Let's Make Music

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Title: Let's Make Music 

Author: pineapple_rabu 

Rating: R/NC-17

Pairing: Taeny

Genre: Drunk!Sex

Summary: Tiffany and Taeyeon, returning from a night out at the bar to Tiffany's apartment, immediately delve into some territory that could change their relationship. They know how they feel, but do they know how the other really feels?

A/N: Yes, yes, I know. "OMG, You wrote Taeny smut?! WHO ARE YOU?!" It really didn't start off as smut at all, as you might be able to see, but then it went into really fast, and my fingers just started typing away. (Actually, I think I wanted to do Jeny, but Taeny was screaming for me to do them, har har.) Anyway, I made it kind of musical, and honestly, this hasn not been, er, thoroughly proofread, so beware. D=


If she could use her voice and speak words about what she was feeling, she’d probably sing.

The words would be set to music.

Or perhaps the musical interpretation would be set to words.

Either way, she was going to steal another taste from the lips of her lover.

It would start off with her heart, pumping the rhythmic bass sound through her body. The small tingles that set at the end of her fingertips would be the result of former vibrations, radically shaking her system. Those fingers would willingly lift the covers from her favorite instrument, slowly exposing it to her eyes. She wanted to take in its whole body, run her finger over its keys and strings in order to familiarize herself with its potential value. She would happily break it in, tune it to perfection, and take care of it.

Tiffany’s throat felt husky as she pulled back, breath tickling Taeyeon’s lips. Maybe they were drunk, maybe they were sober, but all she knew was that she had actually wanted this. With an obvious attraction constantly trailing her mind, she wasn’t going to give up on this. It made her happy that Taeyeon did not pull back, but rather let her push her against the door in front of her apartment. 

It was easy to take advantage of Taeyeon. She was far too laid-back, although she still cared and scolded Tiffany. Maybe in the morning she would scold Tiffany, punish her, but Tiffany would like it. She thrived on the attention, and wasn’t opposed to begging for more, if necessary. Things would string together, albeit rather sloppily, in her plan, yet there was really no plan. Hidden agenda, though? Yes.

There was no letting go or turning back, so Taeyeon was obliged to enter Tiffany’s apartment when she unlocked it and crashed her lips against her own yet again. The two stumbled into the dimly lit apartment, falling against the nearest side wall. Taeyeon couldn’t restrain curling her fingers through Tiffany’s long, silky hair, pulling and pushing ever so roughly. The same could be said for the taller girl’s hands, which eventually settled on the other girl’s waist, hastily messing with the lower part of her shirt. 

It was becoming hot; so hot that Taeyeon felt like she was gulping humid air into her lungs, but at the same time, it was welcoming. Of course, she wasn’t ready to admit to that, and it scared her how this wasn’t feeling awkward. It wasn’t awkward that Tiffany was clawing at her clothing, devouring her lips, and pinning her against a wall like a hungry monster. But, Taeyeon felt a surge in herself as well to comeback. She wanted to show Tiffany that she was not the only one who held the experience and control between them.

Before Tiffany could expose any more of the other girl’s body, the roles had been suddenly switched. An aggressive Taeyeon was now pressing her against the wall, lips attached to her neck, and knee rising between the victimized girl’s legs. There was a low, sensual moan lifting in Tiffany’s throat, and she did nothing to hold it back. She wanted to let Taeyeon know she was enjoying this, and it only made her more eager when she received more demonstrative reactions that were very likeable.

The knee resting between Tiffany’s legs was shaking her core, causing a warmth to grow in her stomach and fall, further and further. Taeyeon’s lips weren’t helping much either as she kissed down her collarbone, nipping at the creamy skin exposed to her. Release was needed, even if they were only beginning. Tiffany gasped as her hips moved up and down on Taeyeon’s thigh, hands clawing at the bare skin of the other girl’s back. A low growl emitted from Taeyeon’s throat as she slipped the spaghetti straps down from Tiffany’s shoulders, biting them roughly which caused the girl to cry out, grounding her hips harder.

