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"I don't know if he knows it, but it hurts me a bit Hoseok-Hyung."

Jimin sighed, staring blankly at the wall of the bakery as Hoseok opened up shop. "I like him, god I like him so much, but I really don't think I can keep this up that much longer. He'll rant about how much he likes me and then will go out on a date with his girlfriend the next day."

Hoseok raised an eyebrow, frowning as he observed Jimin's distract expression. "I told him that it's either Mina, or me, and when I met her a few days ago he didn't look like he had any intentions of breaking up with her. Was that his way of silently telling me his answer?"

Jimin absentmindedly ripped open the corner of a sugar packet, tipping the contents out into a small pile on the front counter. "She's a lucky girl though, I must admit."

"I didn't think that you liked him that much." Hoseok commented, sitting on the stool beside Jimin and resting his head on his hand.

"I didn't think so either." The younger shrugged, running a hand through his hair and exhaling. "But when they held hands in front of me it hurt and I had to pretend that it didn't, because I don't want Jungkook to know."

"Know what?"

"That I want to be the only one that he holds hands with? That I want to be the one that he kisses, and takes out on dates, and calls just because he wants to hear my voice." Jimin mumbled, a blush creeping up onto his face. "I want to be the one who he wants to see when he wakes up in the morning, and I want to be the one who's on his mind 24/7." He frowned. "And I thought that I might've had a chance you know? Doesn't feel too great knowing that I'm probably wrong."

"You don't know that." Hoseok frowned, pushing around the grains of sugar that Jimin had poured into the counter.

"But I think that I do. Maybe he had doubts about being straight, maybe I was just an experiment." Jimin's bottom lip quivered slightly. "Maybe he only wants me for my body."

"I doubt that's true-"

"I really hope that it's not but i can't help but consider it as a possibility. Why would he even keep me around if he has a beautiful girlfriend?" Jimin asked, blinking quickly to keep tears at bay. "Ah.. I'm being such a wimp aren't I?"

"Why do you even like Jungkook?" Hoseok asked, watching Jimin with a look of curiosity as the younger male thought for a moment.

"Because I get butterflies in my stomach whenever I see him? Because his smiles light up my entire mood if I'm feeling down? I could mistake his laugh as music... But also because whenever I'm around him I feel as if her puts me above everything else which is.." Jimin chuckled softly, "Which is nice, but now I know that's probably not the case."

"But you can't be sure."

"I feel as if I can."


"I can't stop thinking about him."

Jungkook kept his eyes closed in order to avoid his roommates eyes as he spoke, heart thundering in his chest.

"I don't want to hurt Mina," He continued, "But I feel like I've already hurt Jimin and I hate that."

"Would you like my advice?" Jungkook opened his eyes once he heard Yoongi speak, nodding softly in response to the older's words. "First answer me a few questions alright?"

Jungkook raised an eyebrow but nodded nonetheless.


"First," Yoongi began, "If I were to ask you who you wish was by your side right now, who's the first person to comes to mind?"

Jungkook gulped, his mind immediately formulating an image of a familiar blonde haired male, sat beside him and smiling one of his contagious smiles.

Who else could it be?

"Jimin." He mumbled, Yoongi smiling softly and nodding.

"Next up; If you dreamed about someone last night, who was it?"

He did dream about someone last night, the memory still fresh in his mind. It involved someone who he had already mentioned, simply going out on a date.

"I did." Jungkook answered, "It was.. Jimin,"

"What was it about?" Yoongi asked, leaning back on the couch and raising an eyebrow.

Jungkook blushed softly, looking down before answering.

"We went out on a date." He mumbled, the older nodding slowly.

"And how would you feel if that happened in real life?"

Jungkook thought for a moment, before smiling softly.

"I'd like it."

"Then why the hell isn't it happening in real life?" Yoongi asked, "You're dreaming about this guy, he's always on your mind, and yet you're still sticking with Mina? I don't mean to sound rude, she's a great girl, but face it Jungkook; your heart's with someone else."

"But what if I leave her and then regret my decision?" Jungkook asked quietly, Yoongi sighing.

"I don't know Jungkook, what if you stay with her, Jimin moves on, and you regret not leaving her?" He countered, the younger biting his lip as he attempted to organize his thoughts.

"What if-"

"Jungkook stop with the 'what ifs' oh my god." Yoongi groaned, "I see it when you look at each other. He fucking adores you Jungkook, and it's probably making him feel like shit that you're choosing Mina over him after all you've done. You're leading him on, and I won't be surprised if he gives up on you soon."

"I'm not trying to but.."

"Jungkook, if you really liked Mina, you wouldn't have fallen for Jimin in the first place. So it's your call, but if I were you, I'd choose the guy whose been so patient with you even though you've been a dumb shit 90% of the time he's known you."

Yoongi sighed. "I know that you're just scared because you've never been in a relationship with another guy before, but if he's always on your mind, I think that's a sign."

"I guess.."

*unedited oops*

I really don't want to go to school today save me

- Charlie :)

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