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Blood Sweat And Tears has me so shook its not even funny.
"I don't really want you," Jungkook mumbled as he nuzzled his face further into the crook of Jimin's neck. "It's just acting Hyung."

"Yeah?" Jimin spoke softly, eyes fluttering shut as he felt Jungkook's lips shyly move against the skin of his neck, as if he didn't know if he wanted to do anything or not.

"Yeah." He breathed, sucking on the skin softly and bringing his hand down to snake around Jimin's waist, pulling him closer.

"Is this acting?" The older asked, moaning softly as Jungkook nipped at a sensitive part of his neck.

The younger didn't answer, instead moving his other hand up to weave his fingers into Jimin's hair, pulling his head back to expose more of his neck.

"God I don't know Jimin." He whispered, rolling his hips against Jimin's once and loving the moan it drew out. "But I don't want to find out."

He moved his head away from the older's neck, looking Jimin in the eye and noticing his flushed face, dilated pupils, and messed up hair.

"Are you going to kiss me or what?" Jimin smirked, draping his arms over Jungkook's shoulders and raising an eyebrow. It was only seconds after those words left his mouth that Jungkook's lips collided with his, actions dominating but gentle all at the same time.

His lips were as soft as Jimin remembered them, even more intoxicating than he could recall as Jungkook nipped at his bottom lip until it felt raw. Not happy that Jimin hadn't gotten the memo and opened his mouth, Jungkook slid his hand down further and squeezed Jimin's obvious hard on, resulting in a gasp that the younger took advantage of.

He slipped his tongue into Jimin's mouth, exploring every inch of it as he gripped the older's hips. Jungkook groaned into his mouth as Jimin ground his hips into his own, the friction so much that he had to pull away to take a few gasps of breath.

"I feel like I shouldn't want you." Jungkook breathed, pausing and stripping Jimin's shirt off of him. "But shit, who couldn't?" His hands roamed Jimin's torso, the older's muscles contracting at each of his ministrations. He slowly walked backwards until the back of Jimin's legs hit the end of the bed. He fell back onto it, pulling Jungkook down with him as he did so.

"I tried to pretend that you didn't affect me." The younger continued, slowly tugging Jimin's sweatpants down and ducking down to press kisses to his inner thighs. "But you saw right through me didn't you?" He sucked slowly on the skin there, Jimin mewling at his actions and fisting his hands in the sheets. "You knew what I wanted even before I did."

"Yeah? What's that?" Jimin asked, voice hoarse as he leaned forward and pulled Jungkook's shirt off of him.


Jungkook unbuckled his belt quickly and slid his jeans off, rubbing his hands up and down Jimin's thighs after doing so. "You're just so pretty." He leaned up and whispered into Jimin's ear, taking note of the way Jimin shivered in response. He licked the shell of the older's ear before kissing down his jawline.

Jimin gripped onto Jungkook's shoulders, rolling his hips up and moaning directly into Jungkook's ear.

"Please." He begged, "I know you want me as badly as I want you right now.-

Jungkook gasped, sitting up straight in bed, a layer of sweat coating his entire body as he took deep breaths.

"A wet dream?" He whispered to himself, shaking his head and rubbing his face. "Get ahold of yourself Jungkook."

He sat up further, then becoming painfully aware of the hard on he sported before groaning and flopping back on his bed. "Honestly. And why was it so fucking detailed?" He was babbling to himself at this point, looking over to the clock and sighing once he read the stark 4:55 am that glowed in the dark. "It felt so real." Jungkook closed his eyes, the idea of a cold shower sounding perfect at the moment.

Yoongi would kill him though, as the sound of the shower would probably wake him up.

Jungkook shrugged too drowsy and too lost in his mind to care, before he stood up and walked to the bathroom.


"Jeon Jungkook."

Jungkook turned around as he dried his hair from the shower he took, eyes widening as he saw a very pissed off Min Yoongi standing in his doorway with tired eyes and messy hair.

"Yes?" He asked, trying to pretend that it wasn't five thirty am, and that the sun hadn't even risen yet.

"Don't 'yes' me. Why the fuck are you showering at five in the morning?" Yoongi asked, still attempting to look mad as he rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"I was hot." Jungkook shrugged, not wanting to tell the true situation he had found himself in.

Yoongi raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

"Open a fucking window then." He hissed. "Is the sun up Jungkook? No? Then I shouldn't be either."

Jungkook snorted with laughter, throwing the towel he had used into his laundry hamper; right along with the shirt that had been drenched in sweat when he woke up.

"I'm sorry." Jungkook chuckled, "I'll buy you a coffee."

"Damn right you will." Yoongi huffed, before his eyes softened slightly. "Alright but why are you really up? I can read you like a book Jeon don't try to slip things past me."

"I was hot." The younger reiterated, biting down on his bottom lip softly.

"Yeah and?" Yoongi beckoned, wrapping his blanket further around himself.

"I had a wet dream alright? Happy?" Jungkook huffed, his housemate snorting in laughter.

"Ah it all makes sense then." Yoongi laughed, Jungkook raising an eyebrow in confusion. "The moans Jungkook, you're loud even when you sleep, like damn."

"No I'm not!" Jungkook huffed, turning his back to the older.

"Oh Jimin!" Yoongi imitated, causing the younger's head to whip back around to his direction. "Oh my god Hyung." Yoongi attempted to fight off the laughter, but the look on Jungkook's beat red face was too priceless not to laugh at.

"It's too early for this!" The younger huffed, pushing his Hyung out of his room.

"You started it!"

*unedited lmao*


- Charlie :)

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