Taeyeon wanted to stop Tiffany’s movement so she could gain control, even if she liked hearing the loud gasps and pleasurable moans coming from the girl grinding against her. No, she loved the sounds she was making, actually. But, she had to keep Tiffany at bay, so she placed her hands against Tiffany’s hips, forcing them still. The girl’s response was to only groan in desperation, rebelliously bucking her hips forward. Taeyeon wanted more skin to devour, though, so she slipped Tiffany’s little black dress down, losing herself to the laced curves in front of her. There was little time to inspect, though because Taeyeon’s hands were automatic to trail along the course.

Bare skin felt cool and hot while rubbed together, igniting sensations in both of the girls. Tiffany felt Taeyeon’s cold rings as she cupped her clothed breast, sending chills against her sensitive skin. Suddenly, Taeyeon resorted back to kissing Tiffany, parting her mouth to release her own warm muscle into the other girl’s mouth. There was no time to say yes or no, and there was no need to. Tiffany finally thought about what Taeyeon tasted like: red wine and sweet black cherry. It was a delectable combination in Tiffany’s mouth that she felt addicted to.

God help her for going so far…

Her lips protruded into a slight pout when Taeyeon’s lips and tongue left, but she grinned wickedly when she heard the snap of her bra coming undone, feeling Taeyeon hover above her breast. She dared to look down and see the other girl’s face, wondering if she could capture the emotion set before her, or continue to see this whole thing in hazy drunkeness. But, the other girl’s eyes were full of darkness and animal instinct, fully taken over with a hard sex drive. She’d hoped part of that was something else as well.

Tiffany let her head fall back, satisfied with Taeyeon’s expressional movements. The smaller girl worked her mouth around the peaked, rosy nipple, cupping her ringed hand underneath the round breast. She pulled her other hand up, paying similar attention to the other side with her thumb and forefinger, imitating the actions of her tongue. Tiffany’s breathing harder than ever, body writhing under the sensational touches that are solely being produced by Taeyeon and Taeyeon alone. She feels as though she’s playing so close to the fire, soon to scorch her, teach her a lesson.

But, Tiffany will never learn. She’ll continue to blister her hands and lips until she feels the need to escape that pit of fire soon, as long as Taeyeon is the one to drag her out when this is all over. She won’t be able to escape if it’s by anyone else, that she knows. Then, numbers begin to infiltrate her head as she counts the seconds and minutes; Taeyeon is really enjoying this. Tiffany is more excited by this aspect, decidedly changing her opinion on whether she should really dub her object of affection as naïve.

When Taeyeon finally trails down further, Tiffany realizes the next steps are in order. Her fingers attack Taeyeon’s hair, and she combs back the shorter girl’s bangs, forcing her to look up at Tiffany. As if with reluctance, Taeyeon trails back up, realizing that the girl demands comfort ability. This wall will not hold Tiffany up much longer through the night, Taeyeon knows very well. They remain connected, afraid to endure the feeling of missing the other’s body heat, no matter how much this act was mostly a foray into needs and wants, not heartfelt passion. More clothing is discarded along the way to the bedroom because neither want to deal with the useless items when they settle down.

Once they’d made it to the bed, Tiffany realized, things were becoming softer, more tender-like. It was almost cute, the way Taeyeon was tracing her jaw line with her finger tips, dragging them all the way down to her stomach. She took note of Taeyeon’s calm breathing, They’re eyes sunk into her each other, exchanging permission and most of all--want. Tiffany grabbed Taeyeon’s hand, bringing it up to her face and grazing her lips against it softly, giving Taeyeon the final permission that she needed to proceed further. Because God help her if Tiffany was left hanging after all of this… 

Fingers slither across curvaceous hips and thighs, pleasant sighs produced, but longing for more contact is evident. Taeyeon takes her time to admire the beautiful anatomy below her, though, wondering why she was captivated by something she might never see again. Fingers and toes curled with anticipation, and Tiffany felt like she’d explode any minute if Taeyeon didn’t touch her. 

