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"Trouble in the Underworld?"

Callum cursed under his breath, "We knew something like this was going to happen. But we never knew it was at this scale."

Mallory didn't understand what was going on. The 'Underworld' was a term used by Stigma users for their concealed society. It's made up of families, with all kinds of Stigmas. Some families have ties and connections with one another and some, just hate one another.

Her idea of 'trouble' for Underworld standards, might be a spat between families over some bloody business or territories. For those kinds of problems, they either go to Mediators or settle things themselves through a 'blood feud'. It can be messy, but it's a good business opportunity.

"We've received reports about the Mediator families being attacked. Some were killed." Their grandfather laid it out on the open, something that Mallory didn't expect that he'd do with just anyone.

"We thought that it might just be 'blood feuds' gone too far and so we kept distant from them." Malcolm added, "But apparently, it might be way more than that."

Vanessa nodded, "My father's family is one of the Mediators. I was given information that someone outside the Underworld were causing these. They want to eradicate the Stigma lines."

"And they plan to do it starting from the bottom going up." Callum finished as he started getting the gist of things.

Things were a bit clearer to Mallory now, but she couldn't feel any sense of urgency nor danger from these threats. "I'm sorry, if this seems ignorant of me, but why can't we just fight back? We're obviously more powerful than some humans."

Vanessa looked at her with sadness in her eyes, "No matter how great the power difference is, we cannot allow ourselves to become slaves to our Stigmas. That's what the Seven Deadly Sins have decided ages ago when they signed the peace treaty to stop the purges."

"The Underworld is a society that lives off the normal society it stands on. Sure, we may have more power and wealth than they do considering the large cases of poverty from all corners of the world, but they are our foundation. If we take away the foundation we stand upon, even the Underworld will fall."

Mallory never thought of it that way. "I'm sorry, I guess I was being too ignorant. It won't happen again."

Vanessa smiled, "It's alright my dear. It doesn't change my view of you in the very least. I still think you'll make an excellent Regalia for my brother."

All eyes were on Mallory. Somehow, it was already decided that she'd take the position as the new Regalia. Vanessa must've seen her future, so there was no doubt about it now.

"Yes...Yes Milady. I'll do my very best."

"It's settled then!" Vanessa remarked happily, "I feel safer for my brother with you around. Of course we'll have to talk about the terms and how-"

"I am so sorry for interrupting," Malcolm suddenly piped up. "But how do you intend for us to do the 'binding' if your brother doesn't even know what it's for?"

Malcolm looked like he was unsure about the decision. It would make sense in a way; he is her mentor after all. He'd want to make sure that she would be handled accordingly.

"I am aware that for the binding to work, the owner must 'receive and accept' the regalia in a ceremony. But because of my brother's current situation, there might be a problem." Vanessa paused, "And so, I would like to suggest that the Regalia may somehow look after him covertly."

"In other words, you'd like Mallory here to babysit your brother without making it known, is that it?" Malcolm's words stung a bit, Mallory was sure of that. "I'm so sorry, but I think you're underestimating what it means to become a Regalia."

Vanessa didn't flinch.

"The Regalia are put through the fire affliction, pounded and sculpted to become the very best they can be. They will not accept anything less than perfection. And they do this just so they can fulfil their duty, and that is to become a symbol of power and authority for their owner to have. I have prepared Mallory all my life, so she can become the Regalia she is now. She, like all others whom we've trained, are gems that need to be handled correctly. They are genuine. They are meant to serve their purpose."

Malcolm's little speech pierced through Mallory's heart. She never knew that that he thought that way about her and the others. Even Callum and their grandfather said and did nothing to stop him from speaking his mind. But do that in front of a client...and CLIENT Zero to top it off. How will things turn out, she wondered.

"I greatly apologize." She said unexpectedly. "I understand where you are coming from. There is pride in being called a Regalia. You have been through much to prepare yourself for such title. Please, I never meant to demean Mallory's worth as a Regalia herself, but with how things are now, I as a sister, am getting desperate."

She then kneeled and started to cry, "I just want him to be safe."

None of the men said a word.

