10."I'll Hold My Breath Till I Can Say the Words I Wanna Say From My Heart."

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There was a boom of laughter coming from the kitchen.

Tommy grew curious and went downstairs to investigate,despite Phil telling him to stay in bed until he came to get him.Ignoring how weird it felt walking around in socks,the blonde creeps closer to the room,the conversation sounding more apparent.

"Schlatt,I swear,if you call me-"

"Hey!Flatty Patty fits you!"

"Hijo de las mil putas-"

Another round of giggles from the ram-hybrid drowned the string of spanish curses that came from Quackity,his face flushed and annoyed.Tommy found himself giggling at it,even if he didn't understand what he was saying.Apparently,they heard him and turned their heads to where he was peeking.

Quackity smiled wide,"Tommy!"

"Hi Big Q!",he greeted back,stepping out of his hiding spot and giving the hybrid a high-five.

"Glad you're okay,kid.",Schlatt added,gently ruffling the blonde's hair as Tommy whacks his hand away,still smiling,"You ready to head back home?"


He mutely nods,mixed thoughts swirled in his head.It was at that moment Tommy realised that it's not the best having so many thoughts in you when your head is literally bandaged tightly.He didn't even notice the groan that sounded when he sees the two men's face morph into worry.

"You alright there,big man?"

Another nod,"Just...thinking,I guess.Got a lot of big man thoughts right now."

Schlatt sighs,"You'll be alright,Tommy.I can assure that.".

When the ram-hybrid smiles at him,Tommy smiles back.The leader was right;They had made it clear that all the political stuff has been demolished when they disappeared months ago.Now,they just live with multiple leaders that makes sure that nothing goes wrong.

No presidents.

No elections.

No democracy or anything related to that.

Just teamwork and family.

Thats how Wilbur and Phil phrased it before.

Footsteps rang behind him and they see green."Tommy,I though I told you to stay in bed!",his dad's voice reached him.Phil shook his head,a fond grin etched his face;"Oh well.The horses are ready.Son,could you come here for a moment?"

As Quackity and Schlatt headed towards the door,still bickering to each other,Tommy nears the avian-hybrid.Phil pulls out a band from his pockets and took a couple strands of Tommy's growing hair.The blonde could feel him separating the stands into three and-

Wait,is he braiding his hair?

They waited for a little,before Phil tied the end of the hair with the band.He takes Tommy by the shoulders and positioned him to stand right in front of him.

There was now sadness in his fond smile.

Tommy's hair now had a small braid by his side.His head and right cheek still wrapped in bandages.He wore his classic white shirt with the Wilbur's L'manburg coat strapped on his waist like a jacket,nearly covering his stitched pants.There was bandages on his arms and fingers as well.

He pointed his own small side braid;"We match now."

Tommy's blue eyes shined and he grins brightly."Woah!Thats poggers!".

Phil laughed,"Sure thing,Toms.".

It was surprise to Phil when Tommy rammed himself towards him,wrapping his arms around the man in a hug.Almost automatically,he hugged back,being careful when he placed his hand on Tommy's head.The blonde smothered his face on Phil's cloak and the man couldn't help but chuckle;"Getting clingy now,eh mate?"

There was a muffled response of;"Fuck you,old man."

Another chuckle,Phil is somehow glad that his boy was returning to his usual personality.The two broke of from the hug,their smiles still on their faces.Phil walked to stand beside him,offering his hand as he spoke;"You ready now,Toms?"

Tommy hesitated a little,before he reached out to take his dad's hand.With easy steps,father and son went through the front door of the cabin,easily spotting the two hybrids.Quackity,holding a leash,was glaring at Schlatt,who was in his horse as he wheezed.Phil shook his head at their antics,but chuckled along with Tommy.

The hybrids notice the two stepping out.Quackity brought the leash along and they notice that Tommy's horse was attached.The animal sees her master and quickly made her way towards him.The three adults watched as Tommy's ride nuzzled the side of his head,the teen just grinning widely at the affection.

"Awe,you miss me Clem?"

"Clem?",Schlatt raised a brow at the name.

Tommy laughs as his horse nuzzled closer,"Her name's Clementine!"

"She sure seems to like you...",Phil comments,letting his hand rest on Clementine's side.The animal didn't seem to mind.

"And I like her back...",Tommy said,flinching a little when he steps on the ground.The ground was almost swallowing his socks with the mud,the wetness seemed through the fabric.It was cold and damp,which honestly surprised Tommy considering the storm was three nights ago.