“Please, Taeyeon…I need more.”

If Tiffany could, she would have screamed those words to the girl above her, possibly even sing it, but it only came out as a whisper. Taeyeon realized at this point it was still about lust, no matter how much it felt like love. But, she decided to receive it as both, since Tiffany could have taken home anyone else that was in the bar that night. It didn’t seem like much else could fit the situation, but she was ready to break the skin that enveloped their feelings.

It was sensitizing, and all Tiffany could do was let herself be brought to the edge. Taeyeon nuzzled her neck, hot breath brushing against skin. Tiffany’s breath hitched in her throat several times but she continued breathing with the rhythm of Taeyeon’s fingers. The girl who stroked her very essence… all she could do was sing her name while they formed their own tune, bodies locked together. It started up with two beats, leading to three, and then Tiffany could take no more, crying out Taeyeon’s name in her climatic grand finale.

Morning afters were always warm and sweet, but it did settle odd in Tiffany’s stomach that last night wasn’t started as a romantic prelude, but rather… a drunken moment of lust. No doubt, she was aware of her feelings, but was Taeyeon? All Tiffany could do was wait to be scolded. 

Her gaze was settled upon the ceiling above her, enjoying the warm embrace of the girl beside her who remained asleep from last night’s activities. Taeyeon’s arms were rather possessively latched around Tiffany, she noticed, but never once felt the need to complain. Light breathing tickled her ear, as Taeyeon’s forehead pressed to the side of her head. It was probably a cute Kodak moment, she figured and could only wish she had a camera. After this thought, though, she wondered how something so enthralling could lead to an innocent account.

But, something was slowly getting to Tiffany. Sure, she’d thought of this as a drunken lust-filled session, but after the night before, things had started to piece together. She was finally noting some past experiences, recalling jealous moments that were actually labeled as “concern for a friend.” When she was with someone else, Taeyeon would always listen intently. Of course, she never told Tiffany that she hated any of her beaus, just that she should be careful or do what made her happy. All in all, she seemed extremely supportive, but there was a look in those eyes that said something different. And, the way those eyes looked into her own last night… It was all too much.

Not even Jessica had done that when they had sex.

To Tiffany, Taeyeon had always appeared so…innocent. Perhaps it was those child-like features that made her look like a china doll, or the fact that she simply exerted no sexual appeal. The night before changed her opinion, as she realized the girl could be sexy, but much effort had to be applied. And, it also helps if she’s with someone she’s comfortable with, as Tiffany senses it’s easier with a best friend. She can’t say she hadn’t had her share of “friends with benefits,” but she refused to label her relationship with Taeyeon as such. Of course, now they’d stepped into this new territory, and she had no clue what to label it now.

In a simple world, they would discuss it whenever Taeyeon woke up, and both would probably apologize for creating such an awkward situation and move on, but  Tiffany has decided that she will press the matter. Even if they were drunk, she knew damn well that Taeyeon’s advances were more than the usual experimentation, and she could feel it within her. Most quick fucks reduce Tiffany’s tension on surrounding matters, but the night before only produced more. There’s no other choice but to kiss and tell, she decides.

Or, in this case, kiss, fuck, and tell.

As she was on the mere edge of sleep, she felt the girl beside her restlessly budge from sleep, drawing her hands away from Tiffany’s waist. It was quick and panicked, Tiffany noticed. It wasn’t her intention to show a frown, but it slipped. Taeyeon most likely wasn’t paying attention, though, which made her feel both relieved and upset. The girl was probably contemplating the events of last night; how to talk to Tiffany whenever she revealed she was awake, and try to get a grip on whatever jumbled mess they’d just made recently.

It was then that Tiffany let all of her previous thoughts about Taeyeon’s feelings collapse through the floor.

Her heart felt uncontrollable while her head remained blank. How she had managed to stay alive, Tiffany was unsure of because a part of her wanted to soothe Taeyeon’s fear, yet breakdown if it was all a lie, everything they shared last night. Yet, part of her could not blame Taeyeon for feeling…used.

