Chapter 1: Let's a go

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I was running by in a hurry towards Bowser castle where I blasted through some brown walking mushrooms sending them flying

Mushroom: I hate this.

Mushroom 2: Help I have fallen and can't get up!

I kept going with me jumping over bottomless pits and running across cliff walls and slicing bricks into peices with my spin dash and getting coins from them

Y/N: I prefer rings.

I passed by a starving family of dinosaurs with no money

Y/N: Here you go.

Purple: Thank you, honey come quick a kind boy has brought us some money

Red: Thank you, bless your heart.

Y/N: No problem, take care.

I kept going with me running arcoss the water and after I made it to land I ran up a mountain and used it as a vantage point to get a better view of the place

Y/N: Got to admit, this place is really cool maybe I should check out the rest of the place when I have a chance. But right now where's that castle?

I looked around and soon found it

Y/N: That must be it, I guess I'm going to be dipping my feet in some hot lava. First just need to stretch and here I go.

I spun up into a ball and did a spin dash down the mountain and soon launched myself off it and landed on the lava land and saw the castle not too far away.

Y/N: There's the castle let's get ready for some action.

I started running towards the castle with a blue trail of light right behind me.

Peach POV

Peach: Bowser you won't get away with this, Mario will stop you.

Bowser: ( Laughs evilily ) Not this time not with the trap I have in mind for him this time, that's if he makes it that is.

???: Hey guys!

We both looked behind him and saw someone already made it here. A little boy?

Bowser: What how did you get here so fast I just put her in cage?! ( Groans ) Doesn't matter once I get what I want from her nobody is going to stop me!

He than rolled his eyes and jumped down while fake yawning

???: Yawn. Yep I yawned you.

Bowser: ( Gets mad ) Capture him

Some of his minions went after him but he just blasted right through them which sent them flying launching them out of the castle

Peach: "Wow he's so fast, I can barely see him, and strong to"

Bowser then pulled a lever which activated the traps which he was dodging them like it was nothing while Mario would be struggling to handle them this boy was treating Bowser's traps like jokes.

???: Come on don't you have any good traps.

Bowser than jumped and landed on the other side of the bridge.

Bowser: You dare approach me!

???: Uh yeah that's why I'm here.

Bowser: Well try to get across without no bridge.

He used an axe to cut the bridge while the boy was on it with it giving out and him falling

Bowser: ( Laughs but stops ) What?!?!

I saw while the bridge was falling the boy was running on and jumped off it and he landed on the wall and started running up and jumped Infront of Bowser and started running around him until he started spinning until Bowser back was facing the lava and the boy Infront of him. He than rolled up into a ball and spun up and pushed Bowser into the lava with the boy looking down as he fell into it.

???: ( Dusts off gloves ) Piece of cake.


I soon ran up to a cage with a princess inside

Y/N: Are you princess Peach?

???: Yes who are you little one?

Y/N: Names, Y/N Y/N the Hedgehog and I'm here to rescue you.

I tried to open the cage but it won't open

Peach: You can't open the cage, it can only be open by a special key Bowser had before you pushed him into the lava.

Y/N: I see, don't worry I have a idea just stay still and don't move.

She did so while I spun up into ball and did a spin slash around the cage until the top part of the cage break off and falling into the lava.

Y/N: All done, right this way you highness.

I held a hand out with her taking my hand as she stepped out of what was left of the cage.

Peach: Thank you so much for saving me.

Y/N: No problem it's what I do

Soon the ground started to shake with Bowser rising out of the lava even bigger now

Y/N: Let's get out of here before he crushes us.

I picked her up bridal style with her looking at me

Y/N: Hold on tight.

I ran off and jumped off the platform we where in before he destroyed it with his fist.

I started running on the wall while trying to head for the exit but he used his tail to destroy the exit.

Y/N: Well there goes that idea

He than started firing the spikes from his shell like torpedoes which I was able to dodge out of way of them with one of them making a massive who making a new exit for me but Bowser tucked into his shell and spun into a wall which caused us to fall of it but I landed on his shell with Peach still holding on to me

Y/N: Are you ok?

Peach: I'm fine but what are you going to do.

