Chapter 26

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Chapter 26: Maria

I'm dating Scott Huntsman, officially. I mean it's not like it's my lifelong dream to date one of the hottest guys in school, it's just weird that he finally wanted to date. The rest of the school day stares and glares from everyone whenever Scott and I held hands annoyed me. Even worse when my friends and his friends all sat at the same table during lunch: hushed tones, glances over and over. People needed to mind their business and get over it.

Scott insisted to give me a ride home. I told him my dad was coming but he offered repeatedly, I called dad that a friend was bringing me home. He began telling me about his ex girlfriend and her coming for a family dinner while driving. An invite to me to prove to his parents that we're a couple and I agreed, I'm bringing my parents as well to meet them. Scott speeding semi fast and me protesting for him to go a little slower while holding onto the dashboard. "Live a little Maria," he said continuing in the same speed. How can I live a little when I might die? Slowing down as he reached to a stoplight, I let out a breath that I was holding and released my grip from the door handle.

"So the ex you're avoiding, what's her name again?" I questioned.

"Julie," he responded.

"So why did you guys break up?" I asked with curiosity.

"All in good time, princess," he grinned at me.

"Ew, my dad calls me that, please don't use that as a pet name," I grimaced.

"What about sweetcakes," he stated with a smirk.

"What about you just call me Maria?"

"Just one pet name. You can give me one." I rolled my eyes to think of one, all I came up with was 'babe.'

"Lame," he said bored.

"Okay what other name are you thinking?" I asked.

"I'll stick to princess." And he's calling me lame.

"Why won't you tell me the rest?" I turned to him as I took my seatbelt off.

"Because we just started dating, I'm saving it for shock value. You haven't told me why you and Tyler broke up," he retorted back.

"He moved," I told him.

"There's probably more to that story, princess." There was more to it and I didn't want to tell him yet.

"Fine." I checked my surroundings, the leaves blowing through the wind, a desert road that he parked. "Why aren't I at home?" Looking back to him, he already leaned in to meet my lips for a soft kiss. Gripping my hips he pulled me onto his lap as our mouths moved fast and hard. Grinding against his pelvis, my fingers threaded through his soft strands and lower back hitting the horn making a quick beep. Tongues roaming and breathing hard, his hold tighter my thighs squeezing, the horn beeping from my movement I began to giggle.

"What's so funny?" Our lips apart as he frowned in confusion.

"Sorry, my back keeps hitting the horn." Continuing to laugh, I got off him and back to my seat.

"Why is that funny?"

"It just is." He's not laughing. Maybe I'm the only one that found it funny.

"You're weird," he stated.

"I'm your girlfriend, you can't call me weird." I crossed my arms with a pout.

"Yes I can, that's why you're my girlfriend." He adjusted his collar.

"And you're my boyfriend. Scott Huntsman: boyfriend. Scott is my boyfriend. It still sounds weird to say. "

"Don't get used to it."

"You're already thinking about breaking up with me," I said in fake shock.

"Maybe." We both look at each other and laughed.

"I should get home, it's getting late," I told him.

He simply nodded, putting his key in the ignition and drove off.


As he dropped me off, I kissed him on the cheek, "call you later!" I yelled out as I exited his car. Opening the front door with my house keys I yelled out a 'hello' but no one responded. Shrugging off my backpack I entered the kitchen for a drink, seeing my favorite drink, fruit punch I poured in a clean cup and take a swig.

"Boo!" I spat the drink out to side, coughing violently from the voice that scared the living shit out of me.

"What the hell?" I wiped the liquid off my chin, a smirking Aaron in my vision.

"Didn't mean to scare you," he said innocently, he wiped under his nose furiously and sniffed. I scowled at him.

"What are you doing anyway?" I asked while making my way to the living room.

"Waiting for Jason." Of course he's waiting for Jason, I nodded and sat on the couch. He sat closer to me, our thighs were touching. A scent came from him, a kind of sweet yet dirty mixture. It made me want to vomit. I cleared my throat, scoot over to make space, grabbing the remote from the table but he mirrored my movement. I sighed with annoyance, got up to go to my room, his heavy footsteps following behind me.

"What?!" I yelled as I turned to face him.

"Why aren't you being nice to me?" he pouted.

"I'm always nice to you," I said lowly.

"Not recently." He inched closer to me but I backed up on top the stairs. His eyes were sunken in his face like he hadn't slept in days.

"I haven't seen you recently," I told him. "Everything ok?"

"It's all good! Fantastic even!" Aaron's smile was tight and wide, eyes all the way opened. Feeling uneasy, I gave a small grin.

"Glad you are."

"I heard that you're dating him now." His tone was low, full of disgust.

"Who?" I asked shrugging.

He tilted his head with a shake, "my cousin. He's gonna treat you like all of the girls he fucked, you know I wouldn't do that."

I rolled my eyes and continued to my room, not even dignifying him with a response.

"I'm just saying, Scott's a douche." Hearing his heavy steps followed behind.

"It shouldn't be your business who I'm with. Bye Aaron." I slammed the door in his face and locked it behind. He had no right to tell me about Scott, no one did. It's my choice and my feelings. We just started the getting-to-know-each-other-making-out phase. 

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