1."Come Little Children,I'll Take Thee Away..."

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Everything was in shambles.

There were touches of disaster on some buildings and roads and paths.Ashes and rubble were scattered around the land.Even if the people had worked hard to clean up the spots;if you look very,very closely,you would be able to spot a faded and smudged brown-ish red on some patches of grass and sturdy walls.

Inside the familiar walls,just near the center of everything,you could find very noticeable smudges just near this little pond and well.

Don't worry about that,though.

Jschlatt,the new president of...Manburg,had already ordered his new assistants to clean up the area.He wasn't very pleased with the results his new guards had made.

Yes,he did say he exiled the former president,Wilbur Soot,along with his right hand man and little brother,Tommyinnit;but that doesn't mean he wanted them killed.

Oh how he wanted to yell from the top of his lungs towards the men who were responsible for the sounds of that dreadful ping that sounded his communicator,to tell them what the fuck were they thinking!?;but he was so overwhelmed by the whole ordeal that his first instinct was to focus on the others.

At least...that's how Tubbo explained it.

As much as the two boys were skeptical about what exactly Schlatt was feeling,they couldn't help but feel a bit sympathetic and glad for the man that at least tried to calm the crowd.They suppose it was the most he could do during that situation.

Tommy...he looked so different from when he was first exiled.

Bags under his eyes,his usual red-white and soft vest with the white long sleeves under it was covered in slight blood and dirt,hung loosely on his body's frame.His hair was a mess,but looked controlled,and a bandage on his cheek and nose.The green bandana he wore on his neck looked a little cleaner than the rest of his clothing.

Tubbo wasn't better.

The bags under his eyes were much darker,his suit was switched with his usual green,long-sleeved and wrongly buttoned shirt,and hair slightly messed.Followed by the ticklish feeling of his red bandana resting on his neck,his chin just close enough that it slightly brushed its skin.He heavily rested his head on Tommy's shoulder,the familiar comfort had calmed him

In fact,the whole bench they sat on has already calmed them both down.The familiar scenery of the sunrise,the jukebox just beside them,and wind brushing their faces,scarred and bandaged.It was as if they were living the good ole days.

One of Tommy's improvised discs he had kept was being played,as his two most treasured discs had been given away.Tubbo hummed along with the tune as the other tapped his fingers on his pants,following its rhythmic beat.They were like that for a little while,taking in each other's heat and presence.A reminder they still had each other.

Tubbo was the first to move,shifting his weight a little bit so he could sit more comfortably.Tommy glances at him with a plain but calm look,before turning back to the view of the rising sun

The blonde could feel his arms sting,his fingers began to slightly twitch.He curls it into a fist,nails digging into his palms to ground him,before releasing.Then again...and again...

Until Tubbo noticed his actions.

"What are you doing,Tommy?",he asked,innocently.He looked over to see Tommy's face,taking in the slightly tired look his best friend's face held.

The blonde breathes in,letting his hand uncurl for a moment,before sighing."Don't worry,big man...I'm fine."

"You don't look fine.",He reminded.

Tommy looked back at him,unamused;"Look who's talking."

"Tommy..!",Tubbo whines as the blonde playfully smirks.

But his smirk quickly fell and he looks away.Tubbo noticed both of his hands curling into a fist,almost in a defensive way.Finally,Tommy spoke hesitantly,"I-...I think we're loosing him..."

Tubbo stared,"Loosing who?"


Tubbo didn't comment.

He understood how close Tommy and Wilbur were.From what he remembered,the two of them were joining the older when they first came into the SMP.Tommy always follows Wilbur,as he always had the nag to follow his older brothers.He was like a duckling following its mama.

He remembered how Tommy,at first,wanted to go with his other older brother,Technoblade.

The pig-like hybrid told Tommy he couldn't let him join,as he was planning to head off into the dangerous fields of different realms;or servers,as many calls it.The youngest brother reluctantly agreed to go with Wilbur and Tubbo,but not before throwing a fit about it for a little while.Nothing really out of the ordinary there.

He only managed to agree when Techno said he'll do his very best to at least visit them one day.It got the blonde all excited about it and vowed to make his visiting trip memorable by showing him potential builds he'd make.

Oh how fate likes to play these kinds of games with them.

