Chapter 1: The first mystery

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"Sylvia, wake up! Get your ass out of that bed and come downstairs quickly! We have an enormous problem here!"

Being abruptly awakened from her sweet dream on a gorgeous April morning when cherry blossoms are dancing cheerfully in the romantic reddish sky, Sylvia reluctantly shakes her warm blanket off her slightly shivering body and sleepily gropes for her slippers under the bed. While irritatedly murmuring several swear words and curses under her breath, she tries to comb her hair in front of a full-length, lovely heart-shaped mirror her bestie gave her as a birthday present right after they entered the university.

Sylvia has never developed any liking for such girly items (besides being overly sweet and dreamy in design, the mirror is even bright pink in color; ugh, it's so cheesy that she almost gets goosebumps just from thinking about it), and to be perfectly honest, she has no interest in women's common soft and feminine style. During her eighteen-year life, no dresses, skirts or high heels have ever been seen in her wardrobe; as a dedicated fan of tomboy outfits, Sylvia's clothes are always designed in a masculine, wild, free-spirited and rebellious style which greatly promotes her strong individuality.

Sylvia has just finished tidying her short blond hair when Mina - her garrulous but loyal bestie since childhood - continues to shout Sylvia's name at the top of her voice. Not wanting to hear any more complaints from her fussy friend who's excessively obsessed with perfectionism (what kind of friend is even more annoying than her own mother!), she takes a quick glance at her reflection in the mirror before rushing downstairs to see what happened that made Mina so thoughtless to wake her up at this time in the morning.

Looking back at her is a young "handsome" woman dressed carelessly in black and white - a black oversized hoodie that is way too large for her slender figure mixed with ripped denim shorts. Despite this boyish and naughty look (her short curly hair only increases such impression since it gives her the appearance of a mischievous kid), no one can deny that Sylvia is a true beauty with flawless creamy complexion and deep green eyes as glistening emeralds in the dark. Letting out a small yawn, she immediately turns around to the direction of her bedroom entryway, then heads downstairs at her full speed to Mina's spot.

As soon as she arrives, Sylvia finds her best friend standing near the doorstep with her eyes fixed alarmingly on something lying motionless, as if dead, in front of their house. Approaching closer to have a better look at the scene that drew Mina's attention and put her at a loss to explain the situation (the moment she set foot in, Sylvia noticed her bestie's unusual silence at once), Sylvia lets out a gasp and steps back in utter bewilderment, almost horrified by what she just saw one second ago. She finally understands why Mina hasn't said even a single word or casted a glance at her ever since she came in; as a matter of fact, this also clarifies the look of total shock on her friend's face.

Staying face down on the ground is a little boy - probably six or seven years old - wrapped perfunctorily in a black leather jacket that doesn't fit him at all. Judging from its size, Sylvia can instantly tell this jacket doesn't belong to the boy; obviously, it must have been his father's or elder brother's possession before being passed down to him though he hasn't turned adult yet.

However strange this may seem, it isn't what frightens her the most. And not surprisingly, Mina's feeling when she found out must have been at least twice as distressed as Sylvia's since she was the one who discovered it first. No wonder why her voice sounded a bit shaking this morning.

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