Chapter 3

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(Y/N's POV)

When you wake up on a couch, below a hot sleeping vampire, with her damned breasts pressing against your chest, you might think, what the hell is going on right now? But for me, I was just living the dream, but that was short lived when I slid off the couch, making both of us fall down to the ground as she squealed and as I shouted. We groaned in pain before we got back to our senses to see that our faces were mere inches apart from each other, and we blushed at each each other because of that. She floated off of me so that I can stand up, and she was already covering her face from embarrassment.

Marceline: "I am so so so so so so sorry Y/N, I didn't mean to sleep with you like that." I just chuckled and decided to shrug it off.

Y/N: "No harm done, except for a bruised butt that might last some days." That made her mood lighten up that it initially was. She then went over to the kitchen to make some breakfast, and she said it may take a while, so I grab my Les Paul and plugged it in the amp before I took out my laptop to try to learn music theory ,riffs, and other guitar related things before breakfast was ready. Sadly, the 2 highest strings (the two thinnest strings of the guitar) snapped, and what was worse was that I didn't have extra strings to use. I sighed in disappointment before I placed my guitar back in it's case and grabbed my plate of bacon, eggs, and toast as we sat on the couch to eat. As we ate in silence, Marceline decided to strike up a conversation.

Marceline: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Hmm?"

Marceline: "About your guitar...?"

Y/N: "I'm gonna get a new guitar, since it's already done for."

Marceline: "No no no no, not like that, it's just that I wanted to ask you something."

Y/N: "What is it?" She looked at me with her pleading eyes as I continued eating my breakfast.

Marceline: "Can I please have your guitar?" I looked at her weird before I swallowed the rest of my food.

Y/N: "Are you joking? Have my guitar? Seriously?"

Marceline: "I'm not hearing any no's~" She said lyrically, but those damned eyes, what I wouldn't do to not see those, but I had not choice.

Y/N: "Fine, when we get a new guitar, you can have my Les Paul, but you're paying for the repairs alright?"

Marceline: "Fair trade Y/NN (Your Nickname)." Again, I looked at her weird...

Y/N: "Really? Y/NN? My gosh Marcy, you're something else..."

Marceline: "Well, I'm obviously a vampire. C'mon, let's hurry up so we can get to the store." She then floated off to her bedroom, while I just sat on the couch, thinking...

Y/N: 'Yeah, my vampire...'

(Timeskip) (Y/N's POV)

We were off to go to the guitar store that Marceline had said she would take me to, but she had to wear a hat and long compression stockings for her hands, since she would die under the sun. She was also wearing a red sleeveless shirt, her jeans, and brown boots to match with her outfit, and she was stunning in her outfit. Anyways, we have been roaming Ooo for quite some time, and we stumbled upon this rock golem with threes eyes, and he was basically playing a drum set with just his fingers, and I got to say, he was killing it. Marceline approached him and tried to get his attention.

Marceline: "Hello? Hey, rock giant! Can you hear me!?" It then stopped playing with a cymbal, and it was giving it's full attention towards her.

Marceline: "Hey dude, long time no see, can you point us back to Wizard Bill's Music Shop? My friend and I are planning to get new equipment to make a band, and we also need to get a new guitar and parts for his old one." The giant golem then pointed it's finger into the clouds, and Marceline grabbed onto my hand before she carried me onto it's finger.

Marceline: "Alright Y/N, hold on tight, ok rock giant, point now!" It did so, and we were sent soaring through the air, screaming happily as we passed by tons of things, some hot air balloons, mountains, castles, rainbows, and we even went through a hole in a mountain before we made it to the store just outside the door. By that time, her hat was whisked away into the air, luckily, the sun was now covered by clouds, and her ebony-colored hair mesmerized me so much, and I have completely fallen for the queen... She then fist-bumped the giant and gave a thanks before we entered the shop to see a short dude with tons of brown hair, covering his entire face, and he wore glasses too.

Bill: "Habada habaglabarara!" I had no idea what he said, but Marceline completely understood him...WHAT!?

Marceline: "Hey Bill, you mind if we take a look around the shop for some things we can get? We're planning to make a band, and we need all the equipment we need to make a smashing good one." Just the same, he said some random gibberish I can never understand, and I think that meant like "Sure, take whatever you like" kinda thing.

Marceline: "Sweet! Thanks Bill! C'mon Y/N, let's get what we need." She grabbed my hand and dragged me off to the electric guitar section, and holy hell, was I in love. There were tons to choose from, Fender Gibson, Jackson, Ibanez, and the oh so cool Schecter brand, I have checked around the guitars, but now, I am so torn between a Schecter model in various color schemes. These schemes I will name as 1-5 (schemes are down below), and I just couldn't decide on which to choose, so I asked Marceline to help, who was asking Bill for guitar strings for my Les Paul.

Y/N: "Marcy, can you help me with something?"

Marceline: "Sure, what is it?" I point to the different color schemes of the model guitar.

Y/N: "I narrowed the guitar down to this, but I am so torn on which one to choose. Can you decide on what to choose?" She was then in deep though while looking at each of the guitars, and after some thinking, she finally spoke.

Marceline: "I think that one is fine." She pointed at Guitar 3, and I grabbed it before we took all that we needed back to her place.


When we got back to her house, Finn, Jake, PB, and LSP, were just jamming to random nonsense, and when they saw us, and just said hi and did whatever. Both of us just facepalmed and decided to do a jam with what we got from his store. Marceline restrung my Les Paul, I got out the Schecter guitar, and Finn prepared the drum set to play. After we set up, I looked at Marceline, and she gave a thumbs up to say she was ready, and Finn did the same, so then Marceline and I started off first.

(A/N: I love Steve Vai, and Orianthi too, good guitar players in their own rights.)

After that jam session, the other three were wide-eyed about that, and we all decided to stay in Marceline's house to sleep the night there, and it was like a big sleepover in my...old days...

A/N: Here are the guitars you had to choose from, you can choose which one you want, but I preferred the third one. Anyways, I hope you like the chapter, and I will be seeing you all in the next one. BYE

Guitar 1

Guitar 2

Guitar 3

Guitar 4

Guitar 5

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