Chapter 28

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Chapter 28: Maria

I told my parents about Scott and I being together, mom jumped for joy, informing me about safe sex but I blocked my ears immediately. Assuring that she's teasing but dad didn't find any of it funny at all, a blank expression on his face he told me, "when he hurts you, my gun is always loaded." Dad was always on his cop mode when it came to me and boys.


My first impression of his parents was his mom seemed nice, his dad a little standoffish though. Maybe he's those kinds of dads that's strict and very private but could be nice when he wants to be. His ex was rude first hand, we just met and she denied my greeting, obviously she's not fond of Scott seeing someone else. Her mother's nice too, complimented my dress. The adults spoke of politics as dinner began, finding out we are all Democrats. Dad has some Liberal views about gun control, Scott's dad had a Republican view about the issue. He said something along the line of "every American with a gun license and proper mental health should own a gun."

The meal consisted of pork chops, mashed potatoes and mixed vegetables. I tried to make small talk with Julie but she gave monosyllabic answers while eating. I tried.

"So kids, university plans: what's your majors?" asked Mrs. Huntsman changing the subject.

"I want to study Literature," I responded.

"Fashion design," Julie said.

"Lacrosse and Botany," Scott said, stifling a chuckle.

I playfully elbowed his ribs but he just shrugged, smiling smugly. Scott's dad spoke "that's not funny, but it seems like illegal things are your calling. Being you were a juvenile." Everyone stopped eating, my eyes going to everyone on the table: Mrs Hafer gasped out loud, Julie shook her head and mumbled 'typical' under her breath, mom's mouth gaping open, Scott fuming, Mr. Huntsman neutral, his wife shocked, Jason's eyes widened but still chewing his food and dad glaring at both of us. I smiled sheepishly.

"Did you know about this?" he asked me in anger.

"No, well yeah but he's on probation." I told him hesitantly, hoping it will make it better but his face turning red. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a machete.

"Fuck this!" Scott threw his napkin on the floor, his chair falling backwards as he stormed off. All of us were silent and awkwardness filling the air.

Jason just continued to eat, "food's great,' he said with his mouth full. I sighed out loud, standing up but Mrs. Huntsman stopped me by grabbing my arm, "let him have his space." I sat back down in agreement but conflicted at wanting to comfort him too.


After dinner I found Scott outside smoking, the tobacco smoke surrounding him as he blew it out harshly, back turned to me "I didn't know you smoked," I said. Coming to view, he's now relaxed but jaw clenched.

"Only when I'm stressed or pissed off," he shrugged at me.

"So all the time," I joked, he smiled at me and took another puff of his cigarette.

"Want a drag?" he gestured the stick to me.

"I don't smoke," I shook my head.

"Oh. Are you gonna tell me that smoking kills and it's bad for me?"

"It's your life Scott and smoking does kill."

"Well," he trailed and took another puff.

"Sorry about tonight, we barely talked and the whole thing with your dad," I told him sympathetically, breaking the silence.

"It's fine, he's a dick. He comes home and just gives me shit. It wouldn't be normal if he didn't scold me," I gave him a tight smile when he finished. He stepped on the cigarette putting it out the lit end. Coming loser he wrapped his arm around my waist, my hands wrapped around his neck our foreheads touch. "I didn't tell you how sexy you look in that dress," his voice low.

"I was going for modest, not sexy," I said shyly.

"Well you went the other way, turning me on all night."

"Not yet," I giggled as he nuzzled his face into my neck. Our noses brush and lips inches away but my brother came behind, interrupting our moment.

"We gotta go! Sorry to cut your make out session short," he patted my upper back and strided away laughing. I growled.

"I'll call you, ok?" I nodded to him, kissed his cheek, and made my way to the car. Dad was driving, the radio playing the top 40 station as I stared out the window. Drifting off to how Julie acted, she may have been bitchy but it was façade because she was hurt. I understood that, getting hurt by the one person you thought loved you back.

When we got home, I got into my room, changed to my pjs and then turned on my laptop to play music on my Spotify playlist. A knock came on my door, I responded with a "yeah." It opened revealing my brother.

"That went well," Jason said, leaning against the doorway.

"Yeah it did. Surprised no plates were thrown or dad didn't shoot him." I joked, we both laughed.

"Little sis is with an athlete. A jailbird athlete at that." He sat at the edge of my bed.

"Shut up, and he's not a jailbird," I shook my head while trying to find the song 'Say Something' by A Great Big World.

"He's probably horny then," he simplified.

I let out a tired sigh. "Stop. I saw you staring at Julie during dinner."

"She's hot, but seemed snobby and uptight. No wonder Scott dumped her."

"Don't be mean."

"I'm a sweetheart."

"You think mom and dad like him?"

"Mom does, but you know dad's a protector. Did he say you shouldn't see him anymore?"

"He lectured me again if I end up in jail or he breaks my heart, he's gonna break his thumbs," I answered.

"Have you two fucked yet?"

"No! What's wrong with you?" I threw a pillow at him but he caught it and threw it back, landing on the edge of the bed with ease.

"I'm just asking, be safe though. No kids until you're forty."

"Deal." We fist bumped, he ruffled my hair, we exchanged goodnights to each other and he left. My eyes start to drift while listening to music and scrolling social media. Calling it a night I shut it off, with the lights and went to bed.

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