I looked up and saw a chain came down with it only a few inches away from the hole he made which gave me an idea.

Y/N: I have an idea just hold on a bit more.

I started running up Bowser shell with Bowser turning his head towards me and started firing fireballs at me which I was ball to dodge side to side and made it to his head where I ran up it and jumped off his head and grabbed hold of the chain and used the forward momentum to launch myself forward and landing in the hole Bowser made.

Y/N: See ya later Bowser

Bowser try to punch me but I jumped out of the castle before he could hit me and I started to run away from the castle with Peach in my arms and as soon we got far away from the castle I put her down where she can stand on her own two feet as we watched the castle collapse right on top of Bowser.

Y/N: Looks like Bowser couldn't raise the ruff.

Peach: ( Giggles a bit ) I guess so, again thank you very much for rescuing me.

Y/N: And like I said, no problem that's just what I do. So now what happens.

Peach: Usually when Mario rescues me a hot air balloon arrives to take me back to my kingdom but you arrived much quicker than it takes for Mario to arrive to  save me.

Y/N: I see, well I'm no fan of waiting would you like to carry you back.

Peach: I don't know you must be exhausted after that fight.

Y/N: ( Smiles ) Are you kidding me I'm not even winded ( Starts break dancing ) I have energy for days.

Peach seemed to giggle after my break dancing

Peach: Ok but if you get tired feel free to stop to rest.

Y/N: No problem.

I picked her up and started running back to her kingdom.

Toad POV

Green Toad: The Ballon is ready.

Toad: Ok get going to-

Toadette: Wait the boy is carrying the Princess back himself

Toad: Really let me see those binoculars.

She passed them to me as I saw he was almost here with Princess Peach in his arms and they where coming up fast

Toad: Wow that was fast, you stop the Ballon they are almost here


We soon made it back to her kingdom as I set her down on her two feet.

Peach: Thank you for carrying back, you are really fast

Y/N: No problem and please five stars.

Peach: Five stars? Why would you need five stars, I can get you then if you like but why would you need them?

Y/N: Oh right other world. It's just something where I'm from.

Peach: Ok I see how about this.

She just kissed me on the check and blushed as I placed my hand on my check.

Y/N: Wow, that was much better then last time a princess kissed me.

Peach: Why what happen?

Y/N: Don't ask, I rather forget.

Soon some of her people arrived with them thanking me

Toad: Our princess has returned, let's us thank our hero. ( Whispers ) What's your name kid?

Y/N: Y/N, Y/N the Hedgehog.

Toad: Y/N the Hedgehog

I decided to do a little spin with me standing with one of my leg bent behind the other while waving my pointer finger side to side with everyone cheering for me.

Y/N: No problem your all to kind, but now how am I going to get back, infact where am I going to do sleep

Peach: You can stay in the castle if you like.

Y/N: Really you let me stay in your castle.

Peach: Sure think of it as thank you for saving me from Bowser.

Y/N: Well thanks.

She started to walk to her castle with me catching up to her.


We soon made it to her castle which was really big

Y/N: Wow it's beautiful.

Peach: ( Giggles ) Thank you.

We went inside with me seeing the place

Peach: So you said you came from another world right

Y/N: Yep, whatever is this place.

Peach: Well where we are at now is the mushroom kingdom where I rule, and who you fought was Bowser the king of the Koopas.

Y/N: You mean those turtle things

Peach: Aha, so how did you get here anyway.

Y/N: Well I was napping by a tree when one of my friends woke me up, her name's Rouge and she was after the Chaos Emeralds I have

Peach: Chaos Emeralds?

Y/N: These are the Chaos Emeralds

I held them out to her as they floated with them glowing their respected colors

Peach: Wow they are so pretty.

Y/N: And powerful. ( Puts the emeralds away ) I than ran off with her chasing me afterwards I tripped and fell into some pipe of somesort and I wounded up here.

Peach: A pipe ha? Well that was a warp pipe, depending on what color it is can do certain things, which one you took.

Y/N: It's fuzzy but I think blue?

Peach: Makes sense the blue ones are more random the the traditional green and clear pipes we use.

Y/N: I see, so is there anyway to get back.