Mallory stepped in and held Vanessa's shoulder lightly as an effort to get her to stop crying, "I'll do as you wish Milady."

Malcolm still looked pissed but sighed, "If that's what you want."

After getting Vanessa settled, they took a while to talk things out. They had some tea that Lilian prepared and then continued to plan for what's ahead. Once the plan was drafted, the four went back to their base to arrange all that would be needed.

The plan was simple. Mallory will go undercover and get as close as possible to Vanessa's brother. Get him to trust her enough to prepare him for the 'binding' ceremony. Mallory cannot disclose any information that involves their situation unless it is absolutely necessary. And make sure to protect him from anything. Even if the threat may seem small.

The plan was so stupidly simple that she thinks that this may as well be the easiest job she's every taken. Of course this is just a mere 'job' since she's not the official Regalia for Vanessa's brother.

Man, she sounds like some kid that was bitter for not winning something. She should still take this seriously, especially after what Vanessa said.

"As you may know, the Ulysses family is one of the families that forms the 'Seven Deadly Sins'. We're all aware how these families affect the Underworld as they are considered the very pinnacle of the hierarchy." She said during their planning session, "The Ulysses family holds the Stigma for Wrath and thus, can be very powerful. And so, I urge you to be careful around my brother Mallory. Despite his ignorant state, his Stigma is still part of him. And whether or not he is aware of it, he is dangerous."

"So, about the boy." Malcolm walked in her office with a folder in hand, "We've got the data for him. Man, just reading this makes me somewhat sorry for you. No offense."

"None taken. Let me hear it."

"Damian Andreas Ulysses." He then hands her a copy of the paper he was reading, "Usually goes by the name Damian to the few people he talks to. Twenty-one years old, born on the 20th of April. Studying Psychology at St. Barbara's University in a town called Ashview. Straight A student, doesn't interact with much people but is apparently popular with the ladies. And blah, blah, blah."

"Stop that." She chided him, "There is no need to act that way Malcolm."

It was pretty easy to tell that he was still a bit pissed at this whole thing going on. Mallory tries to ignore him by turning her back to him and trying to study and memorize the data for her new charge. Suddenly, she felt her body move on her own. She suddenly stood up and walked straight to Malcolm.

She sighed. She sometimes hates his Stigma.

"Stop doing your 'voodoo' thing on me Malcolm." She said, "It gets annoying."

"Well maybe I didn't have to use it if you just hear me out."

Mallory sighed, "I know how you feel, but there's nothing we can change about any of this."

"If they needed an elite for the brat, then I could easily do it. I'll teach that ignorant kid a lesson."

No red lines. That means he's serious.

"Calm down Malcolm."

"I am calm!"

The words appeared as callous as a 3-year-old's writing.

"No you're not. You're frustrated." She answered him calmly, "Now get me out of your grasps, I can't breathe."

"Crap, sorry." Malcolm then released his Stigma, 'Voodoo', on her. "Hope I didn't injure you too much."

"I've got nastier scars on my body. Being squished by your Stigma is nothing compared to those." She said reassuringly, "But I seriously think you should call your Stigma 'Possession' instead. That shit's scary."

"Controlling it is scarier, trust me."

Mallory smiled. It looked like he was lightening up a bit. "Hey, things will be alright. I'm pissed too you know, but the job comes before anything else. Who knows? The guy might get attacked and I'll be forced to tell him everything."

He smirked, "Then you can become his official Regalia. Want me to attack him for you? I won't hurt him. Just gonna scare the shit outta him."

Both of them laughed.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything like that." Malcolm said.

Mallory saw a feint red line above his head, "Really?"

"Okay, I'll try not to do anything like that. Try. Happy now?"


"Good." Mallory then felt herself being affected by his Stigma once again, "Now let's go get something to eat. It's your last day here, so it's my treat."

She wanted to say no. She knew she should go back to studying Damian, but part of her wanted to slack off. Just this once won't hurt, right? She feels like she deserves this. Besides, tomorrow will be the day she starts to devote herself to her job.

So what's the harm in enjoying tonight?

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