In all honesty, Tiffany had partly used her. It was like taking out her pent-up emotions on the one thing that had gotten them so riled up in the first place. She’d needed last night, desperately, even if it ruined her, but maybe it wasn’t really worth soiling one of her best relationships in the world. And, somehow, becoming friends with benefits was the worst idea. It was an easy thing to do with ex’s every once in a while, but not Taeyeon. Things were completely different.

Before Tiffany even bothered to open her eyes for the second time that morning, she could feel Taeyeon leaving, both physically and emotionally. It took everything in her to reach out for the girl, but her arms remained tucked under the olive cotton sheets, binding her body.  Her tongue even protruded between her lips, wetting them like she typically did before speaking, but the words failed to appear. Tiffany wanted to scold herself for being so weak. She’d built up her courage all morning to do this, but now she was being struck by huge amounts of guilt. She was reminded that this was not a simple world.

As she rose up from the bed, pulling the sheets with her, she continued to watch Taeyeon get up and get half dressed. She begins to feel self-conscience of her nude state, although she knows it’s really not worth getting upset over. Her dignity has already been strewn across the floor, and Taeyeon had already seen what lies underneath, so there was no turning around to retrieve any of it yet. It doesn’t go unnoticed that Taeyeon feels out of her own comfort zone, though.

Everything was so quick, and Tiffany even felt her own heart racing, filling up with dread and abandonment as Taeyeon faces her, delivering Tiffany a smile that is neither happy nor sad before turning to leave the room through the open door.

Tiffany returns the smile, but not so brightly.

She doesn’t want her to leave.

“Taeyeon…Let’s talk,” she manages to choke out, just before Taeyeon makes it to the doorway.

The girl stopped in her tracks as if she had been caught, an escape so painfully close and in her grasp. Cautiously, she turned on her heel, facing back towards the girl who remained in the bed. A part of her was hesitant to go back. Once she had made it back to the spot which she stood not even thirty seconds ago, she pays Tiffany with another smile, fake and empty. It was heartbreaking to continue to smile when she knew it would probably drive her crazy in the end. Just as crazy as Tiffany’s own smiles made her.

Tiffany shifted uncomfortably in the bed, feeling somewhat pressured from the shorter girl actually appearing taller than her for once. Taeyeon preferred standing, though, because sitting down would force her to be close to Tiffany again. Besides, she preferred this angle, thinking that if she could have one last mental image of Tiffany, she wanted it to be what was displayed in front of her right now: in bed, naked, but appearing so angelic with the sun crawling through the half-shut blinds behind the headboard of her bed, causing her skin to hold a golden hue. She was so beautiful, and it made a wonderful contrast with the Tiffany she had spent the night with. This Tiffany reminded her of the one she fell in love with.

“So, you want to talk?” Taeyeon asks as if she is completely surprised, stating the question like there’s really nothing to even discuss.

Tiffany turns her gaze down towards the sheets, avoiding eye contact. She’d hoped it would make things easier if she didn’t look into those eyes which scared her, confused her, and made her think of things that were completely impossible. The sheets aren’t as comforting as Taeyeon’s eyes, but she knows she’ll feel just as lost either way. Eventually, she summons up the courage to look up at Taeyeon, but she looks everywhere else but her eyes. Her gaze lingers on that sweet face, and she takes it in before sucking in some breath and venturing on into what she knows will be explosive.

“What happened last night…” Tiffany begins, voice trailing off as she loses courage against whatever opposing force is keeping her from speaking this morning. She blames Taeyeon’s eyes.

The shorter girl crosses her arms and forms a glare, looking ready to snap. This action doesn’t take Tiffany by surprise, for she was expecting Taeyeon to eventually berate her. All she could do was wait for the blow and hope that she didn’t lose control in defending herself, for she almost always loses against Taeyeon when they argue. Those times, she’s usually able to laugh the argument off and give in, but this time, she doesn’t think she can pull that trick and comfort Taeyeon’s nervous, soon-to-be maniacal outburst. 