Peach: I'm not so sure but your welcome to stay as a long as you like until you do find a way back.

Y/N: Wow thank you so much your highness. Wait do I have to call you that or is just peach fine.

Peach: Peach is ok.

Y/N: Ok Peach, also why are you being so nice to me, like I don't mind the hospitality but we just met.

Peach: Why not you did save me from Bowser and your just a sweet boy so I don't mind letting you stay.

Y/N: Really well thank you very much you won't regret it.

Peach smiled as she showed me the room she let me sleep in

Peach: This where you'll sleep.

Y/N: Wow this is really nice, I know what I'm doing.

Peach: And what's that?

Y/N: Simple ( Yawns ) finishing my nap from earlier.

Peach: Ok then rest well then.

She than closed the door with me getting into bed and getting comfy and seeing how comfy this bed is I think I'll need to be forced off this bed. I wrapped myself in the blanket with me pulling out a photo of me and my friends.

Y/N: Don't worry guy's I'll be home soon.

I put the photo away and went to sleep.

Peach POV

After Y/N went back to his room I decided to make him a cake as a way of thanks

Toad: Princess you already let him stay here, haven't you've done enough for him.

Peach: I know I just feel like doing extra for him, I don't know it's just this feeling I have I guess.

Toad: Ok just don't tire yourself out ok.

Peach: I promise.

Toad then left as I put the cake in the oven and weirdly enough even though I was so used to being saved by Mario something about being saved by Y/N felt special I don't know why though.

Peach: What is this feeling I have, and why do I feel it for Y/N but no one else. Maybe I'll look into it in the morning.

Bowser POV

I felt my minions dig me out of the debris from my castle with me bursting out of it.

Bowser: Get off me!

I looked out to tje mushroom kingdom where I saw Peach's Castle.

Bowser: Kamic get the airships ready for an invasion of the mushroom kingdom

Kamic: It will be done Master

He soon disappeared with me still thinking about that boy

Bowser: Who or what are you little boy.

Rouge POV

Tails: So let me get this straight, after Y/N fell into this pipe it just disappeared.

Rouge: Yes it just went underground and it was just gone.

Tails: Well I'm not getting any readings about any pipes that are underground

Amy: So what does that mean Tails, is Y/N gone forever.

Tails: No but I think we can make that pipe appear again.

He than put this new gadget he made into the ground and soon after the ground started to shake with the same pipe coming out of the ground.

Amy: What are we waiting for let's hurry up and get him back!

Tails: Hold on Amy we don't know anything about this world so we might some equipment for it.

Rouge: Besides it's my fault he fell into that pipe in the first place, I should go after him.

Tails: Ok how about this, I'll go get some equipment, Amy you get more people who can help and Rouge you go on ahead and don't forget to report on what you find.

Rouge: You got it fox boy.

Tails: And stop calling me that you know I don't like it!

Rouge: I would if it weren't so fun.

Amy: Stop it you two, Rouge you get going into that pipe while Tails you get that gear you need.

Rouge: Fine.

Tails: Ok sorry Amy

The two went off with me diving into the pipe and it felt like I was going through a cave system until I popped out on the other side in some type of mountain region of somesort.

Rouge: Ok now to find Y/N

I used the radar in my gloves to where I found Y/N location.

Rouge: There you are, hold on Y/N I'm coming

I started to fly where Y/N was at.

Eggman POV

I then came out of the bushes I was hiding from with the three gone and the pipe remaining.

Eggman: So Y/N is in a brand new world of somesort. Maybe I can go there and conncer it to make way for my Eggman Empire and then come back here and conncer this world as well. Two for the price for one.

I stepped into the pipe.

Eggman: Prepare yourself Y/N cause soon you'll feel the wrath of the Eggman Empire?!

I felt myself pulled down into the pipe and sucked in like a vacuum cleaner.

Eggman: Woah woah woah I think I'm going to be sick!

I was then pulled into the pipe as I made my way to this new world and fighting the erge not throw up.

And that is it I hope you enjoyed let me know if I should add more characters to the harem and I'll see you next time. BYE!!!! Man this was a pain to write while having a headache.

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