"What the fuck man?",Quackity wheezed with a disgusted face.The other two adults looked to finally see the situation.

"Tommy,how the fuck are you standing on wet ground with only socks on!?Oh God-",Schlatt physically cringed,looked away with a grin.The ram-hybrid swore he could feel his own socks soaked.

Phil sighed when Tommy shrugs,"Let's just get you on Clem.We'll change your socks when we head home,alright?".

With a nod,Quackity and Phil helped Tommy mount his horse,despite the protest of 'I'm a big man,let me do it!' coming from the teenager himself."Wait,what about you guys?".

On cue,both avians puffed their wings."We'll be close.",his dad replied.

Tommy's eyes widened,"Wait,flying is allowed now?I didn't see any messages in the public chat say that!"

Opting to ignore the second comment—they decided they'll ask later—,Quackity nods."Dream raised the flying ban so the search could be easier.It wasn't long till the ban was permanently removed!"

"We still can't go to the end,but that'll be discussed in a later time.",Schlatt nears the group,gripping the reins tight,"I'll lead?"

"You do you.I'm sticking close to Tommy.",Phil informed.

"Fine by me!",Quackity's wings shoot out and he was soaring in the air,a triumphant yell echoed through the trees before the avian flew ahead,"Ándale!"

"Oi!Flat ass!"

The leader hurries after the duck-hybrid,who seems to be cursing in the skies now.Tommy felt a wave of rushing wind fly by behind him.His hair and clothes move along to where the wind blew.

The winds pretty strong today.He feels like flying,his hair getting tangled up on his face and his clothes moving along with the wind.He open his eyes—when did he closed them?—and he sees a pillar.How strange,who built this pillar?


He took a deep,almost shuddering,breath.Wide blue eyes met concerned blue eyes.Phil had his hand on Tommy's,holding on tightThe man's wings were puffed again.He sighs,"I'm fine..."

His worried look did not vanish."You want me to lead instead,mate?"

He cocked his head towards the side,"Huh...?"

Phil huffs,"I'll take the reins.You'll just hold on from the back."

At that moment,Tommy wanted to say something along the lines of;'Nah!I'll do it!I'm not a baby,Phil!".But he strangely felt tired already,his arms were heavy and his head pounded."Your wings though..."

Phil smiles,"Don't worry about it,Bubba.As much as I love flying,it's been a while since I decided to ride a horse.".

While it wasn't the answer he was looking for,Tommy helped his dad mount Clem,who patiently waited until everything was set.Phil's wings were quite large and Tommy was worried he might pluck a feather out.Wings are very sensitive and-


Oh,that was soft...

Tommy leaned onto Phil's back,relishing in the fact that his dad's wings were so soft like a pillow.Its been way too long since he rested on his dad's wings.There was a vibration and he realised that was Phil laughing."You comfy back there,Toms?".Another vibrating laugh when Tommy nods.

"Alright then,kiddo.Lets go!"


"Holy shit,this place looks so bright now."

They laugh as Tommy looked around.He remembers how the place looked when he came here a few days ago and he knows there weren't this much plants before.Vines and flowers decorated the lampposts and tree trunks,a couple of patches of grass poked out of the gravel pathways,and leaves and flowers were so bright and colourful.

The place looked like a wonderland.

"Yeah,that was Hannah's fault.",Schaltt said,looking around with a smug look,"...she was so relived you kids were alright,that every plant in the country—sorta—got brighter and healthy in a way."

"How does that work?",Tommy asked,letting his hand brush against a nearby leaves that they passed.

"She can manipulate plants,Toms.",Phil simply summed up,"Any strong feelings Hannah can feel would affect the plants around.In this case,she was really happy.Hence this."

"So...",he muttered,"...it's a good thing?"

Quackity lands next to the two;"It's a great thing,big man!"

The teen smiles a little.Someone,who he doesn't know,cared about him and the others,even if they don't know them that well.Speaking of someone,Tommy wonders how many new people were added to the server.


They turn to see a brunette and red cape.Phil waves at them as Tommy watches.He finally takes in how...different Wibur looked from when they were back in Pogtopia.Tamed hair and calm eyes,the trench coat wasn't there,but he thinks it's for the best.Tommy didn't like that coat anyways.

"Hey Wil.Hey Tech.",Phil greeted,getting off the horse just as the twins reached them.This was followed by Tommy attempting to get off his horse on his own.

