Chapter 1

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(Y/N's POV)

I woke up to the sunlight, peering through the window and into my eyes, and I slowly opened them to see that I was in some sort of candy themed hospital. The appliances were made of candy, and I felt like I was either going to eat all of it or not. Anyways, the door then opened, and I saw a square cake, wearing a nurse outfit...? What a weird world I'm in...

???: "Oh, you're up, that's good news. I'll go tell Princess Bubblegum." Before she could do that, I stopped her.

Y/N: "Wait, w-where am I...?" She looked over to me and smiled.

???: "You're in the Land of Ooo." She then closed the door and left me very confused. To be sure, I looked out the window, and I saw so many candy people. There were probably as many types of candy that are actually people. My mind was either mind blown, or I could've gone crazy. Then the door opened again, and I saw a woman with pink hair and purple-ish skin, wearing a lab coat.

???: "Wonderful, you're awake. How are you feeling?"

Y/N: "I feel quite shit..."

???: "Language, and that's good. Is it alright if I can ask you some questions before you get freshened up?" I just nodded before I sat on my bed again and she took a chair and sat beside me.

???: "Oh by the way, my name is Princess Bubblegum, and I am the rule the Candy Kingdom."

Y/N: "I can see that, by the crown on your head."

PB: "So, let's start with your name and go from there."

Y/N: "My name is Y/N L/N, and I come from an abusive family, who never supports my dreams of being a musician. When I would try my best to learn guitar, I would get tons and tons of beatings, and they would even not feed me at all...but I would sneak in my room with some food and my guitar that they used to lock up in the attic. After they found out about that, they basically abandoned me and left me to starve, and...I don't know after that..." The princess was already in tears as she was writing down in her notepad, and she started to shed more tears as we stopped.

PB: "It must've been *hic* hard for *hic* you..." I tried to comfort her with a hug.

Y/N: "Hey, I'm the one who's supposed to be crying here, not you. Besides, now that I left that house, maybe I can start a new life here in Ooo."

PB: "You should, and you said that you wanted to be a musician right?"

Y/N: "Yeah, why?"

PB: "Oh because I have a friend who is. She is a great friend if I do say so myself."

Y/N: "Really, who is she?"

PB: "Marceline, the Vampire Queen." The moment I heard "Vampire", my heart literally dropped to the floor. Is she serious!? A vampire, her friend!? I must be dreaming...

Y/N: "V-vampire...?"

???: "Yup!" I was startled by the sudden voice and I fell off the bed, which re-opened some of my wounds. Then, she appeared out of nowhere, with her raven hair, pale skin, and vampire fangs. She was wearing a gray shirt sleeveless shirt, skin tight jeans, and red boots. Man, she was hot...

???: "T-thanks for that compliment." Shit, she heard me, why do I always think out loud.

???: "Hey Bonibel, who's he?"

PB: "Hey Marceline, this is Y/N, he had serious injuries when Finn and Jake found him, so I treated him back to good condition."

Marceline: "Oh, and what brings you to Ooo?" She was looking at me as if she was staring right into my soul. I shivered in fear, which got her confused, but then she laughed after.

Marceline: "Thinking I will drink your blood, then no, I just eat sheets of red. Let me show you." She picked up an apple and she basically sucked all the color out of the apple, so it was just a gray and lifeless apple. She then tossed it to me, and I ate it, but hell! That was some lifeless apple, it had no taste at all and it felt like concrete.

Y/N: "Well, that actually makes me a whole lot safer to be honest." They both giggled as I tried to stand up, but the re-opened wounds started to bleed through the bandages, and that got the both of them worried.

PB: "Y/N, you alright?"

Y/N: "Yeah, just that the wounds re-opened is all. I'll be fine." I got back into the bed, but not before I took out my beautiful Gibson Les Paul Supreme in tobacco burst. I plug it into my wonderful Marshall DSL40C, and I started to warm my hands up for a bit with some noodling.

(A/N: That's the guitar you have.)

After my warm-up, Marceline was instantly starry-eyed after that, and I chuckled at her cute reaction.

Marceline: "Dude...You. Are. AWESOME! We could make a band and start playing all over Ooo!" 

Y/N: "I actually like that idea, but we need drums, a bass guitar, and other things."

Marceline: "Don't worry, Marcy has got all that you need."

Y/N: "Including a cute girlfriend out of you~?" As soon as I said that, her cheeks started to turn faint pink while Princess Bubblegum just laughed along.

PB: "It feels like you two are meant for each other. Isn't that wonderful!?"

Marceline: "Bonibel! I hate you!" She then started shoving the princess playfully while I just continued laughing at the fight; however, the doors flung wide open, and that dog and the boy came in as if they had made a grand entrance.

Marceline: "Oh Finn, Jake, what are you doing here?"

Jake: "Hey Marceline, we came to see if the dude we rescued is alright.

Y/N: "And that I am yellow expandable dog." The dog, who I now knew as Jake, came up to me and looked at me funny.

Jake: " seem alright now. I'm Jake by the by, and that's Finn, my best bud." As he was called, Finn gave a wave and just said "Yo." in return.

Y/N: "Nice to meet you too, and thank you for saving me back there. Couldn't have lived to see you guys here. I'm grateful for that."

Finn: "It's not problem, we just did what we did best, be heroes."

Y/N: "Heroes, yeah sure, whatever you say man. Oh, before that, Marcy, are you sure that we are gonna be big in Ooo, I mean, I haven't even seen everything here, and I feel like this is gonna be a small world."

Finn: "Ooo is massive, there are tons and tons of places that Jake and I explored before, but there is just so much to see and do here." My eyes immediately widened and I stood on my bed.

Y/N: "I. AM. HOME!!!" But that was short lived since the wounds started to sting a bit after I over exerted that. Everyone started to help me out, but I shrugged it off.

PB: "Look Y/N, you should rest before you can freely explore Ooo with Finn and Jake, after you have fully recovered, you and Marceline can discuss your band ideas." I nodded in response before the five of us basically stayed in my room the whole day, talking to them about me, and learning a lot from them too.

A/N: Hey everyone, I hoped you like that first chapter, if you did, let me know and I will try to do more chapters when I can. Anyways, thanks you so much for reading and I will see you all in the next chapter. BYE

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