After story #2:Autumn

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As someone who has never experienced autumn,I apologise if I got anything wrong about the season.I really like to experience different seasons,especially winter.I WANT TO SEE SNOW-


Anywaysssss,enjoy this new After Story!
Feel free to point out any mistakes I might've made.

Got any request for the next after story?
Who knows?I might make it~
: )


As admin,Dream had the ability to not only control of whatever was in the server,but also the server itself.Think of it as God mode,but he's mortal.He can do anything he wants in the server;that included altering the time and weather of the world.

Yes...that included seasons.He can change seasons.

You see,servers are quite a mystery to many people.They are realms,dimensions,even worlds;created by essentially a human being turned demigod in a way.No one knew how servers were originated,how created them,where it all began;it's just...showed up and was part of everyday life.

And over time,servers were being created left and right.Admins were soon becoming a part of society as people with magic,rather than some godly being.And all these worlds were being attached to one and—quite frankly—only world that is not admin-made.

The real world;otherwise know as the hub,the home space,the central city;it honestly depends on who you ask.All that's important is that the real world is basically the one place where it keeps all the other servers together,connected in a way.

But anyways,we're getting a little sidetracked here;aren't we?


It's currently September and the hub is covered with warm coloured leaves.He's heard from all the other servers that the autumn scenery was just as beautiful as it was in the recent years.And since Dream's server is one of the very few servers who 'turned off' seasons,maybe the man know..?

'Turn it back on'.

He had talked about it with everyone in his house,while the minors were hanging out by the L'mantree.The meeting went very smooth,with a few others adding in their own ideas and contributing to the plan.Whats the plan you ask?


Help the kids of the server have great fucking memorise that would overcome the traumatic ones.It'll be hard,they all knew this considering the triggers they know—hopefully knew,they were worried there's more they don't know about—and tried to work out.Therapy and healing is a hard task,but they try.

The meeting ended with enthusiastic agreements and giddily plans.

So over night,when everyone had fallen asleep,Dream went outside in the cold winds of the dark.With quiet steps and muffled breathings,he climbed on top of a building to overlook his server;faint light coming from most of the windows glowed like fireflies,the crickets croaked,and the stars twinkled in the sky.

From where he stood,the trees were in the familiar shade of forest green.

Not for long,though.

With a flick of his wrist,a holographic pad and screen flickered before him.Numerous codes and numbers and whatnot,it's a little confusing to read to the normal eye.Its weird too;a holographic pad in a world among others.Kinda like a simulation,but it's legit?

What was Dream thinking again?


He lightly taps and types his commands,the words that was embedded in his brain being placed on his screen.He types,pauses,types again,waits,and finally grins when the words he wanted to read flashed;


Do you wish to proceed?
Yes𒊹︎ No𒊹︎

He presses his first option and the wind turns cold.

He heads back to his home,where his little sister continues to sleep.The changes would start soon.The more he thinks about it,the giddy he becomes.

Can't wait for the plan to be set in stone.


To say the kids were shocked was an understatement.

The moment they see the trees were in the shade of orange and yellow and red and brown,they were both ecstatic and confused.But mostly ecstatic.

The first to see the change was Tommy;upon coming downstairs to have breakfast with his family and catching the sight of a brown leave falling into their living room's open window,he paused.And the moment he sees the outside,Phil and Wilbur had to run after him when the boy bursts out the door,yelling confused profanities that you would usually laugh at.

Yes,he was bare foot as well when he ran outside.

Then came in Drista,purely because she had woken up by the baffled screeches of her best friend.She was pretty close to yelling at him,asking why the fuck was he yelling at literally seven in the morning,when a bee buzzed by.She startled herself awake and sees it,the warm coloured trees and cool chill wind.Drista leaned out her balcony and gazes at the plants around her in awe.

She later joins Tommy in with the loud noise of amazement and confusion,but she doesn't scream profanities and instead just gasped like she was in a cartoon.

Lastly was Tubbo and you probably know what to expect next.The brunette,a little grouchy with how loud the yelling was,went out the front door and paused when his feet hits the cold floor.This was enough to wake him up enough to witness the new change in the land.

Unlike his two younger friends,he was silent as the shock of the new sight silenced him.

In fact,everyone in the town walked out their homes or leaned out of their windows to take in the beauty of the new season.Many had chilled and shivered,of course,as the temperature had dropped during the night's progression.Most were looking at each other,grinning as the plan was finally set into motion.

When the admin looks out his window to watch his magic come into view,he smiles.Even more so when he turns to see his little sister outstretching her hand to catch a falling yellow leaf,geeking when she catches it.Its been quite a long while since she experienced the fall.

