Chapter- 9. His care!

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Author POV:

'I trust you' these three words were very offhand words for Adita as she said this just to make Kaushal understand that he didn't need to explain stuff but she didn't expect this words to revamp Kaushal.

It has been seven days since that farce and since then Kaushal has been more cooperative and conducive towards her. Earlier she thought he was in guilt or might be afraid if she trusted him or not but his eyes didn't reflect any of these. His eyes held some comfort and affable emotions now. They had made peace between them long ago. No doubt they have been friends since the day he cooked food for her but both of them were aware that it was just for name sake. They lived like acquaintance  but after 'I trust you' episode they became friends in real terms or that what she thought. Now he initiate conversation more often with her; while playing with Priyam he include her too instead of playing alone with their son.

She took down the hot pan out of stove and put copper bottom stainless steel vessel to warm the milk when she heard the faint 'click' sound. Knowing it was her husband as only he has access to open the locked door she took out coffee beans out of cabinet of make coffee simultaneously. 

"Hey!" She greeted him from the kitchen to let him know they were in kitchen.  

"Hi." Hearing his cheerful voice behind her she turned to find him near Priyam with extended arms to grab him. 

"Kaushal, first go and freshen up. At least wash hands before you touch him." She said sternly. 

'Always bossing around.' His inner mind rolled eyes.

He made faces but nonetheless did as instructed. Soon he came back and started playing with laying Priyam on the mat. 

"You seem in good mood today?" Adita cannot stop herself from asking seeing him in jovial  mood. 

"I'm always in good mood." He said cheekily.

"Ahan! Everyday you come home looking like Thanos . She said hiding her smile on his jaw dropped face.

"You mean I'm Thanos?" He asked frowning.

"Nah, who said you are Thanos? You just look like him." She turned not to miss his facial expression.

"Ha ha ha, so funny I just forgot to laugh." He rolled his eyes. "I'm always cheery." He said on which she laughed out.

"Okay if you say so but then why extra cheery today?" She inquired with curiosity.

"Didn't had much in hospital. Just one surgery but that was very complicated." He took some cookies out of jar and continued with stuffed mouth, "Nobody believed we can save that man, but finally we did it. You know, their family literally touched my feet. Their blessing and all, you can't just imagined." He said reliving those moments, "These are such moments I'm so proud to choose this profession." He smiled.

"Okay, okay Mr. Angel. You make everyone happy so do me a favor too. Take this and deliver this in our neighborhood." She said handing him a plate and bowl covered with another plate.
Kaushal uncovered it and examined all dish saying,"Why, aren't they going to make dinner?"

"They will. I just made something new so sharing with Anni. This plate belongs to them only. She had send dosa yesterday in this
You forgot yesterday you were praising that dosa?" She remarked.

'Women and their plate exchanging obsession.' He thought.

"It's late. They must have had their supper." He whined hoping she will show some mercy on his fagged body.

"Late? Its only 8:30. You don't want to go then say it. Do one thing, I'm going to give them this till then you make Priyam eat his food. I'll be back in five minutes." She tried to take back the plate out of his hands.

'Five? That means fifty. Once she step foot in that house Anni will never let her come within five minutes and I'll die out of hunger in just ten minutes.' He thought not leaving plates out of his hands.

"No, no! Wait. You make him eat. I'll deliver this." He replied.

"Okay. Come soon. Dinner is ready." She sang now making herself busy in other chores.

Kaushal weltered and was just a step away from door when Adita called him from behind.
"Only plate is their so while coming ask her to give bowl back. That bowl is our." He nodded like a child and went ahead.

After a knock, Vrushali opened the door and seeing him on the door opened door little more to welcome him.

"Anni, Adita has sent this for you." He hand overed the things he had.

"Oh, this girl! Why so much formalities? She could have returned just plate." Saying she took plate from him and while going inside said "Smell nice. Why are you standing? Sit. I'll be back in seconds." Saying she as about to go but Kaushal stopped her in middle.

"Next time Anni, Adita is waiting for me to have supper. Just give this bowl back." He said impatiently.

"You go then I'll send this later." She smiled.

He just smiled back and wishing night he left from there.

'Bowl will send later means that will contain other dish and to return Adita will send another dish with another utensil and this cycle will go on and on.' Mumbling to himself he reached his apartment where Adita were all ready with arranged dinner on the table. 