When Techno did visit the SMP,it wasn't for a 'small visit'

Rather,it was for a full-on war between Pogtopia and Manburg.

Technoblade had chose to stay and fight along side with his brothers,as he was the best warrior their family has;aside from their Father,of course.After all,it was him who trained the feared blood god.

But as the two teens sat on the bench,music still in the air,they knew Techno was back at Pogtopia with Wilbur,either planning their next move or farming potatoes.They bet it was the latter.

"We can't really trust Wil anymore...He's going insane Tubbo...",Tommy spoke,breaking the shorter teen out of his trance.

Before Tubbo got any words out,a new voice erupts from behind.

"Who's going insane?"

The two whipped their head;A blue hoodie and a childish looking mask was what they first noticed.

The mask had a smily face,but it looked playful and almost innocent; and child-like due to the star sticker on a crack by the side.Not plain,like a certain one they knew.Her short,dirty-blonde,and wavy hair bounced with every step she took.Her hands,that were almost hidden by the long sleeves,carried a bag that looked like pouches.

They calmed down;"Hey Drista!"

Drista,while not super close,was a great Friend of theirs.After Tommy's 'pleasant' time first meeting her,the three of them began hanging out during moments of peace.Between her and her older brother,Dream;they prefer to hang out with the girl.

Mainly because they can cause much more chaos and have fun since they were in a similar age group.

The girl smiles,"Hey Toms!Hey Tubs!".

The two boys scooted a little bit so the visitor could sit next to them.Almost in an instant,Drista plopped herself on the vacant spot,handing out the two pouches she had carried.

The two looked at her confused and curious,eyebrows raised.The girl giggles,"They're just cookies,dumbass.I passed by your baker friend for some snacks I could bring you guys."Ah...classic Niki.Her cookies are the best in town.

As Tubbo takes the pouches,thanking her for it,Tommy stared,surprised;"Drista,you do know I'm exiled from Manburg,right?",he watches her as she nods,her mouth chewing on some cookies,"How did you-"

"I saw you entering the place.As well as Tubbo yeeting his fancy clothes somewhere.So I knew you two were meeting up.",She quickly explains as the cookie she chewed has been swallowed.She grimaced when she realised why the question was asked;"Let me guess...more war?"

The two nods,solemnly.

Drista had been trying to keep up with the events lately.Her bother Dream had been keeping her somewhere hidden on the land as to keep her safe from all of the mess.The girl found it unfair,however,knowing she's being kept in the dark as her two close and only friends she has had been fighting for their lives while she did nothing to help.

She would often sneak out at times whenever her brother left to do work.Often times,she felt like she had been walking around a battleground instead of a community her brother promised it was.But that's what it was,wasn't it?

A bloody battleground...

She had been doing her best to secretly convince her brother to end this madness.Via through figurative words or actions;Drista couldn't tell if her brother saw the message and ignored it or has a thick skull.

But her brother is Dream.She knows him,doesn't she?

So she believed he ignored her silent begs,leaving it as he left the place to continue his manipulation.She sees it;the fact he decided to team up with Tommy for,what she heard was;'the battle of the lake' despite the fact of what happened during the first war.

At first she thinks that they had finally made amends.

But oh no,she then learned about the requested TNT.

Speaking of TNT...

"Tommy...?",She softly called out,waiting for the blonde to look,"...does that Wilbur guy have the explosives?The one my brother kept and gave away?"

Tommy answered moments later,"Yeah...",he takes another cookie,"...I was talking about him earlier...when you just arrived."

"He's the one that's gone insane?",she frowns at the silent confirmation.

The air around them was a bit tense,only the music from the jukebox and the crunch of the biscuits eased it down a little.Later,the three continued to watch the sunrise together,leaving the conversation in a bit of an awkward end.Usually,when Drista comes around,they would've caused some minor chaos that would get them laughing like little kids.

They would leave notes and signs with childish and slightly mean but joking words and leave it on someone's doorstep,hide items as if they were treasure and make bets about how long it'll take for the owner to find them,create random structures on roads or sidewalks for the random humour they crave as they watch the others examine the thing in complete bewilderment.

Their favourite activity,though,was sparring.