If it weren't for Techno's observant eyes and Phil's reflexes,the poor boy would've fallen and face planted  on the ground.Phil's arms held him tightly as Wilbur gets Tommy foot off the saddle.He could practically feel Wilbur's face cringing at the sight of his socks.

"Tommy,what the fuck?",he points towards the muddied fabric,"you've been wearing socks and no shoes?Who does that!?"

"I'm the biggest man,Wibur!",Tommy grins,"I can take on some dirty socks!"

"You do know it'll take forever for the grime to come off once it dries,right?"

"So?".Phil shakes his head,huffing fondly and tiredly.He helps Tommy stand properly as his two boys bicker about the filthy sock.He laughs at Techno's amused glint in his eyes.

"Whatever you say,Toms,",Techno finally spoke up,walking over to them.He raised his hand and ruffled Tommy's curls.Now,Tommy wonders when did Techno,the stone-faced and cold 'Blood god',get so affectionate?

He says nothing about it though and relished the feeling of his calloused hand running through his hair.

"You know what?I'm getting new socks for you,Tommy.I am not going to stand here,watching you walk around in those filthy little-"

"Wilbur is gonna start listing reasons why he hates soaked socks like he's listing reasons why he hates anteaters.".Techno grins when Phil and Tommy started wheezing,Quackity began choking on his spit when he enters the conversation—after he tied the leashes of the horses to a fence—,and when Schlatt groaned.

"What's going on here?"

They turn to see the admin in his black turtleneck shirt,his hand fixated on his mask.

"Wilbur's being Wilbur again...",Schaltt explained,causing Phil to laugh even more when he added,"...being a weird shit and listing off why dirty socks are going to give him a heart-attack when literally everyone doesn't like it either."

Dream sighs,"Of course..."

"Oi,what the fuck man?",Wilbur interjects.

Tommy laughs,enjoying the moment he was living.Phil continues to laugh,recalling that very day Wilbur shared his hatred for anteaters to Phil.Techno and Quackity just watches,amused with the interactions.Wilbur and Schlatt bickers and argues,confirming that—yes—its chaotic with these two together.And finally,Dream was wheezing his famous teakettle wheeze.Tommy idly wonders how his lungs are.

The blonde pauses when he spots two figures on a bridge—that he was sure he hadn't seen yet—watching something in the distance.His eyes shined when he recognises that green shirt and messy dirty-blonde hair.

Ignoring how the others were startled from his sudden parting,Tommy called out;"Tubbo!!Drista!!"

He doesn't notice how the adults had a fond smile on their faces.He only sees his two best friends's heads turn to him,their eyes widened with pure relief and surprise.

"Tommy!!?",they shouted in union.

The youngest blonde had threw himself towards their open arms,holding them close as their arms wrap around him.They laughed,a few tears of pure joy huddled together on their eyes.

"Holy shit,Tommy!You're okay!"

"Scared the fuck out of us big man!"

"You think that's where I kick the bucket?You two are fucking wrong,then!"

They released each other,but their hands held each other close.Tommy stills when he sees the bandage on Drista's left eye."Holy-what-"

"Fell down your crater and a zombie scratched me.But I'm alright,might have some sight problems,but I'll live.",the girl explained,waving her free hand as a gesture.

Tommy went to say more,but his eye caught something.Drista's bandanna was tucked in Dream's hoodie—he didn't notice,but apparently that's where the admin's hoodie went—and Tubbo's bandanna was tied on his wrist,since his neck was bandaged.

He huffs a laugh,tucking his chin on his own bandanna.


"If you're about to apologise for something useless,don't.",Tubbo cuts him;his gaze hard,but assuring,"...We're alive.We're home.We're safe.They told us so."

"He's right Tommy...",Drista added,"...I think we can trust them again.I mean,it might take a while;but hey,we got each other eh?"

Tommy watches them.He didn't want to admit it out loud yet,but he supposed they were right.The people around here has to work hard and smart enough to earn their trust again.Hell,Wilbur is definitely gonna have to try really hard to earn Tommy's trust again.

He wouldn't lie,Tommy was still afraid.Despite their assurances,he was still afraid of getting hurt or used again,scared that war would still be waged and they had to grow up once more and risk their lives for something they didn't understand.

But standing next to these two,his best friends that he had bonded for a couple of months,he felt...sorta comforted,in a way.Not to mention his dad is now here,making sure nothing else breaks them.The entire environment practically yells,'we're going to try again and be better'.Tommy couldn't remember the last time the SMP looked this colourful and not just green.