Hell,maybe most of the minors haven't experienced a new season in such a long while.

The idea of permanently disabling the 'change season' option would linger in his mind for a long time.So for now,he goes back in to call the girl for breakfast.She'll need the energy if she wants to explore the lands filled with warm leaves and chilly winds.

And as the clock ticked on,why don't we see how the season goes in the SMP?


"Tommy?",Phil called out to his youngest,"C'mon mate!Lets get a better view of the trees!".

He nervously chuckles when he hears the kid run down the stairs with one socked foot and one untied shoelace sneakers.Oh boy,that child better not fall down;he thinks as his wings ruffled and prepare themselves to boost him if Tommy ever did fell.

Thankfully,he didn't and the boy had spent the next few minutes fixing up his shoes.

With a quick goodbye to the twins,the father and youngest son left the house and started to stroll through the familiar path they often walked on.It was a routine they made since then;After breakfast,Phil would wait for Tommy by the door and the two would take a morning stroll through the town.

Sometimes,they would chat a little.Sometimes,they were quiet.

Sometimes,when Tommy had a decent night,the boy would run ahead and peek at anything that sparks his interest while Phil watched with a fond smile.

Sometimes,when Tommy had a bad night,he would cling into his dad for most of the walks,often holding his hand and letting Phil wrap one of his wings around him,almost hiding him from the world.

It seemed Tommy had a decent night,but the boy was silently insisting that he'd hold his dad's hand.Phil said nothing about though and just smiled at him.The younger blonde was too distracted by how pretty the plants were to even notice the familiar scene they were playing out.

A father,holding his little boy's hand,as they stroll through the autumn streets and listen to the wind and birds.The way Phil kept a close eye on Tommy to make sure nothing goes wrong,they way Tommy stared at everything like it was magic,it was all too familiar to the older guy.

Times does fly by quickly,huh?

It as almost as if it was yesterday when he received that message from Tommy;saying how Wilbur was going insane,how Techno was being distant and cold most of the time,how he was tired of fighting wars he didn't want to even be in...

He remembers being so confused and so worried for his children because Wilbur said they won and-

He idly shakes his head.That was in the past now;there's no need to dwell on it.He had talked about it with his family,everything will be okay.His youngest son,his Tommy,is right here,holding his hand and alive.He made it in time,he's helping his sons,he's helping them and everyone heal.


Everything will be okay,he reminds himself with a smile as he looked at the flower Tommy had pointed out.Its a very pretty flower.


The teenagers laughed at Schlatt after the guy had been shoved by Wilbur and had fallen on his ass because of it.Dream stood by the sidelines with an amused smile.

"You absolute fucker-"

"Oh?Oh,what are you gonna do about it?",Wilbur taunts him,immediately belting away as Schlatt regained his balance and chased him around.If you guessed the minors cheered for Schlatt,you are correct.In fact,Wilbur had pouted when he sees them cheering for the man instead of him.

"What-why!?",he exclaimed when he reached the others,leaving a panting Schlatt trailing behind him.How Wilbur isn't panting or tired will be a question Dream would think about for the next couple hours.Wilbur looks at Tommy,"You too!?".

The boy in question sticks his tongue out to him and blew a raspberry,earning more hysteric giggles from his friends and a wheeze from the admin.He would laugh at Wilbur when he started whining.Then Schlatt would catch up and start pushing Wilbur to make him fall,and the latter would push back in retaliation.So now,the duo looked like they were simply having a wrestling match,to which the kids would cheer on and-

"Hey guys!"

The group turned to face Dream when-

They started to sputter when they were hit with a face full of fallen leaves.Apparently,the admin had been collecting as much leaves he could possibly find and create a large leaf pile,to which he jumped into after calling them.

The first to jump in was Tubbo after immediately seeing how fun it looked and just dived right into the pile,cheering and whooping as he did.

The next was Tommy,dragging Drista along as well,and both kids had fallen into the pile in a less graceful way than Tubbo.But the three were laughing either way,as well as Drista playfully punching Tommy on the arm after he dragged her by the shoulder.

The younger brunette would gather the piled leaves into his arms and throw them in the air,raining it down towards his two younger friends and bathing them in the autumn colours.Tommy would lean back as he laughed and Drista would attempt to catch as many leaves as she can.

And after a while of the adults watching them with fond eyes,Wilbur would be the first to jump in the leave pile,intentionally crashing into Tommy.They would bicker about it,but there would be no actual threat or malice in it.

