Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Scott

Is it me or has school just sucked more nowadays? Maybe it's because it's my senior year, I'm over all of it: The teachers, the homework, the tests, it's too much and boring. Sitting in Physics, my thoughts run of 'accidentally' causing a chemical reaction just to get out of class, but that's too drastic. I gazed at the board while the teacher droned on about God knows what I noticed that Maria wasn't here. I thought brains didn't skip class. Class finally ended and I'm the first one out.

As I walked out I saw her friends Rachel and Terri at the lockers. I asked them where Maria was and Terri told me that she's home with a cold, Rachel didn't make eye contact with me.

"You okay, Rach?" I asked with little concern.

She shrugged, "I'm cool. I got to get Maria's assignments." She wrapped her arms over her stomach and skidded her shoe on the ground.

"If you want I could do that." I offered.

"Uh-" Rachel began to protest shaking her head.

"That's a great idea. Thanks Scott," Terri spoke. She nudged Rachel's stomach.

"That's really nice of you," Rachel said with a small smile.

I smiled too. It was the least I could do. They told me the classes she had, I nodded wordlessly listening. Terri told me that they had to go, the girls left the spot quickly. I walked away as well, heading to Maria's classes to get her classwork.

After second period I saw Jake with his girlfriend Sarah by the bathrooms. I was about to approach them, but hands slithered around my shoulders.

"Hey, babe." Lauren Wood, one of the most flirty and sexiest girls at this school. Brunette, blue eyes and thick hips, the signature scent of fruit perfume wafted in my nose.

Hey," I replied in a monotone. She slept with a few guys at this school. Even me.

"You've been avoiding me," her whisper in my ear tickled.

"Is it so obvious?" I told her gripping her hold off. When we hooked up the first time she didn't want me to leave. Thinking we were exclusive, she got jealous when I hung out with other girls.

"Come on Scotty, I haven't seen you in a while," she kissed my cheek gently. I got loose from her grip and began stepping away but she followed me. "Let's ditch and go to your car for some fun," she said seductively grabbing my elbow, brushing it lightly.

I turned to her sighing; the expression on her face was sultry: hooded eyes and a smirk from her full lips. Why the hell not?

We made out for a while in my parked car, she gave me a hand job. An hour later in the steamed car I told her I had somewhere to go.

"You don't want to do anything else?" She asked out of breath putting on her shirt.

"Not really, I gotta see my mom at the hospital," I lied while zipping my jeans.

"What happened, is she okay?" she asked while finger brushing her hair.

"She's fine, I just want to visit her at work." she had a skeptical look on her face. She was putting on her lip gloss.

"Can I come? I never met your mom."

I told her "no."

She scoffed, "jerk." She adjusted her top and slammed my car door hard. Bitch.

I put my car in drive and pulled out of the school's parking lot. I got some texts from Dom and Jake asking where I was but I didn't respond back. I thought I could drive around until school ended, but I wanted to visit a certain curly head girl. I parked in front of her house and got out of the driving seat, closing the door I saw a slightly old woman approach me.

"Can I help you?" she asked in a sweetly but stern voice.

"Hi, I'm Scott Huntsman. I was wondering if Maria was home." I told her with charm and a smile while shaking her hand.

"And this concerns you how?"

"Oh, we're schoolmates and I have her assignments for the day."

"Can I see your ID?" Geez, she's not fucking around. I pulled out my school ID and gave it to her. She nodded her head, handing the laminated card back to me.

"Are you two in the same classes?" She questioned

"Physics," I answered.


"Plus she's kind of taken with me."

"Like a crush?"

"Something like that." I stifled a laugh, she's gonna me so pissed.

"I didn't know she was dating anyone."

"We're seeing where things go," I gave her most innocent small smile. She smiled and introduced herself as Mrs. Saltzman. We went in, there's a messy couch of used tissue with Maria covered under her blanket.

"She just fell asleep, but you can stay while I run some errands. You seem like a sweet boy," she spoke while scrunching her face and pinched my cheeks. I laughed awkwardly and she let go. My eyes went back to Maria in an weird position: lying face up, her arms out and snoring loudly like a car horn I might add. She was almost peaceful, but I wish she wasn't snoring.

While sitting at the far end I changed the crappy shit she was watching. Her snoring got louder I couldn't hear the tv. I grabbed a facial tissue and tickled her nose. She moved her head a little, fell back asleep. I did it again but nothing happened. One more time, she woke up sneezing. I grinned.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she asked with her nose stuffed up, I chuckled at the way she sounded.

"You sound like a clown that swallowed a horn," I said still laughing.

"That doesn't answer the question jackass." She was trying to sound angry but it didn't work. I told her that her friends told me she was sick and I brought her school work. She had this weird look on her face claiming she was delirious she punched me.

"Ow." She shook it in pain.

"What the fuck was that?" I said while laughing.

"I thought I was Superman." What?

"What?" I repeated out loud. Is she serious?

"Forget it. How did you get in here?" I began telling her that her neighbor let me in but my sentence was cut off when her neighbor came in and told her that she bought her some stuff.

"Maria, you didn't tell me that you had a boyfriend. You could have called him and asked him to take care of you." Mrs. Saltzman spoke.

"Mrs. Saltzman, Scott's not my" she started but I cut her off.

"Sweetie you should have called. Ma'am she's not the needy person. Independent, that's why I like her." I placed my arm around her and kissed the side of her head.

"You two look so cute," Mrs. Saltzman said gushing. "I didn't think you'd date anyone after Tyler." Who the hell was Tyler? I looked to Maria, she laid back fidgeting with her blanket. Mrs. Saltzman told us that she would be right next door and if we need anything just call.

"Why did you tell her that we're dating?" she asked angry but still nasally.

"Come on, I was joking. Don't get you panties in a twist," I said still hugging her.

"Well it's not funny; we only had one date and who's going to believe that when you sleep with every girl you meet?" She pushed me off.

"Not every girl," I said smirking. We stared at each other for a moment but she broke it. She's really cute and feisty. Resembling Rudolph with a red nose and glossy eyes she was even more adorable. She said I might catch her germs but I didn't mind. Besides I got all my immunization shots.

I suggested to make her soup after a little coercing of her stubborn ways, she agreed going to the couch covering herself with the blanket. The perks of watching the cooking channel, my mouth even watered from the spicy and sweet smell. I made myself one too.

While cooking in the kitchen she was flipping the channels. She landed on 'The Hangover', I gave her the bowl and she ate it, more like slurped the entire time. We both finished, placing it on the table and laid back on the couch. I sat a little closer to her; she glared at me but didn't move. 20 minutes into the movie, she started to fall asleep again. I told her to wake up and watch the movie but she didn't and her head fell on my shoulder. I caressed her hair as she slept and then she started to snore again. My fingers continued to move softly. She became more comfortable on me, I grinned again holding her closer my thumb brushing her cheek.

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