Tommy puts on a faint smiles and nods."We're giving them a second chance..."

It wasn't a question.

It was a statement.

Tubbo grins,his cheeks brushed with red and Tommy wasn't sure if it was a blush or just the soaked in blood bandages.Drista smiles,her eyes softening as the wind brushes her long hair.

Tommy spots something behind them and his eyes widened in awe.

Tubbo and Drista immediately knew what he was looking at,and turned to admire it too.

The L'mantree grew.

As in really grew.

The last time he saw the first tree,it was just the size of a normal tree.

Now,the tree was huge.Towering over the city that Tommy wanted to smack himself for now even seeing this plant.The damn thing was huge,almost the size of the three story building or something.Its branches stretching out and the leaves fall like snowflakes in the winter;they acted like a roof from the scorching sun.The tree trunk had vines climbing towards the top,green lines etched on the bark.

All Tommy could think of was how magical that tree's aura gave.

Both his arms were being tugged on when he snaps out of the trance."Come on!It's amazing when you're under it!"

It was almost immediately,but Tommy pauses and takes them by their hands instead of them gripping his wrist.Tubbo squeezed his left as Drista tightened her hold on his right.Even if they were injured,the three runaways raced their way towards the tree,laughing when they hear scolding behind them.It didn't hurt that much,they mused.

When they reach the bark,the three looked around.

It felt amazing how this tree gave off that security they craved,like nothing would ever hurt them when they stood beneath its leaves.There was sunlight poking through the leaves,piercing its blinding light on Tommy.He shields himself with his hand,a little sad he had to let go.

As the wind blew by,Tommy felt like he really was home again.

The adults arrived with a picnic blanket and some baskets filled with food.Schlatt and Quackity made their way towards Tubbo first,with the ram-hybrid patting the boy on the back as the said brunette beams at him.Dream reaches his sister and Drista tugs him closer,hoping she could snag that mask he wore.Phil,Wilbur,and Techno went to Tommy,a hair ruffle and side hug was what he got.

It didn't take too long until others arrived.

The other DreamTeam members came first,along with Puffy.Turns out,the woman had not only adopted Dream as her duckling,but Drista as well;much to the girl's delight to finally have a proper mother figure.

Niki,Eret,and Fundy arrived next;Niki racing ahead to give the teens a warm and tight hug,saying how grateful she was that they were alive.Fundy followed,tumbling after Niki and nearly crying after seeing that they were—indeed—alright and alive.And Eret chuckling,waiting for his turn at the hug.

The newest members had visit them too;Sam and Hannah stood side by side as they introduced themselves to the kids.Its safe to say that Tubbo was squealing with Hannah's nature ability after letting some dandelions grow from the ground.

Ranboo made it as well;taking his spot by the small family and being delighted by the flowers.

Tommy allowed himself to relax as he rests his head on Phil's shoulder,watching the events that was about to unfold.He snuggled closer when his dad's wing shielded his side,comforting warmth seeped through.He must've fallen asleep with a smile on his face.Tubbo and Drista fell asleep later as well,huddled up with their respective families underneath the L'mantree.

Wilbur continues to play his guitar,which he brought along just before Ranboo arrived,and allowed this soft melody echoed through the streets.Some hummed along with his tune,while others watched the skies turn into a vibrant orange and pink colour of the sunset.

Tommy found himself waking up a little,just in time for the fireflies to appear.He quietly watches as he allows one to land on his finger.

It tickled.

With a little wiggle,the little critter flies off with its kind as he fell asleep again,not realising his interaction was witnessed by his elder brother.He said nothing,but he smiled at that.


He'll give them a chance...

After all...they were in it together....


It's an interesting story...

Three traumatised and scarred teenagers running away from home to find a safe haven,causing the ones in the wrong to snap out of their selfish desires.

It has a few flaws,but it's a happy ending.Everyone loves happy endings,no?

Everyone is reunited and would live a happy life together...


If only that story was true...in this realty...

But,it doesn't matter...does it?

Things could still change...

For better...

Or for worse...


I wish I could live in that world...in that time...

It would be wonderful,wouldn't it?


I must go now...

My lovers are calling for me...

Perhaps I'll take a break as well...

Time traveling is quite exhausting...

Though I must say...

This story...is a keeper...

I should try visiting this world again if i get the chance.

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