Chapter 30

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Chapter 30: Scott

The smell of raspberries invaded my nostrils. Or is that strawberries? I opened my eyes, Maria's curly hair tickling my nose. I didn't get to see her naked, but her hair smelled really good and being this close to her was a bonus since she's not wearing a bra. She wasn't kidding about tossing and turning, I think she did it at least three times but the fourth time she turned her back to me I held her tight but gentle. She's a snorer but that's fine, I snored too. Small snores from her mouth, I nuzzled my face into her hair to wake her up. She nudged her head backwards for me to stop, I blew harshly in her ear. "Scott stop," she told me in a tired voice.

"No," I said lowly and continued. She swatted me and I dodged it, rubbing my nose on her cheek.

"Scoooooootttt," she whined as she turned to face me, my fingers tickling her rib cage. "Hahahahahahaha Scott stop!" she yelled laughing, both of my knees on either side of her hips as straddled her. She grabbed my wrists to cease it, her breathing heavily from her laughing as she tried to calm down. "It's too early for this," Maria said slowly.

"It's nine am," inching close to her face.

"That's still too early," she groaned. "I need to pee," she muttered and tried to push me off. I held my place, tightening my knees on her hips. "Scott, get off."

"I happen to like this position," I told her in a low voice,

"Would you like it better if I peed on the bed?"

"Way to ruin a sexy moment," I rolled off her, she jumped off the bed and headed to the bathroom.

"It wasn't sexy," she said in a sing song voice and closed the door. I sat up on my elbows, began dressing in my jeans and shirt when I found them. revealing Maria as she stretched her arms showing her tattoo on her stomach. More skin peeking from her pants revealing her hip bones, I wanna take her... damn her rule to wait. I shook from my dirty thoughts.

"So I'm gonna go," I told her as I wore my shoes.

"Ok, call me when you get home?" She questioned pulling her pants up.

"I'm at Dom's place for a while."


"I got into an argument with my dad and left."

"What was it about?"

"I don't feel like rehashing it again."

"All right," she said, looking down at the ground.

"Don't worry about it," I smirked, she shoved me playfully with a small smile, "I'll tell you later, ok?" She nodded with a smile.

"I'll walk you down."

I followed her down the stairs, she asked me if I wanted something to eat but I told her that I'll get something at McDonald's. "Want to come?" I asked.

"I have homework," she responded.

"You can still come."

"I know but if I spend more time with you, I won't leave." Her eyes fluttering, she's teasing and it's not fair. I gave her one more kiss and left before making any chaste decisions.


As I was driving, my phone started to ring. Mom's name showing on the caller ID, I rolled my eyes and ignored it. Two reasons I'm not picking it up: no distractions and her trying to convince me to speak to dad.

One week of being home and his judging and complaining about my Lacrosse playing being useless, and to study journalism like he did and other stupid shit. It got into an arguing match, we said things, I even brought the time he cheated on mom. She had to step in before it got worse, so I left.

The thought of him trying to dictate my life pissed me off. Yes, he's my dad, but it's my life and my choices. Just like the choices he made. I haven't been home in two days. Ten minutes later, I'm in front of Dom's house and entered without knocking. Going into the kitchen for a drink Dom and a girl's voice got my attention.

"So, you'll call me?" The girl asked.

"Definitely." That meant no in 'Dom' talk. I assumed she left so to make myself known I walked out only to find Dom and her swapping spit. He gripped her hair in one hand, the other on her ass.

"Wow," I mumbled loudly and they both pulled apart.

"Dude, when did you get here?" he frowned at me holding Lauren's waist, she shrugged one shoulder when she saw me. Was this her way of making me jealous? I stifled a snort of laughter. At least now she didn't have to lean on me all the time.

"Two minutes ago," I answered with a shrug.

"I thought you were at Maria's."

"I'm gonna go," she told him, "bye Dom." She opened her mouth, licking the inside of his mouth. Before breaking apart, she then looked at me with a secret wink and left.

"So, you and Lauren?" I questioned, shaking my head.

"She's hot," Dom smirked.

"I know that," I responded in a monotone voice and went to living room. Plopping on the couch, I turned on the TV, placing my feet on the table.

"No way," my friend scolded and pushed my feet off, I rolled my eyes. "You have a home, you know? Go to it."


"Still fighting with your dad?"

"Yeah. I'll wait it out until it cools down."

"Right." He sat next to me, took the remote from my hands. He already knew the situation so he didn't speak about it.

"So what's up for tonight?" I asked.

"Just hanging at home, practice sucked this whole week, going to be a slob this weekend." he groaned and I nodded in agreement. "How was it with Maria last night?" he turned to me, wiggled his eyebrows.

"We cuddled and went to sleep."

"Did you do each other nails before that?" his voice high pitched and flipped his hair.

"Shut the fuck up." I frowned.

"You haven't seen or touched anything of her since you started dating? I thought she was easy." I punched him in the arm hard, "ow!"

"She's not like that! She's sweet, ok?"

"Aww my bro has feelings," he ruffled my hair as he cooed.

"Whatever and yeah I do. I think she feels the same way but she hasn't done anything about it."

"Why don't you tell her then?"

"I did and she wants to wait two months."

"Is she frigid?"

"No, she doesn't want to rush it or something. I can't die of blue balls, Dom!" he bursted out laughing wildly. Holding his stomach as tears came out of his eyes, and fell on the floor. I wanted to kick him in the balls to show how I felt right now. When he finished, he got up from the floor and sat back on the couch.

"Scott, you will not get anywhere with her when you play aggressive," he told me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean make her think she's in the lead. The next time you guys are making out, try and slip in a finger," he wiggled his index finger. Maybe that could work but Maria's not dumb to go for that. "I got an idea: we'll throw a sleepover kick back here tomorrow night. I call the guys and you tell her to call her friends for movie night or whatever."

"Will your parents allow that?"

"The parentels aren't home for another week," he grinned, resting his arms on the back of his head and laid back. That sounds like a good plan. We could watch sappy chick flicks for her to get in the mood.

"Sounds good, I'll text her."

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