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"I'm so stupid!"

Jimin raked a hand through his hair, tears pricking at his eyes as he paced his living room, Hoseok sitting on their couch and watching him with a worried expression. "I should've known he didn't feel the same way, but I had to do it didn't I? I had to go and embarrass myself!"

"Jimin please calm down for a second." Hoseok sighed, standing up and placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. "You haven't even explained to me what fully happened."

"I told him Hyung." Jimin muttered. "I couldn't help it! He looked so beautiful and my heart felt like it was going to burst; it felt like the right time." He sighed. "I told him I loved him, and he responded with 'okay'."

The older frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. "This is the first time I think I've fell in love. Twenty two years old and the first person I confess to is someone who doesn't feel the same way."

"You don't know that." Hoseok shrugged, looking away when Jimin looked to him with a fairly condescending expression.

"What do you mean I don't know that? If he loved me back he would've said it. It's not hard to figure out." He huffed, watching as Hoseok's frown deepened.

"Jimin." He sighed. "I know that you're hurt right now, but your worst enemy would be jumping to conclusions okay?" Jimin averted his line of vision, deciding to focus on a flake of chipping paint on the wall instead. "What did I talk to you about a few weeks before this happened?"

"I don't know." Jimin mumbled, lips turned downwards as he tapped his fingers along his thigh.


Jimin exhaled, taking the time to recall what they had talked about. He bit his lip once he remembered. "What did we talk about Jimin?"

"Love." The younger answered, still avoiding his roommate's gaze.

"What about it?" Hoseok edged on, Jimin crossing his arms and sighing.

"How it's different for everyone." Jimin finally answered, the older smiling and nodding in response.

"Just because Jungkook doesn't necessarily love you now doesn't mean that he can't ever." Hoseok's smile was soft, sympathetic, as Jimin finally looked back up to catch his gaze. "I don't love Yoongi. If he told me that he loved me, I wouldn't be able to say it back. But that doesn't mean I don't care about him. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate him, and that doesn't mean that I'm using him." Hoseok stressed his last few words, looking into Jimin's eyes as he did so. "All it means, is that I'm not ready. The word 'love' holds a lot of weight for me. It takes awhile to say it, and mean it."

"And Yoongi knows this too. I've told him, because he deserves to know." Hoseok explained. "What you two need to do, is communicate."

"I don't know how to face him. I just left." Jimin worried his bottom lip. "I haven't talked to him since last night."

Hoseok sighed, running a hand through his hair and frowning.

"Avoiding each other isn't going to fix anything. If anything, it's going to break you two apart further than you already have been." He huffed. "Talk to him. Call him. Show up at his apartment. Skype him. I don't know Jimin, just don't keep this bottled up! I want you two to work out, because I've seen how happy he makes you - but that can't happen if you don't talk!"

"I'm scared of what he might say Hyung!" Jimin exclaimed, blinking back the tears he felt building up. "I'm scared that you're wrong! That he doesn't want me! What if he never has? What if he doesn't want 'Jimin'? What if he just wants 'Jimin's body'? That's all he wanted when he first met me, who's to say that's not still on his mind?"

The brunette sighed, stepping a few steps closer and pulling the younger into a hug.

"Sometimes I wish you chose a different career path." Hoseok sighed, patting Jimin's back gently.

"Why?" Jimin sniffed.

"Because of the mindset it put you in." Hoseok explained, "You're not an object Jimin, and you never have been. Break down the wall, and let yourself believe that someone can love you, for you."

"And yeah," Hoseok sighed, "I had doubts about Jungkook at first, because it seemed like to me that he was using you. After you two made up though, he really cleaned up his act. I've seen the way he looks at you."

"How does he look at me?" Jimin asked, Hoseok smiling softly.

"Like he's thankful."


Yoongi had only witnessed Jeon Jungkook cry once in his entire life; and that was when he broke his arm in his senior year of high school.

But yet here he was, a few tears rolling down his face as he gripped at his own hair.

"Jungkook, talk to me." Yoongi sighed, feeling pained as he watched the younger squeeze his eyes shut, tears slipping past his closed eyes.

"I've lost him now haven't I?" Jungkook asked, voice soft and eyes still closed. "He slipped through my fingers again, because I'm a horrible person who can't deal with his own emotions."

"You're not a horrible person." Yoongi spoke, using his thumb to swipe a few tears off of his roommate's face. The only time he'd seen Jungkook more heartbroken, was earlier that day when he woke the younger up, and he noticed that Jimin wasn't beside him. "An asshole at times, yes. But horrible? No."

"I've been horrible to Jimin though." Jungkook exhaled, opening his eyes and looking at Yoongi. "Jimin, the most beautiful, kind, amazing person I've ever met; and I took him for granted. 'He won't leave' I'd tell myself - but he could, and he did."

"Jungkook, why are you scared to tell him that you love him back?" Yoongi asked, eyebrows furrowed as he reached forward and moved hair out of the younger's eyes.

"Because I'm scared that he'll change his mind Yoongi-Hyung!" Jungkook cried. "He's too good for me! He needs someone who can treat him how he deserves to be treated - not someone who fucking used him to cheat in an already existing relationship, not someone who used him for his body to try and 'figure my mind out', not someone who thought that a simple 'I'm sorry' could erase everything that happened in the past."

Jungkook wiped at the tears that were streaming down his face, taking in a ragged breath. "He needs someone better, and when he figures that out I just know that my heart's going to shatter. Because although I know he deserves someone better, I don't want him to leave! I don't know how I'd be able to function if I couldn't hear his laughter anymore, or if the feeling of his hand in mind turned into just a past memory. If it tell him I love him, it'll only hurt more when he realizes what's best for him."

To say that Yoongi was shocked would be an understatement. Sure, he knew that Jungkook was remorseful for his past actions, but he never thought that they were dwelling on the younger so heavily. He never even imagined what Jungkook could've been bottling up.

"Jungkook, come here." He sighed, outstretching his arms and wrapping them around the younger when Jungkook all but fell into them. The angle was a bit awkward as Jungkook buried his face in Yoongi's shoulder due to the height different, but the older didn't care; rubbing circles on his friend's back regardless.

"Why am I so stupid?" Jungkook's words were muffled against the fabric of Yoongi's sweater.

"Because you're human." Yoongi answered. "Everyone has a bit of stupidity in them, just like everyone makes mistakes. Some, more than others, but we all still do." He could feel Jungkook sigh against his shoulder, squeezing the younger softly before pulling away. "If Jimin wanted to leave you, he would've by now."


"If Jimin wanted to leave you, he would've by now. You know that he's not afraid to, and will if he needs to." Yoongi stressed his words, Jungkook looking at him through watery eyes. "You've treated him poorly in the past, but God, you've changed so much! You've learned how to appreciate people Jungkook! The person you're viewing yourself as is the 'you' from the past. The 'you' in the current time is a perfectly suitable boyfriend for Jimin. You treat the guy like he's made of gold I swear!" Yoongi's expression softened. "Stop doubting yourself."

"I don't want to hurt him again Hyung." Jungkook whispered, rubbing at his eyes.

"You might in the future." The older shrugged. "Relationships aren't all 'sunshine and roses'. They can be tough. If you hurt him multiple times though, he might leave and he has the right to. If that happens, you're going to need to evaluate how you treat people."

Jungkook nodded, smiling softly.

"I really scored in the advice department when I befriended you didn't I?" He laughed softly, Yoongi chuckling and nodding.

"I'd like to think so."

ah emotions.

promo: follow @seoultangs on instagram i'm lit

my new year's resolution is to stop saying "lit" as much so I'm saying an abundance of it now.

- Charlie :)

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