Morning was not different for them. As usual Kaushal was making coffee while Adita was collecting things required for Priyam's body massage. She sat with Priyam and was peeling his clothes off but Priyam was not ready to leave his toy yet.

In the kitchen Kaushal was done with coffee and was pouring in the mug when he heard a loud shrill from Adita calling him. He ran towards them wondering what happened suddenly.

"Look after him" pointing towards Priyam she ran to bedroom leaving him clueless there. He picked his son up much to his reluctance to leave toy and dashed towards bedroom. True to his expectations Adita was not in the room confirming she must be in washroom. He sat there for few minutes but when he didn't get any response for a while he dropped Priyam on the baby cot and knocked on the washroom door to ask her. Much to his astonishment door opened on its own on just a knock and he peeped in to find her sitting in a corner holding her head.

"Adita, are you okay? What happened?" Saying he rushed towards her, "Shall I bring water? Adita? Adita?" He stopped when she signaled him to bring water.

After drinking water she tried to get up. He helper her in standing on her feet by holding her arms when he sensed her body temperature unusual high. 

"Your skin is burning. Why didn't you tell me you have fever and on top of that you were planning to do chores without telling anyone." He scolded her making her sit on the bed and sat himself too on the edge of the bed.

"Its just mild fever I'm having since yesterday and just now this vomiting. Nothing to worr-"

"Mild? Do you know what mild means? Your skin is literally burning here and you are saying it's mild?" He huffed getting up from from her side and went to grab medicine box from the cupboard. 

"Here. Have this and take rest. You will be fine by tomorrow." He gave in her palm and arched his body to grab glass kept on side table. Once he was sure she had her medicine, he took phone from the nightstand and called hospital to inform about his leave.

"Hello, yeah Nisha. Dr. Kaushal here. I'm not coming today. Some personal issue, so can you please handle the appointments? ..... Yeah... I'll inform him too.... Yeah sure, sure... Yeah I understand.... No problem, call me if there is any emergency.... Thanks, bye." He hunger up the call.

"You don't have to take leave. You go, I'm fine." She mumbled.

"Nah, I'm fine. You stay in bed." He ordered her in no nonsense tone.

"I'm fine doc and its good to fall sick sometimes otherwise how you people will survive." She giggled on her own joke while he just narrowed his eyes on her.

"We doctors doesn't want people to get ill. Yeah its source of our income but that doesn't mean we are cruel to think like that. You saying like you gonna pay me?" He smirked at her saying that last line.

She laughed on her success to annoy him,"I was just kidding. But seriously I'm fine and I even had medicine so you go." She said.

"That's what I'm saying too. You had medicine and now you need rest and sleep. You will not cross this boundary of bed. I'll cook something for breakfast and lunch." He commanded again.

"Alright, alright. I got it but I'll just give quick massage to him and them I'll never get down from the bed for today. Fine?" She said putting the condition on he give up.

"Why don't you leave that for today?" 

"His body will pain and then he will be cranky entire day. It will take just two minutes." She answered.

"Then I will do that for today." He began but seeing her raised brows he added, "Alright! You just give me direction how to massage baby and I'll do the rest of part." Saying he went to collect all the things required for massage from where Adita left those meanwhile she took of Priyam's remaining clothes on his body.

"I got all these. Give him to me." He had him in his arms and laid him down on his stretched legs.

"Put a towel first, your clothes will get spoiled." She spoke.

He nodded and making Priyam stable with one arm on his shoulder he scattered a cotton towel on his legs.

"Now pour little oil on your palm and rub it with other and then move your hands on him from chest to tummy. Don't put much pressure, he is fragile." She started directing him.

He did as told, with being extra obedient on the last part she told. Adita watched him for sometime without blinking with her jaw dropped but when he continued his way of massage she couldn't hold herself back to ask.

"Why are you caressing his tummy with your fingertips? He is ticklish then don't complaint when he will move frantically."

"I'm not tickling. You only said not to put pressure and now saying this." He justified himself like student.

"I said not to press with hard hand and here you are barely touching him. Give him I'll show you." She insisted.

"No, no you just see I'm pressing now little hard." He showed her now putting some extra pressure on his tummy and her eyes bulged out seeing that.

"Not like that. His intestine will come out. What are you doin-"

"Alright, alright. Like this? Okay now?" He said cutting her of to show his improvement.

