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Happy reading! Love Charlie :) (maddie ihy)
Jimin was jealous.

He didn't want to admit that, but what he felt was definitely, most undeniably, jealousy. He knew it was ridiculous, and honestly downright hypocritical, but when he asked Jungkook to meet up and the younger said that he couldn't because of work; Jimin felt jealously bubbling in the pit of his stomach.

It was stupid really, because he had the same job. The same requirements for the job and the same contract. He couldn't bare to let the younger know about what he felt because well.. He was involved in the same business as Jungkook was.

Maybe, it was because they hadn't officially labelled each other as a couple yet. Yes it was implied, but Jungkook never explicitly said 'Jimin, I want you to be my boyfriend'. Jimin wanted that reassurance though. He wanted to be able to say 'I'm Jungkook's' and for the words to be truthful and not just fantasy (he also really wanted the younger to say 'I'm Jimin's' and to mean it as well).

Maybe, it was because he was still a bit insecure. Maybe it was from the weeks of being the person on the side, the second option, that caused him to need to know that Jungkook wanted him and only him. If he was sure of that, then maybe he wouldn't be so wary of the thought of Jungkook's hands roaming somebody else's body; because it was just a job.

Maybe he wouldn't worry that Jungkook would gain feelings for somebody at his shoot, and Jimin would become the second option again.

Because he had fallen hard for Jungkook, and he believed for the most part that the younger felt the same. For the most part. There was still that doubt. The doubt that he tried to push down when Jungkook would tenderly brush his fingers across his cheek, or kiss him sweetly, or utter some almost sickeningly cheesy compliment.

Jimin sat on the couch in his apartment, frowning softly as he remembered the smirk on Jungkook's face when he had pinned him to these very cushions. His frown only deepened as he thought that the younger probably had somebody else pinned to a mattress beneath him right about then.

"I'm not jealous." Jimin muttered to nobody in particular, Hoseok saying that he was going in for some extra hours at the bakery.

Jimin just didn't like thinking about the fact that Jungkook would come back smelling like somebody else. He didn't like knowing that he would whisper things in somebody else's ear that Jimin wanted reserved just for him even though it was the younger's job.

It was his job as well, and actually, he had a shoot in the next couple days; which was the reason that he refused to admit that he was jealous. Because he knew that he was being a hypocrite.

"I'm just a bit down that I couldn't see Jungkook this morning." Jimin had a habit of talking to himself, mostly in times when he was trying to remember something or reassure himself, "Yeah, that's it."

Jimin was in the middle of pouring himself a glass of chocolate milk when his phone rang. He checked the contact, face immediately lighting up when he read Jungkook's name.

"Hey." Jimin smiled, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Hi." Jungkook responded over the phone, sounding fairly breathless. "I'm off work, so we could meet up now if you'd like. I just have to go home and take a shower first, get changed as well."

Jimin frowned softly but nodded nonetheless.

"Alright. Why don't you come over in around twenty minutes?" Jimin proposed, hearing Jungkook him in approval from the other end of the call.

"I'll see you then."


"Hey Hyung."

Jungkook pulled him into what was supposed to be a brief hug when the older opened the door, but Jimin didn't let go as soon as Jungkook had intended. Because Jimin was just so happy that when he took a deep breath in all he could smell was the scent of Jungkook's familiar body wash. Nothing or nobody else. "You seem to have missed me."

Jungkook rested his head on top of Jimin's, giving Jimin's smaller frame one last squeeze before pulling away from the hug.

"Jungkook, I kind of need to talk to you." Jimin sighed, watching as a worried expression overtook the younger's features.

"Of course." Jungkook nodded, following Jimin into his living room and sitting parallel from him on the couch soon after. "What is it?"

Jimin took a deep breath, biting his lip softly.

He was never usually like this. Never really shy, usually very blunt and straightforward. Never hesitating to tell people what he needed to (or wanted to). But for some reason, now was different.

Maybe because the person he was talking to was the one who always made his heart flutter.

"Jungkook, I don't know if you feel the same way but I really hope you do." Jimin sighed, "I want to be your boyfriend. Or... I want you to be my boyfriend?" He paused. "Wait no, they're the same thing are they not? Oh my god how could I have made this so awkward?"

Jungkook watched with a small smile as Jimin buried his face in his hands, probably to cover whatever blush was rising on his face. He obviously didn't realize that the younger could see how red the tips of his ears were.

"You want me to be your boyfriend?" Jungkook repeated, Jimin nodding and looking sparingly at the younger through the spaces between the fingers that covered his eyes. "I guess we never really did put a label on our relationship did we?"

Jimin shook his head. "Then yeah, I'd like to be your boyfriend. I'd really like that, actually."

Jungkook's words had a sweet tone to them, words soft spoken as he leaned forwards a bit. "'This is my boyfriend, Jimin.' Oh I like how that sounds." Jimin laughed softly, smile widening when the younger leaned forward even more and kissed the tip of his nose.

Jimin reached down and intertwined his fingers with Jungkook's, not being able to hide his grin.

"I like the sound of that too."

It's so late right now and I have to get up early tomorrow I'm playing myself.

- Charlie :)

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