They do this as a way to train themselves;sometimes teaching tricks and techniques of battle.Tommy and Tubbo had been trying to teach her how to properly MLG water bucket for literally 3 hours.By the time she had finally sticked the landing,they cheered like crazy to the point Tommy thought he was going to get caught.

But right now?

Drista could see the exhaustion her two friends endured.She winced at the idea of her friend become child soldiers.But honestly speaking,that's what they are now,right?

Since the first war?They were already young soldiers in war.Too young soldiers...

Hell,Tommy had a duel with her older brother and died.Respawns were a horrible experience.She winced at the memory that played in her mind;the first time she experienced a respawn.

She was running away from mobs after loosing her way back home one night.A creeper blew up right next to her,tossing the younger girl into a ravine and plummeting to her death.She had been in the void,a place where you go and wait until your body to regenerate itself,for nearly an hour.

In the world they live in,the process of respawing was pure agony.Even after coming back to the world of the living,you would suffer chronic pain for at least 30 minutes,if not an hour.It always depends on how damaged your body is when you have died.The longest record of someone being in the void,regenerating,was a whole ass week.

Many of them had been avoiding respawns,fearing they might not come back and instead die permanently.

Knowing these boys must've experience the void's cold air and burning wounds after they were killed left a lump of dread in her.The cookies she hasn't finished no longer tasted sweet.

The sun was was close to soaring above the sky and Drista took that as her cue to head back.

Getting back on her feet,she stretched her arms towards the air,sighing."I gotta go..."

"Awe...already?",Tubbo complained.

"Sorry...",She turns back to them,"...Let's try to meet up again soon.Ok?".

"Sure thing,D."They laughed at the nickname.Drista waved her hand goodbye and disappeared from view.

And so the duo sat there again,just the two of them.

Tommy spoke after a few peaceful moments.

"Tubbo,let's run away."

The other flinched at the declaration,eyes wide and mouth agape."Wait,what?"

"Tubbo...",a sigh escaped his lips,"...Wilbur is going to blow up Manburg during the festival,right?".He watched as his Friend nods,wide-eyed and startled."And you have the speech for it right?The activation words or some shit,right?"

"Tommy,I don't-"

Then it clicked.

"Tubbo.".The blonde grasped the other's shoulders,"If we run away before the festival,then you wouldn't do your speech.Then Wilbur wouldn't detonate the place.Then Manburg will be safe.Our friends will be safe.Drista would be safe,because you can't give off the activation words.You wouldn't be there!"

The boy understood this,he really do."But...what if Wilbur detonates it either way?"

"He won't.",Tommy looked back towards the sunrise,now slowly feeling its heat as it entered the horizon,"..I know my brother.And he wouldn't do it,he wouldn't blow up the place he once called his own."

Tommy could still feel the tension in Tubbo,so he smiles assuringly;"Don't worry big man...",he pats the other's shoulder,"If it ever happens,we'll try to get them out.We could make a small hometown or something,where we can be free,ya know?"

Light flicker in Tubbo's eyes,"Y-Yeah!And we could have lots of green and bees,right?"

"Yeah!And a fucking cool secret base where we could be safe from anything!"

And just like that,the two planned out their escape.Tubbo was so glad he had brought papers with him,while Tommy had a piece of charcoal.And after what seemed like hours,which in reality was just 20 minutes,their plan was set.

"Let's get away.Today.Tonight."


The air grew cold that very night.

But Tommy and Tubbo couldn't be bothered with it.Both were covered in large cloaks and backpacks filled with their essentials like food and clothes,along with a bit of weapons and blocks.

They stood by the forest,opposite side of Pogtopia,knowing that Wilbur and/or Techno would find them easily.A single horse stood next to them as Tommy checks his items,making sure he didn't leave anything behind,despite checking it almost a hundred times.

He's just being cautious,ok?

"You got everything,Tubs?",the blonde looked down to check on Tubbo,who was also checking his own belongings.

The other nods,"Yeah...".He stashes his items inside his bag,knowing everything is there.He picks up an unlit torch from the ground,pulling out some flint and steel before Tommy takes it away from him.

"Don't!",He quietly scolds."If anyone saw the light,they'll get suspicious and we'll get caught!We'll be fucked."

The shorter one nods when he realised the potential danger.

In the dark,Tommy takes Tubbo's hand and they quickly moved away from the area as a precaution.They didn't want to risk their location being discovered before they could even escape.