"Hmm, better." With her approval he continued following her further commands.

"Now throw him in the air and catch him. If you don't know how to do then leave that." She said moving her hands in the air to show him how to do.

"I know okay but he will get scared then you will say I made your son cry." He quaked.

"He just wait for that part daily. He loves to fly. Anyway I'll do that tomorrow you just give him bath now." She said and Kaushal went to do as he was told.

Adita took out Priyam's cloth and some baby products in the mean time which Priyam needs after bath. After half an hour, Kaushal came out water dripping from his cloth with Priyam wrapped in towel.

"Don't wet tiles because you will only fall as you are walking here and there. Go change. I'll dress him up." She giggled and he exhaled in relief and muttering a thanks grabbed a pair of T-shirt, went back from where he came.

Adita trudged to living room with Priyam. Settling on the sofa, she patted some baby powder on him and dressed him up. Kaushal was standing there after coming out of room and was watching them in adoration wondering how easily Adita does all Priyam's work when he was already drained doing nothing yet except giving him massage and bath. He picked up empty milk bottle he found on the teapoy and went to kitchen to fill it. Priyam soon slept after drinking milk making him relived and he left him with Adita and marched to kitchen again to make breakfast. 

In the evening, Adita was feeling better after a long nap but still was warned not to leave bed due to high temperature she had. On her constant insist Kaushal let her sit in the balcony.  

"Hm..yeah...yeah...hmm...send that report... I'll see that...keep him under observation of Dr. Chirag, I'm on the way." She turned her head hearing Kaushal's voice.

"I have to go. There is an emergency. You'll be okay?" He asked her after ending the call.

"I'm fine. You go."

"I'm sorr-" He apologized but Adita cut him off in between.

"There is nothing to apologize. I'm fine." He nodded and went to get ready to go. Within five minutes he came out and grabbed his car keys.

"I'll back soon." saying he shut the door hearing a faint 'bye'.

While waiting for elevator he heard some television voice coming out of his neighbor's, Vrushali's home and a idea struck on his mind immediately. He knocked on the door and a moment later Vrushali appeared on the door opening it wide. 

"Kaushal? Come inside. Come." She said and turned her face back yelling 'slow down the volume of TV.'

"Actually Anni, Adita is not feeling good and I have to go to hospital. Will you look after her for a while? I'll be back soon." He spoke in hurry.

"Is that even matter to ask? Of course I will. What happened to her? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Came her concerned reply.

"She is having fever and vomiting since morning. I'll explain later when I'll be back. Getting late, sorry." Saying he got into elevator.

Adita came into the drawing room with Priyam and switched television on to pass little time when the doorbell rang. She opened to find Vrushali standing there with a covered bowl in her hand.

"How are you feeling now? Kaushal told me you are not feeling good. Still having temperature?" She asked touching her forehead and cheeks with the back of her palm.

"I'm fine Anni. He is just being paranoid." She got that Kaushal has informed her before his departure.

"He cares for you." she smiled and extended the bowl towards her saying, "Have this Daliya. I made specially for you." She took it and like this they had their chit chat for few hours until door bell went off again. Adita opened the door and let Kaushal come inside with a big package in his hand. Greeting his neighbor, he directly went to kitchen. Vrushali offered them to help in making dinner but Kaushal denied reasoning he already bought dinner for them from outside.

"Did you really passed Medical exams or you have some fake certificates?" Vrushali asked  narrowing her eyes on him. Kaushal frowned at the two ladies when he heard some mumbling 'I have the same doubt' in Adita's voice.

"Here you claim your wife is sick and there you got outside food for her." Vrushali said chuckling.

"I got healthy food Anni. Don't worry and yeah I passed my medical exams very honestly with my efforts." he said glaring at Adita on the last part.

After few minutes, Vrushali left from there saying to call her if there is any problem. 

Next morning as predicted by Kaushal, Adita was completely fine and was feeling much better than she expected. She resumed her duty to massage her boy and Kaushal was in the kitchen making coffee like every morning. 

"Kaushal, Kaushal! come here Kaushal." Kaushal came running afraid of yesterday repetition but when he reached to his family he stood there wide eyed for seconds seeing Adita jumping here and there and Priyam rolled on  his front from back. Once Adita realized Kaushal has reached them she dragged him to Priyam pulling him by his wrist.