Taeyeon was seething in rage, but she honestly wasn’t mad at Tiffany. She was honestly angry with herself, angry for coming back to Tiffany’s bed side and not just running out of the room. It was cowardly to run away, she knew this. But, walking out of through that door meant not having to deal with this right now. She’d be calmer, albeit somewhat frightened. She’s still not ready to even think aloud that she loves Tiffany. It’s wrong, especially with your best friend. She wants Tiffany to understand her pain, so she unleashes her sudden anger.

“I know what happened. I was here, you know,” Taeyeon squeezes out through gritted teeth, “And, if I recall this…whole thing, I was suckered in!”

There was no way in hell that Tiffany was going to let someone run over her, even with Taeyeon. Being  accused of something she knew was consensual, or at least hoped, angered her a little. If being equally upset was the only way to solve this problem, then it had to be done. Thus, she forced herself up on her knees, throwing the bed sheet to the side.

“Kim Taeyeon, don’t put the blame on me! You had the chance to say no!”

“Wasn’t it easier to take advantage of me while I was drunk?”

“Don’t be sick! I gave you the chance to say no.”

“You never asked me.”

“You never told me.”

Taeyeon uncrosses her arms and raises them up. She strips the sheets from the bed, and violently thrusts them in the floor.

“You’ve fucked more people on this bed than you can count! And, now, I’m part of that growing number!” she yells down at the sheets as if throwing all of the blame onto them.

Tiffany couldn’t help but cringe slightly, but not because of Tayeon’s harshness with her words. It wasn’t a mystery that Tiffany craved attention, even when she was always standing a foot deep in it. Her needs usually did come first, but she wasn’t so selfish to completely put down other people. Kindness was an important characteristic she always wanted to put on display, but she was prepared to be blunt when it was needed. Pushing her left leg down into the floor, she slipped from the bed, standing on the other side. She wanted to appear strong, even if it was an act. 

“I was suckered in like any other girl from the bar would have been… I was suckered in like all of your ex’s that you drag home occasionally, if you think I don’t know. I happen to run into Jessica every now and then,” Taeyeon suddenly smirks, and Tiffany finds it a little uncalled for.

“Stop being in denial, Taeyeon, and don’t bring up Jessica,” Tiffany sneers venomously.

Nostrils slightly flare before Taeyeon stomps out the door, rather childishly. All maturity is pretty much thrown out of the window at this point. Tiffany can’t help but laugh. She thinks Taeyeon is cowardly for yelling at her and then walking out. She almost wants to shove Taeyeon out at this point, but doing so would also label her as a coward. She shakes her head, decides to throw some undergarments on, and chase after the girl before she completely walks out of the apartment. As soon as she catches up to Taeyeon, the other girl is practically fully clothed, hurriedly stuffing her legs into her pants from the night before. 

Tiffany remembers very well when she took those off, but tries to push the thought out of her head. She’s supposed to be angry with Taeyeon. Not thinking about how much she’d like to do a repeat of sliding those skinny jeans down those short, sturdy legs that basically drug her body weight to the bedroom. She has to clear her mind before she chooses the wrong words for when she verbally attacks Taeyeon, knowing well that stumbling over words would show weakness.

“So, you’re just going to walk away?” She mimics Taeyeon’s former stance that was displayed in the bedroom just before the chaos came about. Taeyeon looks up from buttoning her pants, eyes sharp and strong. Tiffany’s almost turned on again.

“So, what if I am?” 

This is the only thing so far that does surprise Tiffany.

And, it’s too bad she’s horrible at hiding her shock, because Taeyeon now feels fueled to watch her grovel in defeat.

“Just admit that last night was a mistake, Miyoung. All you wanted was a quick fuck, and I gave in because…I felt sorry for you.”

