Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Maria

The nerve of that dipshit to throw a pencil at my head and then to ask me out. Jackass. As I was walking away, I heard heavy footsteps behind me speeding up. Thinking it's a student going to class I moved to the other side, my mistake because it's Scott following me when he came to my left.

"Oh my God," I exasperated but he picked up his pace the same time I do.

"One date and you won't see me again," he said meeting my face walking backwards.

"You just slept with Rachel, my best friend," I said stating a fact.

He shrugged. "So?"

Scoffing I attempted to leave but he blocked my path.

"I don't stick to one girl."

I gave him an 'are you serious' stare, "I'm not going to be one of those girls, so you can find someone else to play with." I finally left him, seeing the dumbfounded look on his face at the end of the hallway. He really thought he can have his way, he was wrong. Guys in this school were such pigs sometimes.

I was on my way to my locker trying to forget what just happened, seeing Rachel and Terri standing by. I was about to surprise them with a scare but saw Rachel's melancholy expression while Terri consoled her with a hug.

"What's going on guys?" I asked coming up from behind them frowning.

Terri's brown eyes meeting mine, "Scott rejected Rachel."

"Oh, Rach that sucks," I said sympathetically while rubbing her arm.

"He said I was a great girl but I wasn't his type," she concluded, wiping a few tears from her red eyes.

"Rachel, I'm sorry to say this but it was inevitable," Terri said factually.

"Terri!" I said shocked pushing her shoulder.

"It's true, Mare. Everyone knows that Scott screws around and leaves the girls hanging," she said shaking her head. Unlike Rachel and me Terri's the realist of the group, not so vicious, just honest and between the three of us it's kind of needed since I won't be as honest as she was.

"But I didn't think he would do that with me. I'm lovable," Rachel's voice cracked, she was holding back tears.

"You are. He's a douche. Did you call him a lot?" asked Terri curiously. Rachel looked down to her shoes not and then looked the other way.

"Rach, you didn't," I said in a sad voice. "You told me you didn't call him at all."

"I didn't at first but then when I got home from the date I called him twice. Then ten times, texting him when I was over yours." She confessed.

Terri and I sighed probably thinking the same thing: Rachel went desperate on Scott. Terri told her it would be ok, I rubbed her back, comforting her. "Believe it or not, Scott doesn't deserve you," my words genuine. Rachel smiled saying we're good to her. Thinking I should bring up that Scott asked me out but it wasn't a good time bringing her emotions even lower. Informing the girls I'll see them at lunch. I unlocked my locker when I felt a tap on my shoulder, thinking it was Terri I turned quickly. A cute guy in my view. "Yeah?" I asked skeptically and he gave me a smirk.

While raising one of his eyebrows, he checked my body out. "You're Maria, right?"

I looked left and right in the hallway, "who wants to know?"

"Sassy aren't you," he said still smiling.

Light green eyes, at least 6'5, and pink lips. I think I met him before.

"You don't remember me do you?" he asked tilting his head to the right.

Squinting my eyes for memory, it suddenly clicked in head. He's Scott's friend.

"You're the guy that was with Scott outside my yoga class," he smiled and nodded.

"Dom but you can call me whatever you want," he said getting closer, I breathed out a laugh at him.

I closed my locker, left him behind. I was stopped by his voice, "Scott's taking you out Friday night."

Still walking I turned to yell over my shoulder, "You can go on the date with him instead."

"Oh you're one of those girls, huh?" He whispered in my ear, surprised how fast he came next to me, moving away from him a confused look etched on my face. "Those frigid girls who like to play hard to get." Oh, my Gosh, my eyes widened.

My hand itching to slap him so bad but I refrained because he was not the one I was mad at. "Don't worry, girls like you always fall for Scott." He walked backwards, giving me a wink. Scott actually sent one of his cronies to tell me about a nonexistent date, he hurt my best friend and thought that he could get me as well. Not gonna fly at all. He needed to be taught a lesson, or at least punched in the face.

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