"Did you see he just rolled on his front time for the first time?" she was still jumping but now on the one place only. When she didn't get any response she turned to him and saw him still in the same position and continued, "Oh my Gosh! I can't believe our son has taken first step towards the progress. Soon he will  crawl then he will walk and you kno-"

"Hold your horses Adita. He has just rolled on from back to front and you are imagining with the speed which I guess will stop on his marriage." He said laughing out

"Whatever, you just look after him. I'll get camera from the cupboard.  Don't let him turn back until I capture this memorable moment." saying she ran towards their room ignoring Kaushal's calls behind. When she came back she saw Kaushal keeping his left hand on Priyam's back to prevent him to roll back on his back. 

"What are you doing? He is soon going to cry if I don't let him move for few more seconds." Kaushal complained 

"He is going to cry because you are letting him. Swing some toys in front of his eyes to distract him for few minutes. I'll be done with the pictures within a minute." She ignored his glaring in her excitement. They clicked few pictures of Priyam until the baby got irritated.

Adita ordered  Kaushal to feed milk to Priyam while she got busy in calling her Mother-in-law. Kaushal could just glare and huff only in the background on her excitement and her ignorance towards them.

"Hello mom, can you guess what happened just now?" She yelled in elation the moment Subodhini said 'hello' from the other side.

"How can I guess until and unless either you give me clues or just tell by yourself." her mother-in-law chuckled on her joy which she sensed with her tone. "Where is Kaushal? Put phone on the speaker."

"You are no fun mom." she huffed but the happiness didn't let her remain scoffed more than a second so she continued nonetheless with a tap on the speaker button, "Priyam rolled on his front from the back for the first time. I'll send you his pics soon. I captured all moments in the camera."

Subodhini  just laughed on her daughter-in -law's over excitement. "All babies goes with this process from helpless newborn to active toddler. You are seeing this incredible transformations for the first time that's why you are not able to control your excitement." She said amusingly.

"You can't even imagine mom what she is doing here. I'm the one here bearing the side effect of her over excitement." Kaushal yelled from behind on which Subodhini  laughed some more on which Adita just rolled her eyes.

"You have seen your three child to bring these new and exciting developments so it's nothing new for you mom but he is my first baby. You can't imagine my concern when he didn't even show any movement to roll even after completing his five months." Adita voiced out her concern.

"It's nothing to worry about Beta. If a baby reaches one milestone sooner then he or she may reach another one later. Sometimes baby take little longer time in perfecting there one skill or making there bones strong enough to face development." Subodhini advised her like a mom and continued "Instead of focusing to much on development milestone, however, it's important to remember that babies all develop at there own pace. All babies are different and every grows at his own pace. There is no precise time that most of these skills first appear."

"Guess I should have my worry with you earlier than bottling up this all in my mind. Thanks mom, I'll keep your words in mind." Adita nodded her head even if Subodhini can't see her.

"Exactly, watch for progress not deadlines." Subodhini said.

"I'm getting late Adita" Whinned  Kaushal from behind.  

"Ok mom, Bye. I'll call later. Take care."

Keeping the phone aside on the coffee table Adita turned to find Kaushal already to go to his work. "you are already ready?" asked Adita.

"Of course I am, you are too busy with mom to notice us father son." He chortled looking at her surprised face.

"Sorry, give me a second I'll serve your breakfast and pack yo-" Her rant was cut off by Kaushal.

" I had my breakfast when you were on phone and packed my lunch too which you have made." saying he grabbed his wallet and keys and marched towards the exit door. Adita trailed behind him with Priyam in her arms to bid him bye. Kaushal turned back on the gate and placing a kiss on Priyam's forehead went away not before saying," I'll see you in eve. Call me if you want me to buy something on the way." It has became their routine since last few days that Adita bid him on the door and Kaushal goes with pecking Priyam's head saying bye to duo.

There life was going as usual on its own pace when a fine morning  Kaushal was dropping the plate in the sink after breakfast and the door bell rang. 

" I'll get that." Adita said.

She opened the door and there stood the person whom she feared to face. His wide smirk proved that she was in the trouble now.


Hello again! 

Here goes the next chapter. I know delayed again but Thanks to lavidaeschula27 I got over this writer's block and came up with this chapter. Thanks a ton Dear for your suggestions.

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See yaa in the next update!!

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