They set themselves near a tree by a river.Tommy takes out a compass from his pockets,while Tubbo watches."Do you even know how that works Tommy?"

He snorts,"Not really,But it'll come in handy one day,right?"

Suddenly,twigs snapped nearby and the two tensed greatly.For a moment,everything paused and went deadly silent.Quickly,Tommy forced himself to pulled out his sword while Tubbo moved behind him.

A cloaked figure emerges from the trees,pulling their arms up.A familiar blue sleeve and fingerless gloves were seen underneath the moonlight;with one hand holding a leash.Then emerald eyes stared back at blue.

They froze.


The girl snorts,but it sounded more like a choked sob.With a trembling voice,she asked;

"Can I please come with you guys?"

They finally saw the red-rimmed eyes and tear stained cheeks.The backpack hidden under the cloak and the horse carrying a few more items.Drista looked so dejected,like she just came back from a huge argument.

Tubbo moved closer to the girl,hovering his hand over her shoulder,then Tommy followed."D. what happened?How did-"

"I-I was eavesdropping your conversation earlier...after I left.",she watches as the two tensed again,"...I went back home to pack my things because I wanted to join you both.I-I was ready and I hid my things for tonight a-and..."

Her voice cracked.

"Dream changed....Dre-Clay changed so much.",her body trembled.

So she did had an argument,the boys thought.

Tubbo wrapped his arms around the girl in an attempt to comfort her.Tommy did the same.They stayed like that for a moment,three teenagers taking in the warmth and comfort from each other,before Tommy spoke,"You got everything with you?"

The other two stared,but Drista nods.The blonde nods back before he pulled away and went back to his spot by the tree,where his horse was waiting.

Rummaging through the bags,Tommy pulled out his familiar communicator.The two watched,curiously,as the other began doing whatever he was doing;finger fumbling the buttons and occasionally smacking the side of the device.

"Toms,what are you doing?",Tubbo asked after Tommy had smacked his communicator for the third time.

He pulled out a sly smirk,"I'm fucking hacking,my good friend."

Drista stares,dumbfounded;"Hacking?Tommy what-"

"If we're running away,I think it's best if we stay well hidden.",He interrupts as he silently asked Tubbo for his communicator,"...don't worry,I've been preparing this for a while now.This piece of shit would now only send messages to us three,only.That includes direct messages,coordination,...",he hesitates,"...it'll tell us if any of us three had died...all that normal shit."

"Basically...",Tubbo spoke up,getting his communicator back,"...Private messages for us three only...?"

"Basically."He confirms,taking Drista's device,repeating the same process.

"What about the others?How could we tell if our other friends are alright?",Drista added.She knows how much these two cared for the other citizens of Manburg;surely that have something to at least reassure them about any of their activities.

By the time Tommy finished the girl's communicator and stuffing his own into his belt,he brought out another communicator.However,this device didn't seem to have an owner.

Many communicators have at least one specific detail on it that corresponds with its owner;like how there's a bee chain on Tubbo's,'big T' scribbled along with splashes of small red paint on Tommy's,and a blushing smiley face on Drista's.

This communicator is completely plain.

A complete obvious sign this device doesn't have a permanent owner.

"I brought an extra one.This'll serve as our...radio or whatever the fuck you wanna call it.It'll tell us what's happening in the SMP...",Tommy stashes it away,frowning,"..no one will know where we'll go,since the thing doesn't have a direct owner.So it should be fine."

The blonde takes Tubbo's wrist,leading him to the horse,"We need to go now.We shouldn't waste time.",he reminded.Drista nods as she saddles up her horse and hops on,followed by Tommy helping Tubbo mount their own.

"Where will we go?",The girl asked,nearing the two on their respective horses.

Tommy shrugs,adjusting as Tubbo holds onto him from behind,his arms wrapped the blonde's waist,"Wherever we want.As long as it's away from this fucked country and it's fucked system."

The animal proceeded to walk off towards the opposite direction,away from the country.Drista simply followed,blinking rapidly as she pulls up the hood of her cloak.

It wasn't long till the walking picked up pace,slowly the animal started to trot off farther from the land.Tommy and Drista guided their horse up on a hill,quickly but carefully,as their determination to get away grew stronger by the minute.Tubbo tightened his hold around his best friend's waist,burying his face into his shoulder.

