Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Maria

Saturday morning I woke up around eleven, technically at nine but I laid in bed for an hour scrolling through Twitter before getting out of bed. I'm off on weekends, my plan was to binge watch my favorite shows.

Terri went to visit her grandparents this weekend and Rachel had her date with Scott Friday night. She didn't call to tell me about it, I'll call her later. I went down to the kitchen and saw my parents reading the newspaper. I don't know why they still got the paper when everything was on the internet anyway. "Good morning," I told them.

"Morning sweetie," mom said chipper, handing me a banana out of the fruit bowl, her long brownish hair in a blue scarf as she continued to read.

"It's almost eleven thirty," dad said in monotone voice, glasses tipped on his nose eyes looking at me.

"It's still a good morning." I peeled the banana.

"About to be noon." I rolled my eyes, making sure dad didn't see it. He hated it when I did that which was a lot. I got myself a bagel and dad asked if I was working today.

"No it's my day off," I said while putting the sliced bagel in the toaster.

"Do you have any plans today?" Mom asked.

"Just going to hang in today, it's been a busy week."

Smearing cream cheese and grape jelly on my bagel, I went to the living room with my plate and turned on the TV to my favorite pastime shows 'The Office.' It gave me a laugh all the time even though it ended I could watch the entire series On Demand. Nibbling and chewing on my breakfast eyes on the screen, I almost spat out the piece as the scene of Michael Scott dancing during the booze cruise. I placed the dish in the dishwasher, heading back to the living room I got into a lying position. My phone started to vibrate in my pocket and then my ringtone came on. The caller ID reading Rachel, I waited a little while for the ringtone to play before I slid the green icon to answer.

"Hey," I answered, stretching out my limbs on the couch.

"I swiped my card," she said without a greeting.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"The card, you know the one thing a girl keeps sacred, my vcard. " I could practically picture her face: red and bug eyed because she said it so fast. I figured it out, sitting up from the couch mouth opened wide in shock.

"Are you serious, Rachel?" I asked in a hush tone, dad came into the living room to watch TV sitting next to me. I gave him the remote and went to my room.

Rachel went on about her date with Scott on Friday: movies and then the batting cages. They cruised around for awhile until he parked his car at an undisclosed place.

"And then we started to make out, at first it was gentle and then it got really intense. He started unbuttoning my jeans but I stopped him. He asked if I trusted him, I told him I did but wasn't sure." She halted. Letting out a shaking breath and continued, "he didn't beg or force me but he was nice about it. So we... did it." She ended with a nervous laugh right after.

"Wow," I puffed out my cheeks feeling out of breath.

"That's all you have to say after everything?!" she screeched through my phone, I inched it away from my ear.

"Fuck Rachel I don't know what to say, I'm surprised. That's a lot to take in, I thought you were gonna wait."

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked sounding offended.

"You did say you wanted to save it until you got to university." I pointed to her.

"Well I made a promise I couldn't keep, Maria. Sue me." She responded sarcastically.

"Whatever. Did he call you?"

"He said he will but he hasn't yet." She sounded disappointed. The whole school knew that Scott slept around, bragged and moved on. Rachel wasn't any different.

I sighed, "he will definitely call." Being the optimist. Rachel probably thought that she can change him, I think it's impossible. "Did you tell Terri?"

"She didn't pick up her phone but I'll try again. You want to hang out later?"

"If you come over here, I don't feel like going anywhere," I told her.

"Why do I have to come over your house?"

"You offered. The person who offers has to come over the friend's house, that's the rule."

"You made up that rule when we were in the sixth grade because you didn't want to come to my house when you baked cookies, telling me to come get them."

"And I still stand by it."

"You're so lazy," she complained.

"Oh well, are you coming over or not?"

"Sure, I'll be there in an hour," she said sounding defeated. We hung up, scrolling through my phone to pass the time before she came.

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