As for Dream and Schlatt?Those two would come back with even more leaves,bundled in their arms.They would do the same thing Tubbo did and shower the plants onto whoever was underneath it.More laughs and squeals would be made,and it would be enough for the three adults to know their day would be great.


Alright,Techno may have made a slight miscalculation in his own plan.

Look,it wasn't that bad.Just a bit of a scrape on the knee and a slight bruise on the shoulder.Tubbo may have fallen on his ass more that thrice now,but that's his own fault.Drista might have crashed into some bushes and wild grass while practicing parkour with Dream,she's getting pretty good the further she went.

And Tommy...may or may not have fallen into a very claustrophobic ditch;in which case when Tommy panicked,his body started to squeeze into the tight spaces and the teen began slipping through the cracks.

Okay,that sounded fucked.

But Techno and Dream were there,and they came in fucking prepared.

"Tommy,I need you to calm down.",Techno coaxes him,despite not having much experiences with it.If he's going to comfort his brother during times like this,the social awkwardness can jump out the damn window because Techno promised he'd be there for Tommy,he'd protect Tommy and-

"Almost there!",Dream yelled and snapped Techno out of his thoughts.Tommy had stopped squirming and Techno kept talking softly to him,telling him that everything is alright and that Tommy needs to keep looking at him.

Huh,he didn't think he was still talking,but apparently he still was.

And he stilled kept reassuring Tommy when the boy's leg was finally free from the tight spaces of the ditch—it probably led to a deep ravine,but no one mentions that—and instead was curled up tight in Techno's arms,shaking like a leaf.

"I got you,Toms."He mumbled,rubbing his back in a soothing manner,"It's okay now.You're out and okay,I need you to breath for me.".

It took a while,of course;tons of gentle reminders and plenty of soft touches was all it took for Tommy to calm down.If the man was being honest,all of the times he had spent comforting Tommy in the past month had payed off.Yeah,there's some stuff here and there,but he's getting better with emotions,in a way.

He certainly wouldn't know what to do before and would've gave the comfort job to Dream;mostly Phil,for obvious reasons,but Tech would've gave it to Dream during this moment.

But that's Techno of the past.

Now?Tech is comfortable enough to let Tommy lay in his arms for as long as he needs,maybe wants.If it calms and warms his little brother,he'd let it happen.

"Is he okay?",Techno looks over to Drista and Tubbo,who watched their youngest friend in worry.

The man nods,"He'll be fine.He's probably exhausted from all the panicking,but mostly he's unharmed.".

After more reassurance,the two other teenagers went ahead and continued their little mini manhunt and parkour practice.Techno stays put under a tree,Tommy's head resting on his lap.The boy laid there with his eyes close,the soft breathing was a clear indication he had fallen asleep.

A small smile etched Techno's lips as he gently combed Tommy's hair.His brother looked adorable sleeping like this,it was endearing.

He guessed most younger siblings just has that charm.


"I think I did it wrong."

Niki chuckles at Tubbo,who was being taught how to braid."Its not bad!Here,let me show you again.",she says as she stops braiding Techno's hair and moved over to Tubbo.

"Please don't tangle the strands,it's painful to brush them off.",Drista mumbled,wincing when a strand of hair had been plucked out.That was...strand number four?Five?Maybe five.

"Look closely,ok?"Niki tells the brunette and began twisting the three large sections of hair Tubbo was previously holding and weaved it into a braid,all while Tubbo watched intently.

"Phil...",Techno mocked whined,"...after you're done with Toms,do mine.At this point,my hair wouldn't be finished for another thirty minutes if Tubbo still doesn't understand how to braid.".

Ignoring Tubbo's fake hurt response of 'fuck you!',Phil laughs as he finishes fixing up Tommy's hairdo."Sure thing mate,just a few finishing touches and I'll be with you.".The man turns back to Tommy and,just as he said,added the last flower to his blonde curls.He plucks a yellow rose off the ground and tucks it behind Tommy's ear,right where a single and small braid resided.

"And done!".

Tommy turns to the group with a raised brow and a sheepish smile;his hair was tied to a low braid with flowers embedded into the golden strands.Somehow,the rose stood out from the blonde colour,but at the same time blended in perfectly.Does that make sense?Maybe not.

"You look great,big man!",Drista comments,wincing right after when Tubbo tugged on a strand.The boy mumbled another apology.

"Yeah!Your dad did good with the flowers.",Tubbo added,shooting him a grin.

Phil laughs,"Tommy often likes having flowers in his hair when he was younger.Insisted I weave them in whenever we head out for a picnic in the meadows."