Finally,they reached the top of a hillside.The taller boy's horse came to a stop,a heaved breath coming out of the animal.Tommy looked back,almost reluctantly,to gaze at the land for one last time.Tubbo followed after he noticed exactly why the other had stopped.The girl did the same just as she reached up to the two.

They could see the Manburg flag flapping in the air with pride,as lights lit up the place they once called 'home'.No one was roaming the streets,but even then,they tense just thinking someone might see them.


Tommy looks at Tubbo;his eyes shining and glassy as big,fat tears pooled his eyes,some were already trickling his face.He could feel his arms and hands shaking,fingers curling as the boy's emotions grew stronger.Tommy knew Tubbo well;so he allowed him to mourn for the day the country could 'potentially die',the e̶n̶e̶m̶y̶?̶ new president erasing a few of its history from the narrative.

Drista was in a similar state.But after her cries earlier,her tears were more silent.Lips quivering from uncertainty and pity and loss,but her eyes told a different story;regret and change.Tommy wasn't sure if she regrets leaving the country,leaving her brother or if she regrets ever learning Manburg's history;the wars,the death,the fights...

Tommy,keeping himself composed,held his head high.

For Tubbo and Drista...

"𝐼 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑎 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒...."

"𝑊ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑚𝑒𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑔𝑜 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑝𝑎𝑡𝑒..."

"𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑟𝑢𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦...𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑦𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑦...𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑟𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑠..."

Tubbo and Drista watched Tommy sing.It didn't take long for them to sing along with him,despite their voice wavered from the emotions within their chest.

"𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑖𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙,𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑛𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑛'𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑡..."

"𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑊𝑖𝑙𝑏𝑢𝑟,𝑇𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑦,𝑇𝑢𝑏𝑏𝑜,𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐸𝑟𝑒𝑡..."(H̶e̶ m̶a̶y̶ b̶e̶ t̶r̶a̶i̶t̶o̶r̶,b̶u̶t̶ h̶e̶ w̶a̶s̶ o̶u̶r̶ f̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d̶,w̶a̶s̶n̶t̶ h̶e̶?)

"𝐼𝑡𝑠 𝑎 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑏𝑖𝑔 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑢𝑝 𝐿'𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑔...."

Slowly,all three raised their hand,fingers aligned and straight.As their eyes were glued to the country and the last lines of the song sung,they salute sincerely.

"𝑀𝑦 𝐿'𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑔..."

"𝑀𝑦 𝐿'𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑔..."

"𝑀𝑦 𝐿'𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑔..."

"𝑀𝑦 𝐿'𝑚𝑎𝑛.....𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑔....."


They feel tired from the restless paranoia the recent night gave.

But the three teenagers had done it.They had successfully ran away.Yes,there was a heavy weight that had settled in their chest,but they're safe now.No more wars,no more brutal fighting,no more threats...

They're safe,right?

As the sun rises,the trio had found themselves wondering around an overgrown forest;trees were covered in vines and grass were as tall as Tubbo,the sounds of water splashing nearby was a clear indication there could be a river or lake nearby,and lots and lots of animals roaming freely.

"Over there!",Drista calls out,pointing her finger towards the right.

The place she found was a clearing.The space was wide enough for a base and a farm;there were trees mostly covering the top,so it would be easy for them to hide if anyone even tried to find them.There was some stone by the side,which was needed for a starter base.

The place was perfect.

So when Drista and Tommy began to tie their horses to a fence pole they brought,Tubbo rushed off to explore,somehow still containing the energy to look around even after his semi breakdown earlier.

"Guys!Theres a river here!",Tubbo informs them,carrying a bucket filled with,what they assume,was the water from the river he found.They grinned.

The place was definitely perfect.

"We should set up camp and-".Tommy stops,something caught his eye.

"Tommy?",The girl called out,poking Tommy's arm to get a response.

And that response was walking.The blonde boy quickly made his way through the trees,not realising the worried calls from his two other friends.He could've sworn he heard something was being placed,but he didn't fully acknowledged it.

Instead,he focused on going through the grass and steep path,using tree branches and thick trunks to boost him up quicker.The closer he got,the easier it became for him to realise what he was seeing.

