew she was lying so he would say yes. For the first time in his life, Mikey felt warm inside because now he is wanted. He let out a sigh.

"Nhie Mirabel, okay. You talked me into it. But just for tonight though."

She giggled and nodded. "Okay."

Silently, Mirabel led Mikey into her room. She let him have the bed while she take the floor. ‘Damn,’ she thought. ‘Why does the floor have to be so cold and hard?’

Mikey stared down at Mirabel who was trying to sleep on the cold stone floor. He picked her up easily and lifted her onto the bed.

"Garebear? What are you doing?" She whispered as her eyes grew wide.

"Do you trust me?" he asked.

She nodded her head slowly.

"Good," he said. "This bed is small but it’ll fit both of us."

Her eyes grew wider at what Mikey had just said. But she had just told him that she trust him. She couldn’t take her words back so she had no choice but to sleep with him. They both got in her bed and slept side-by-side. She was so nervous, she couldn’t sleep. Mikey, on the other hand, had no problem. He fell asleep instantly. She turned her head over to look at him. His face was so innocent like an angel when he was sleeping. Who would have thought he was such a devil when he’s awake and moving? An hour had passed and it was 3 am in the morning. She still couldn’t sleep. Suddenly something weird happen. Mikey turned his entire body around and did a 360, kicking her.

"Ow!" She cried out but covered her mouth so her brother wouldn’t hear her. When he was done, he had this happy look on his face. At first she thought he was just playing with her but he really did do a 360 in his sleep. Suddenly he reached over and held her tight. Her entire body went tense and rigid. She could feel Mikey's light breathing on her neck. She don’t know why but now that Mikey was this close (practically laying on top of her) made her feel better. It’s probably cause she’ve never been this close to a person in a long time. Soon she began to fall asleep too…

Mikey opened his eyes and found himself laying partially on Mirabel’s body. He blushed and slowly moved away from her. Then he just laid near her watching her sleep.

After a few minutes, Mirabel began to stir. She rubbed her eyes and sat up.

"Hello Garebear"

"Good morning"

"Yay! morning sunshine "

"Go to my house with me."

"What?" She asked confused.

"Come on, let’s go."

Mikey holding Mirabel hand and never once did he let it go. The walk to his house took only 25 minutes and she was enjoying every minute of it. When they reached his house, Mikey let out a sigh.

"Mirabel," he said softly. "Just stay quiet and let me do the talking okay?"

She nodded her head and they entered his house. His house was huge! She felt as though her a peasant walking through a castle. He even had a few maids and butlers who attended them. Mikey led her to his room. It was nice and clean. She sat down on his bed as he went into the bathroom to take a quick shower. When he was done, he came out and sat next to her, holding her hand.

"Come on," he said. He lifted her up on his back and gave her a piggyback ride downstairs. He smelled so good now that he’s clean and fresh.

His dad was waiting for him in the den. She waited outside while Mikey came into face his dad. He came in uninterested in what his dad had to say. "What is it dad?"

"Mikey, son…this is getting to be very tiring. Every few weeks you would run away, leaving me and your mother worrying about you."

Mikey smirked. "Sure you’re worried. That’s why you’re out with those hoes and mom’s out with those morons. It’s because I’m your only son. You’re just scared that when grandpa passes away he won’t put our family on the will."

His father got angry. "Well do you want it to end up on your uncle’s side?"

Mikey gave his dad a look that showed he didn’t care.

His dad continued talking. "Since I managed to have a son and my brother have no kids, I have the advantage. Son, listen to me. You know you’re my heir. All my wealth will be pass down to you."

Mikey looked at his dad disgusted. "All you care about is money! You don’t care about me!" he yelled as he stormed out of the den.

Mikey slammed the door open and grabbed Mirabel hand. "Come on, let’s go."

Mirabel was confused and didn’t know what had happened. Mikey held her hand and took her to the beach near his house. On the sand there were these 2 huge rocks. Mikey led her over there. He lifted her up and they sat side by side. They remained silent until Mikey took a deep breath of the ocean air.

"I love this place, don’t you?" he said to her smiling.

She returned his smile and held onto his hand tighter. "Mikey, what’s wrong?"

 Mikey avoided her eyes. "Nothing."

 She turned his chin to face her. "Come on, you know you can tell me."

 He nodded. "It’s my dad and this stupid feud he has with my uncle. They’re fighting over who will get the larger part in my grandpa’s will."

 "Oh…" She said softly.

 "Isn’t it stupid?" he asked laughing. "My grandpa’s not even dead yet!"

 She understood what was bothering him. So she didn’t say anything because she know he doesn’t want her to worry about it. He threw a rock into the ocean and it skipped three times. "Perfect" he said.

 "Why is it perfect?" She asked.

 "Age ain’t nothing but a number right?" he asked her, changing the subject.

 She thought about it for a while and nodded.

 "Since I’m born first, that makes me your oppa," Mikey said to her.

 "Yup," She answered, smiling.

 Mikey smiled back. "I love you…."

 Mirabel felt her heart filled with a bubble of love. She stared at Mikey with wide eyes.

Mikey looked back at her with his puppyish eyes and smiled. He nodded his head gently. He held onto Mirabel tightly as if she was going to leave him.

She know he only thinks of her as his friend but it feels nice holding him like this.

As Mikey held onto Mirabel, his smiling face instantly turned sad. He wanted to say ‘Nhie Mirabel, I love you as a girlfriend’ so she would be his forever but he couldn’t. He wasn’t the type to admit his feelings. So he figured the scarring was not an engravement of his brotherly love to Mirabel, but his promised symbol as a soulmate to her forever…

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