"One of his nicknames was flower boi...",The blonde's cheeks turned a bright red and Techno smirked at him,his eyes shined a glint of mischief,"..don't look at me like that.You really liked it when Phil braids your hair in the same way he braided mine.".

The older blonde looks at Tommy with a fond chuckle,"You really did Toms!I believe it's because you wanted to be more like Tech.You even snatched his cape and pretended to be him,waving around a wooden sword in the garden."

"Fuckers.",he spat with no actual ill intent,cheeks burning with embarrassment,"You're all fucking assholes.".

They laughed at his flustered and red tinted face.Tubbo was the one who outed Tommy with;"So Wilbur wasn't your idol at first!?".

Before Tommy could reply with a curse,Phil cuts in with a shit-eating grin;"Oh yes.Tommy looked up to Techno the most during their childhood,before Wilbur got jealous and tried to get Tommy to like him more."

"That's cause he was a wanker.",Tommy mumbled,shying away from the teasing looks his friends gave him.Looks like flower boi is another new nickname they can use to annoy the fuck out of him.


"Oh!Did I do it right Niki!?",Tubbo excitedly looked at the girl after his next attempt.Its not that bad,to be honest.

Niki smiles,"That's right!You did good!",she praised him,giving him a small applause.

Drista examines her newly weaved hairdo and smirks,"A little loose,but not too bad bee boy."

Tommy doesn't listen to whatever Tubbo shoot back,instead deciding wether or not is a good time to take a nap.His dad helped him with that answer,by nudging his sides with his wing and gesturing to lie down on his lap.

He didn't waste time and followed his gesture,placing his head on Phil's lap,closed his eyes,and relaxed when a warm hand grasped his shoulder,a firm but grounding touch.Another hand,one that's rough,tried to run through his golden curls before Phil's other hand swatted it away.He faintly hears something along the lines of 'you'll ruin the flowers'.

He snorts when Techno huffs.


Tommy wakes up to Tubbo shaking his shoulders.For a moment,he was confused and dazed,until the events came back to him.

"Psst!",Tubbo called out to him,"Big man?Wake up!".

He gets up,realising that everyone had fallen asleep.

Well,except the newly woken minors.Oh,and Ranboo and purpled were there too.Drista stands alongside them,evidently drowsy.Tubbo smiles at him,"We're gonna go to the cottage.Just us five.Just us minors,Yeah?"

"We can continue having a nap there.",Purpled offered,shrugging,before yawning a moment later.

That doesn't sound too bad.

He lets Tubbo pick him up and the group left the adults,who still sleeps under the tree.


To be fair,they probably should've told the others where they went.

Because now,Phil is pretty sure he's fucking panicking and isn't going to calm the fuck down soon.Techno is already on the move to look for the kids,Wilbur being the only one holding him back.Schlatt is currently telling Dream to hurry the fuck up with searching their communicators and the latter is typing out admin stuff with shaky hands.

Thankfully,Dream did find their location.

So the adult group rushes to the cliff,near the trio's cottage.They don't find the said trio inside the house,but they did manage to find them on the actual cliff side.

Phil and Schlatt nearly had a heart attack upon seeing the five minors laying on the ground,eyes closed,thinking of the worse possible scenario;until Purpled twitched and got up,begrudgingly,and made eye contact with the adults.He puts his finger over his lips.


Phil sags in relief and Schlatt groaned.Wilbur snickers at them,muttering;"Old.".He receives a glare from both men and a snort from his twin.Dream rolled his eyes at them,but was equally relieved to see them not hurt.

Unfortunately,the commotion woke Tommy and Drista up.The boy looks over to where Purpled was looking at,followed by Drista.The girl shrugs at them and lies back down,proceeding to fall back to sleep.

Tommy,however,gets on his knees and holds his arms out to them;eyes half open and posture slouched.He's making grabby hands at his family.

He's being clingy.

And before any of the twins can smirk at one another,planning to tease their little brother about being clingy,Phil was already bundling up his youngest in his arms,a range of chirps and trills commenced.When Tommy snuggles into his dad's chest,Phil was grinning,happily nuzzling onto his youngest's blonde hair.


The twins pout and Schlatt get to mock Wilbur in retaliation;"Dramatic prick".He gets a muffled 'shut up' from the brunette.Dream wheezes.

And as the sun sets,the group settled there.Basking in the golden rays in the distance and cool breeze brushing against them.The minors are still asleep,but they have faint smiles lining their lips.The autumn leaves danced around them and wildlife sways along.

What a pretty season.


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