After what felt like forever—in reality was about five minutesof tiredly climbing up the steep slope by foot,Drista and Tubbo finally catches up to Tommy,who was standing still right by a...cliff?

"Hey,big man?Whats wrong?",Tubbo gently asked,worried.

As the wind brushed the blonde's hair,he answered,"I never noticed this cliff existed..."

Confused,the two neared him.Tommy knew they saw it too,hearing them gasped from the shock this view have gifted them.

"I-is that really..."


It was like an overview.From where they were standing,they could see the flag,continuing to flap in the air.Eret's castle was standing there,it's grey stone walls looked so different from this angle.The community house was just in the middle of everything.

There were many buildings in the country;The UFO,The cobblestone tower,the podium,the van...


"This really is the perfect spot for us...",Tommy muses,finally registering the beauty of his home.

Tubbo nods,still in awe.Drista nods as well,this time taking a seat in the grass.The boys followed her gesture as they finally began to rest from their journey by taking in the lands of where they once came from.None of them really knew this cliff was there,watching over the city like a Guardian or watcher.

The silence was nice,comforting almost.They wonder how long it had been since they had this kind of peaceful silence with nothing to worry about.

The peaceful silence had been broken by Drista's question of,"What's going to happen now?"

Tubbo replied,"What do you mean?"

"Didn't you say Wilbur was on the brink of insanity?",she looks at Tommy,before gesturing with her fingers,"...Who's going to help him?I doubt Technoblade could help him,from what I understood from you guys.The people of Manburg definitely can't help him with the trust issues you told me about,Dream isn't helping him at all..."

"Yeah Toms...",Tubbo added,turning to face the younger,"...you were the only one he trusted,right?Whats going to..."

"It's the reason I made the letters in the first place...".

The two stared,startled;"Letters?You made some too?"

The boys,then,stared at her,before they nod.Tommy brought out his new and 'improved' communicator,"Him and Techno aren't the only people I wrote letters to.."

"Who else then?"

Before any answers were said,there was a ping on their communicators.As the other two brought theirs out,the sudden pings began pouring out of the messages from the other communicator Tommy brought along.

Eyes widened and mouth left agape,Drista scoots closer to Tommy,followed by Tubbo,shock written on their faces.

The plain communicator had strings and waves of startled messages coming from the people of Manburg and Pogtopia.But it was the main message that caused this chaos.

"𝗣𝗵𝟭𝗹𝘇𝗮 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗷𝗼𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗿"

Tommy smiles,almost sad,"I made sure the last letter made it to his server."


Chapter one is finished : )

I really liked this AU,like...wow...
The idea of Tommy and Tubbo running away from Manberg so they could be safe and all that.I surely like the idea.

So when I decided to make a story based in this concept,I added a twist...
Drista joins in!
Ok,let's be honest,Drista is cool.And there aren't many stories that had her in it.
So I just had to.
I also planned to add in Lani(Tubbo's lil' sis)but I didn't know how to explain how and why she's in it too,like...
Drista is easy to explain,I could just say she's been staying with Dream after the events of the first war and she's been like...under the protection of Dream(obviously) And has been hidden to Ensure her safety and all that bla bla bla-
(I'll try to explain this maybe in a future chapter,who knows?)

But for Lani...?
I honestly don't know how : , )
I really wanted to add her in,but since I didn't have a solid reason why she was included I had to scrap the idea : (

Anyways,I hope u enjoyed this chapter!
Just a little teaser,remember they mentioned about leaving letters?The next chapter will mainly focus on Wilbur's,Schlatt's ,and Dream's reactions to those letters(maybe with a few others) as well as them at least trying to find out where they had gone and try to...cope???
Idk : )

Also note I might change the book cover,I had just speedran it so I could post this chapter today: , )

I'll see ya'll later
Have a good day/night

For those who can't read what's written in font's,here:

#2nd part
It's just the L'Manburg anthem,except the line "With Wilbur,Tommy,Tubbo,fuck Eret." had been changed to "With Wilbur,Tommy,Tubbo,and Eret'(He may be a traitor,but he was our Friend,wasn't he?)"

#Last part
It reads
"Ph1lza has joined the server"

I'm sorry for those who couldn't read it before hand,I didn't think that would happen ;-;
I'll reread this tomorrow just to be sure,but yeah-

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