Chapter 9

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20 minutes later...

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" The sound of laughter was ringing in Ash's ears. Trip was shaking him by his ankles whilst everyone in the square had gathered round to have a good laugh. The gang had forced Ash to put on girls knickers and a dress; which was now hanging in Ash's face due to the fact that Trip was holding him upside-down so everyone could see the underwear they had made him wear.

"Had enough yet? Ashley." Trip sneered as he said that last part. The crowd laughed even harder and began taunting Ash with the name. He was completely and utterly humiliated. He was bright red with embarrassment and looked like he might cry.

"Ow!" He cried as Trip suddenly dropped him. Damien then grabbed the dress he was wearing and tore it off so he was just wearing the knickers. He tried to run but Paul tripped him. He then grabbed the back of the knickers and pulled. Ash was lifted right off the ground and into a really intense wedgie, most of the people had tears in their eyes they were laughing so hard now. Paul then attached the top of the underwear to the bra they'd forced Ash to wear and threw him into the fountain. Ash sat up now completely drenched, he tried to move but it made the wedgie Paul had fixed him in more painful. So he was forced to sit there while he was mocked and laughed at for the next 20 minutes. It was torture.

Ash was considering making a run for it, regardless of the pain when a huge explosion went off just south of the square. Everyone who had been laughing stopped to stare in shock. Even Ash was frozen to the spot in awe. The crowd wasted no time in running over to see what was happening, within minutes the square was clear.

Ash was finally alone. He reached behind himself and unhooked the pants from the back of the bra. He felt a great surge of relief course through him as the pain subsided.

"Thank god for that explosion." Ash said aloud.

"Yeah I thought it might help." A voice beside him said. Ash whipped round quick to see who it was. He was very relived it was only his good friend Clemont. He was leaning on the edge of the fountain smiling at Ash with a hint of evilness visible in his eyes peering out behind his glasses. It took Ash a moment to comprehend what Clemont had said. His eyes grew wider as he finally caught on.

"You mean you had something to do with that." Ash exclaimed, referring to the explosion. Clemont's expression suddenly change to one of amuse and embarrassment. He put his hand behind his head and laughed nervously.

"Well, I was just taking a walk when I noticed your... uh... predicament." He said, Ash lowered his head in shame. "Anyway..." Clemont continued. "I decided to build a machine to help you but it went crazy and eventually blew up." He finished looking rather foolish. Ash laughed gratefully and Clemont helped him out of the fountain.

"I can't go home like this though." Ash said looking down at himself, he was sopping wet and wearing nothing but girls underwear.

"I have some spare overalls in my hut if you like." Clemont offered.

"Oh, thanks so much Clemont!" Ash said a huge grin growing on his face. It broadened even more when he noticed Pikachu running towards him with the groceries. Ash took the basket from him and he jumped onto Ash's shoulder nuzzling his face slightly. Ash laughed and stroked his partner whilst following Clemont to his hut. Once there Clemont grabbed some of the brown overalls he always wore and handed them to Ash.

"Thanks man, I owe you big time." Ash said.

"Don't mention it." Clemont laughed.

"Well I should probably get home before I'm late but thanks for everything Clemont. I promise I'll get your clothes back as soon as I can." Ash said. He held out is arm to allow pikachu to hop up on his shoulder. Clemont nodded to his friend then began fiddling with all the junk he had lying around his hut. Ash and pikachu headed home to the farm. It was just outside of town and right on the edge of the forest. Ash always had a good view of both from the windows in the barn. He closed in on the main gate noticing a figure silhouetted against the iron railings. At first he panicked slightly, worried it was his uncle waiting to punish him for being late. But as he got closer he realised it could not be him, the figure was not as large as he was. As he neared came within a few feet of the entrance the light from the moon suddenly illuminated the person. Ash was very pleased to find it was Drew waiting for him.

"Hey," He waved leaning off the wall and waving to Ash. Ash waved back and ran up to him being careful not to drop the basket with his supplies. He did however jostle Pikachu around a bit and received a nasty shock from him when he stopped.

"Sorry pal," Ash laughed as he recovered from the electrocution. He was use to his partners shocks by now and knew that Pikachu would never severely hurt him. Drew took the basket from him while he reached up and stroked Pikachu.

"So I can guess you had a bad experience today huh." Drew said in a knowing way. Ash was visibly surprised at Drew's accurate guess and asked him how he knew.

"Your clothes." Drew said, pointing to Clemont's overalls. "Those are Clemont's and I know they're not the ones you had on this morning so I can only conclude something awful had happened to force you to change." Drew said. Ash sighed and told him about the incident with Trip and his friends today and how Clemont had helped him out. Drew smiled, he was glad Ash had a friend to help him today. With a life like his he would need all the friends he could get just to get through it.

"So what was it you wanted." Ash asked.

"Huh?" Drew said, only half remembering why he was there.

"Come on Drew. That whole know whats going on all the time thing works both ways you know." Ash said confusing him even more. He saw Drew's expression and decided to just cut to the chase, "I know you were waiting here because you had something to ask me." He said.

Drew thought about it for a minute and then turned very red.

"Well. I was j-just w-wondering i-if maybe...: He stuttered losing his normally present, 'cool attitude' for a moment. Ash merely smirked waiting for him to finish, but having a pretty good idea of what he was going to say. "I was wondering if you'd seen May in town today." He said finally. Ash's smirk grew even bigger. When the three of them were kids May and Drew had always fought with each other but on special occasions they dared to admit they liked each other. To Ash it had always been obvious the two were madly in love, unfortunately they were both had to much pride to admit it until the final moment. Ash had only been told the story of how Drew and May left each other. But even though he wasn't there it had brought tears to his eyes.

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