The hesitance was noticeable, and Taeyeon wanted to backtrack, but that was completely impossible, so she played with what she was dealt. Tiffany’s face held no expression whatsoever. Maybe she was deciding whether to be sad or angry (especially with the use of her Korean name), but Taeyeon honestly didn’t care. Or, so she had to keep telling herself. She had to keep telling herself that Tiffany used her, so she wasn’t allowed to confess to Tiffany that she had wanted to do what they did last night for quite a long time. False hopes would get her nowhere by thinking that Tiffany actually loved her back.

Her jaw clenched as she grew tired of waiting for Tiffany to react with something better than just a standing there and staring on, slightly dumb. 

Panic filled Tiffany, scattering her thoughts and blocking any coherent ones, so she had no other choice but to play on reaction and pray to God she was doing the right thing. Taeyeon gripped the door knob but was prevented from turning it when a hand covered her own, pulling it from the cool metal. Tiffany latched herself to the girl, forcefully wrapping her whole self around the other, smothering Taeyeon. Her lips crushed against her own as if it was déjà vu. This hadn’t quite been the reaction Taeyeon had stood there waiting for earlier, but it definitely ignited something in her no matter how much she wanted to keep such feelings down.

More fierce with her actions than her words, Tiffany dragged her nails along Taeyeon’s back, causing her to shiver slightly. It was obviously a threat to do more damage. After several minutes of holding Taeyeon in her vice lip lock, she pulled back, breathless. Her hands draw back from around the shorter girl, almost deliberately. Taeyeon hates that Tiffany is such a tease, even in moments like this. All she can do is stare at her, searching for the significance in such an action. That one kiss said something.

Tiffany was in trouble now, though. She made the accident of looking into Taeyeon’s eyes, which were practically begging for her to gaze into them. They’d become soft, and she felt herself melt into those chocolate brown eyes. In the end, though, those same eyes questioned her. If only she could answer back with her own eyes, but she unfortunately felt that she did not possess the same talent that Taeyeon did.

“Tell me why I’m still here, Tiffany,” Taeyeon suddenly speaks, so softly it almost hurts her ears.

Heartache settles into Tiffany, and she feels like she wants to break down and cry. Taeyeon’s voice is so soft and beautiful when she speaks. She almost wishes Taeyeon would yell at her again because she doesn’t deserve this treatment. Taeyeon felt calmer, yet guilty again when she noticed Tiffany’s honest tears. The girl grabbed her face and sobbed into her hands, overridden with all of the emotions breaking her at once, like a bridge under pressure. The other girl stares on, swallowing down the hefty knots that were tying themselves in her throat. All of the necessary damage has been done, but maybe they went too far.

“You know why…Just say it,” Tiffany choked out between sobs.

Taeyeon couldn’t hold back. It was like a reaction to pull Tiffany to her and kiss her, gently and soothingly. It wasn’t found odd in her mind that she could be angry at Tiffany one minute and then hopelessly in love with her the next. That’s how things always go, though, in reality, the movies, and with Tiffany. 

“I love you,” Taeyeon blurted after their lips parted.

It was so sudden, but she had to say it in order to get it out in the open space that had settled between them, hoping the words would mend the hole. Tiffany stared at her for the longest of time, not making any sudden movements or blinking. Her puffed up eyes started to sparkle, though, and her lips twitched slightly. If they hadn’t just got done having their biggest fight ever, Tiffany would have automatically smiled cheerfully, but now, her reaction was hesitant. And, all she could do was let her tears flow again, stinging and clouding her already poor vision.

Her fingers cupped the back of the older girl’s neck, bringing her face towards her once again. She needed another kiss in order to piece everything together, in order to gain reassurance that her ears weren’t playing tricks and stringing together words she’d always wanted to hear. When she pulls back, her lips hover passed Taeyeon’s face to her ear. Her breath tickles, causing the other girl to chuckle slightly.

“I love you, too,” she releases in one quick breath, proceeding to further tickle the sensitive skin. 

Before she pulls back, she plants a quick kiss against to her ear, suddenly overwhelmed by internal bliss. This morning had been such a rollercoaster for both of them. They’d played hide and seek with our emotions since…forever. Or, since the night before.

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