Chapter 5

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(Y/N's POV)

Early in the morning, I woke up with Marceline, snuggling and rubbing against my chest, which made me blush a little, but I slowly lifted her up and set her back down on the couch before tiptoeing across my sleeping friends, well...except for Simon, who was in the kitchen, doing glob knows what. I coughed to get his attention, and that seemed to have worked as he turned slowly towards me with an expression that can't not get caught redhanded.

Ice King: "Heheheh, I was just getting food...?" I shook my head in disappointment before I shoved him away from the fridge to try and get something ready for everyone when they start to wake up.

Y/N: "Simon, can you try to not wake anyone up wit your noise, and I need help with this please." He nodded before we started to prepare breakfast together. I got some bacon and eggs from the fridge as I started to get the oil burning in one of the pans. As the oil was starting to pop, I placed the bacon strips one at a time, hearing the crackles of oil afterwards. As that was going on, I asked Simon to make some toast while I was at it. He cooperated as he took out five pairs of bread and placed them in the toaster, pair by pair. I then flipped the bacons to the opposite side, and I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist, and I definitely knew who it was.

Y/N: "Morning Marcy Cake. How was sleep?" 

Marceline: "It was great, since you were with me." I chuckled before the bacon was finished cooking, and I placed them on ten plates, five bacon strips per person, for ten people. I then got some honey from the cupboard and started drizzling the bacon with it while I cracked the eggs, cooking the eggs with the excess bacon oil in the pan. Soon, Marceline started sniffing the breakfast, and she just fell in love.

Marceline: "Wow, that smells great Y/N."

Y/N: "Awww, thanks my lovely. Can you be a deary and help Simon with the toast? I think he's a bit..." I looked towards him and saw that he nearly froze the toaster out of rage.

Y/N: "...stuck up there..." She giggled before she kissed me in the cheek and going to where Ice King was. I got back to what I was doing, and I got the salt and pepper shaker and sprinkling it on the eggs before flipping the eggs to the opposite side. Then, I got the forks and set them on each of the plates but not before I set up my laptop on the amp and playing some chill Stevie Ray Vaughan, that will help wake them up slowly.

(A/N: Who loves Stevie Ray Vaughan? If you do, can we be friends?) 

I went back to the eggs and placed one for each of the plates, and the rest of the gang started to wake up to the smell of honey glazed bacon and sunny-side up eggs, with the side of toast bread. 

PB: "Good morning Y/N."

Y/N: "Morning Bonnie. Food is already done." 

Jake: "Dang Y/N, that smells so good."

Y/N: "Thanks Jake. C'mon let's start eating." Each of us got one plate and sat down, either on the couch or the floor, while the song was playing in the background. It was quite the lazy day we had going on in the house, until PB announced something to us.

PB: "Oh, everyone, I have news to share!" She stood up, and we were all curious as to what she was about to share.

Marceline: "This better be good Bonnibel."

PB: "Ok, does anyone remember Battle of the Bands? When Finn was brain dead when his Finn sword broke?" Everyone nodded, but I was just listening to her.

PB: "Well, we have decided to do it again, now that we have a number of talented people. Besides, we want Y/N to feel right at home here in Ooo, so we must welcome him with open arms." Everyone started to get pumped up by that, but I just thought of something instead.

Y/N: 'Since I'm starting a new life, I think I should get a new look too..." I was cut off from my thoughts when Marceline kissed me in the cheek, which made me blush a faint pink.

Marceline: "Y/NN, since we're helping to welcome you to Ooo, I think it's a good time to get you a new look."

Y/N: "Ha! Way ahead of you babe. Now, I got to ask, do you have a tattoo parlor?" That made her surprised, but decided to help me out.

Marceline: "I do babe, c'mon let's go."

(Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/N and Chibi Marceline, playing their guitar and bass.)

We have been in the tattoo parlor for hours now, and I can't wait for Marceline's reaction to my new look, eventhough the arms still hurt like hell.

Y/N: "Alright babe, are you ready for the new look?"

Marceline: "Of course Y/NN, why wouldn't I be-" As I came out, she was head over heels over me, and with my tattoos standing out as well.

By then, Marceline was just jaw dropped by your new look, and I just chuckled at her reaction. I spun around and did some cool dance moves for her, which made her blush even more.

Y/N: "Like it Marcy Cake?" She walked over to me and held my hand.

Marceline: "Like it? I love it! You are gonna slay on Battle of the Bands babe."

Y/N: "Awww thanks babe." We shared a quick peck before we decided to practice the song we were going to practice.

A/N: Hey everyone, I hope you like the chapter and Y/N's new look, and if you don't, then that's alright too, but the outfit stays though. Anyways, thank you all for supporting me on this book, and I will see you all in the next chapter. YE!

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