Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Maria

 I saw Tony talking to the receptionist, waving to both of them and then went to the shelves. Only thirty minutes left in class I might as well waste it on reading. I could read on my phone since I have an ebook app, but the library has strict rules of using phones or any other electronics other than their computer. I picked out 'Jane Eyre' by Charlotte Bronte, one of my favorites. I heard the chair scrape the floor, Tony sitting across from me and said "hi."

"Hi," I replied back.

"Did you get the budget for the prom decorations?" he asked.

"Yeah, uh Mike send me an email," I told him in a hush voice.

"Do you have a date for the prom?" he asked.

"I might go alone," I answered, flipping a page.

"That sounds sad," he said trying to hold back a laugh.

I giggled as well. "What?"

"I mean, you don't want the whole date and limo?"

"No, I just want to dance. And then the guys will get bored with their dates and dance with me. So their dates will be my dates," I paraphrased Brittany Pierce from 'Glee.'

"Ha," he breathed out a laugh. "I thought you and Scott were you together."

"We're just friends," I said not wanting to explain and waved my hand dismissively, "do you have a date?"

"Yeah, you remember Marnie? She's the cheerleading captain." I nodded. She's beautiful, long raven hair, blue eyes and slender. "I asked and she said yes," he grinned.

"Wow. Cool."

"Well, I'm part of the committee and she thinks she can get an in to win prom queen."

"She's not even nominated, is she?" I asked wondering.

"Yeah she is, actually. The ballots haven't been counted yet."

Of course she would try to weasel her way for votes by dating someone on the prom committee. Me and her have not associated with each other, crossed paths in the hallway. In school she's the known queen bee and also slept with Scott. Now the pathways she had been giving me the stink eye since my one date with him.

We were silent for a while, sounds of books being paged, the keyboards clicking from other students. "Do you have plans on Saturday?" He asked suddenly.

"Why?" I asked drawing out the y.

"My parents are looking for a babysitter for my little sister and I promised I'd ask around. Can you help out? Please?" He asked giving me wide and pleading eyes.

"Why can't you do it?" I loved kids though, but I'm not much of a babysitter.

"I'm busy," he told me.

"Doing what?" I questioned.

"Stuff," he replied.

"What kind of stuff?" I questioned back.

He gave out an exasperated sigh and said, "I have a date with Marnie."

"Oh, um well I don't have work. Yeah, sure. Just tell me the time and place."

"At eight, they'll drop her off at your house."

"Where are they going anyway?" I asked.

"This charity ball for cops or something."

"They're going to that? My parents are going too."

"Cool." I remembered dad telling me and Jason a while ago that the police force was going to have a banquet for the police members that had sacrificed and worked hard to raise money for their families.

The bell rang, me and Tony stood up to leave. "See you after school for the meeting?"

"You bet," he replied. I waved bye.

During History the teacher was talking about the French Revolution.

Lunch hour came fast, Terri skipped with Eric so it was just me, Rachel and the new guy Liam. During our meal Liam and Rachel were vibing with each other. She laughed at his jokes. I did as well, he seemed like a cool and funny guy. I noticed Scott and his buds at the far away table playing around, he glanced at me I gave me a grin and he gave one back.

My attention went back to Rachel and Liam's convo. She asked if I wanted to hang out with her and Terri on Saturday, I told her that I was babysitting Tony's sister. I noticed the expression Liam had while staring at Rachel: smitten and a small grin it made my heart soar for them.

The day was almost over, the sun setting the weather changing into a light breeze. Coming home I was so tired from schoolwork, the prom committee meeting and my shift from work, I went upstairs throwing my backpack on the ground I plopped on my bed and went right to sleep. I didn't even bother to change.


I felt a hard smack across my cheek. "Owwww! What the hell?" Drowsy while rubbing my cheek in pain I opened my eyes seeing Jason and Aaron hovering over me.

"Dinner's almost ready," Jason's tone came out annoyed.

"Dinner?" I asked confused wiping the crust off my eyes and yawned, "what time is it?"

"7:58pm," muttered Aaron as he chuckled. I pulled out my phone to see that he's right.

"Shit," I mumbled and got out of bed, taking my shoes and jacket off.

"You didn't have to hit me though," I said slapping his cheek.

"Damn Maria. Watch the face," he winced, rubbing the pained area.

"Shut up," I said making my way downstairs to the dining room. It's lasagna night, one of my favorite foods of all time. I devoured two plates since I was really hungry it being a long day and not eating much at lunch.

After dinner, I went to my room for a shower calling it an early night. "Hey," I heard a knock on my door, Aaron leaning against the doorway.

"Hi. Going to bed?" I questioned unfolding my comforter.

"Not yet. Me and Jason are going out soon," he said still at the door way while I was getting ready to sleep.

"On a Monday night?" I asked frowning.

"There's a party somewhere on campus," he said with a small smile. I laughed, sneaking a look of him wearing fitted skinny jeans and a black t shirt, looking real good. I sat on the bed as he stepped into my room fully. "You want to come with us?" he asked playing with my lampshade.

"Too tired, and no way am I not going out with you guys again," I said with a laugh.

"We're not that bad," he said now standing in front of me.

"Yeah, right. Last time I went out with you guys, you abandoned me at the party after you guys met some girls."

"We came right back."

"I had to walk home, you're lucky it was only 15 minutes away from my house." He shook his head amused, me joining him in his laughter.

"So, where's Jason now?" I asked.

"He just left to get some beers."

"You're gonna wait for him?"

"Yeah, but I came to keep you company."

"I'm not good company," I shook my head.

"I think you're great company," he said smiling as I looked into his green eyes. I was almost in a daze. He kneeled in front of me, coming closer and tilting his face.

"Aaron," I whispered as he kissed my cheek softly, then my nose, then my lips. I kissed him back, our tongues moving in sync.

"No, we can't do this," I said breathlessly trying to break away.

"We had so much fun before," he said as his lips were peppering kisses on my neck. I tried to push him off, it didn't work because I gave in. Why did he do this to me? I grabbed onto his hair while he held my waist, pulling me in closer to his pelvis. No no no!

"Aaron you need to go," I pushed him away further.


"No, I told you."

"And I told you about what I want, you know I like you."

"I like you too."

"You can't push away your feelings." His thumb caressed my lips.

"I'm not. Just my desires. Good night Aaron." I turned my back to him, the door slamming behind me. Breathing out I licked my lips, his taste still lingered. I wiped it off with the back of my hand and turned off my lamp, I laid back on my mattress eyes opened on the ceiling until I fell asleep.

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