When we first met

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(solvents pov)
I was flying above the forest feeling free for once in my life my father always found a way to lock me up in the house before I got my wings now he cant get to me. I flew a bit lower to the ground to only here some sobs. I was concerned and followed the noise to a clif at the edge of the forest showing the lovely veiw of the citys horizon "hello?.." I Said softly as I landed. the smaller person froze and looked up at me with their emerald green eyes I sat down in front of them admiring their flag "are you alright?" I asked the boy. He shook his head no witch made me worry a bit. I went to sit closer and put a hand on his "whats wrong?" the boy looked at me puffy eyed and red before speaking softly "m-my parents...t-they are putting me up for a-adoption..." this caught me off guard and from reflecses I hugged the boy tightly like I was about to loose someone I loved. the boy hugged back witch didnt bother me at all "im so sorry" I whispered "Its ok" the boy let go and so did I. not going to lie I kinda missed hugging him "im solvent union" I said rubbing the back of my neck "United kingdom or Britian" he spoke softly I smiled a warm feeling filled my body as me and Britain talked about our lives and how different we are but also how much we have in common. "hey can I ask you something a bit weird?" Britain looked down "Sure go ahead" My wings fluttered slightly "c-can I touch your wings?" I was confused but soon realized that Britain didn't have wings himself I chuckled and nodded in Aprovement. Britain's eyes sparkled with joy as he sat in front of my wings petting them softly "so fluffy" he mumbled. After what seemed like forever of talking and fooling around the sun started to set and we both sighed "guess I should head back you should to" I looked at Britain sympatheticly "uhhh heh a-about that umm... im kinda lost..." he looked down embarrassed. I rolled my eyes and smiled while walking over to him. I grabbed his hand and pulled him close a light shade of pink dusting both of our faces "ill take you home" i said flying up into the sky making sure to have a tight grip on Britain. UK clung onto me for dear life witch I thought was cute. He told me where to go and I listened. once we where at his house and went in through his bedroom windows witch Was on the second story. I looked down to see that the small boy fell asleep so I placed him on his bed and left a note before leaving to go back 'home' as some people call it.

Eeeeeeee first chapter done let me know what you think of it in the comments ^^

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