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not interested

I gasp shockingly!! did he just reject me to meet?? does he know who I am?? fine bitch, pretend whatever you want... I'll find you.

I was just interested before, but now? I'm decided to know you! if you are not eager I'll make you.

quickly I call hoseok and realize he is sitting at the desk beside me. his head is already into book writing.

"Hobie give me your phone."

I said and made my way to his pocket where he caught me off guard. holding his breath back he let me take his phone out.

"what do you want for?"

he mumbles focusing on his book again. I open his Instagram and search @Imgoodboy and he appears... okayy baby, I found you!

with that proud thought, I click on his account and found it private!

wh-what?? "Hobie why you don't follow him?"

he gave attention to me and see that account. "I don't know who he is... why what happened?"

"but he follows you and you don't know him?"

he shook his head as 'no' which made me sigh frustratdly... why are you becoming a mystery baby?

I immediately send him to follow request from Hobie's account and gave the phone back to hobi.

"will you tell me what happened?? and who is he?" Hobie asked but I stifle my face under my resting arms because I have no answer.


I came back home after having ice cream with seokjin and hoseok... but my mind was on that unknown! either I'll stalk him till I find him or I'll block him.

as usual, mom is having tea with her friends, I greet all her friends and earn a death stare from mom... yeahh right, I forgot to smile in front of her friends.

after that fake happiness, I enter my room and mom came in to nag me manners.

"how many times should I tell you to smile!!? your father has a reputation... please maintain it y/n!"

she explained with disappointment... no matter how Better I behave, I alway lack in everything. they want me perfect and I did my best on it, yet I'm not sufficient.

"I'm sorry mom, I'll make sure to smile next time," I said and she went out with worries over why I'm like this... whatever! fuck that.

I fall onto bed and inhale deeply. was close to sleep until my phone vibrates. then I side my buried face to check my phone... it's imgoodboy message.



are you offended
that I rejected your
meeting proposal??

I was offended honestly
cause I wanted to
see how you look.

and why you wanna
see me?

bitch your hands are pretty
wondering what's on top?
I mean your face.

why not focus on
my bottom?? 😏

really?? you flirting? you??
MR. I'm goodboy??

lol, you are funny!

so tell me who you are.

I won't! btw... I rejected
hoseok follows too.


I like to be mysterious.

NO!! maybe you are too
ugly to show yourself
but don't worry
I love ugly faces.

babe... I'm heaven and
far from ugly.

I won't believe it until
I see that heaven
don't call me babe.

then you too...
don't call me bitch.

okayy! bitch

good babe 😚

stop with that emo 🙂

okay bye, I'm done!


bitch come back.


Aishh! he makes me so angry. wait and watch how I'll find you bitch!



hey, I'm in college

where are you?


really?? again left me on seen!! I just can't tell myself to stop checking his profile... why he is not accepting my request?

as I was walking through hallways for my class but my attention is on my phone... waiting for goodboy reply.

suddenly someone jolted into me and I fall to the ground. urghh my back!! a hand grip my arms and said.

"I'm so sorry y/n... I was in rush!"

and that's when I notice a guy... I know him, it's taehyung! but he is without glasses.

I forgot the pain for that moment.


was he this handsome from start?? how come I never noticed that? he looks so so unusual...with concern-filled eyes, he supports me to stand properly.

"I'm so sorry y/n!" he again apologized bowing but I halt him "it's fine taehyung... we are good!"

"oooh! you remember me?"

"what's that supposed to mean?? of course, I remember you... we were partners in last semester's project."

his eyes brighten with a boxy smile... Aww, he looks so cute.

"see you later!"

I patted his shoulder and walked ahead with my back pain. as soon I reach my class my phone beeps.


I'm in college too!

so let's meet...??

why do you want to meet me?
don't you always hang
out with seokjin
and hoseok?


I just want to know
who you are
that's it!!

but you already know
who I am. 🙋🏻‍♀️

really?? did we ever meet?

Of course, we met...
and we talked too!

when did this happen?

that I won't tell you...
you seem
desperate to see me

and I'm enjoying
your desperate

now bye and focus
on your lecture.

wait.!! how did he know my lecture started.? is he around me? I instantly got up in the middle of class and startled everyone.

"what's wrong y/n?"

Sir asked me but my stare is scanning the whole place to find him. is he hoseok? that bad boy yoongi?? or his partner namjoon.?? Who could he be?

"y/n sit down before I stand you out!"

Sir warned, take me to sense... I apologize and sit again. where is he? suddenly I received another text.


don't waste your energy
and focus on the lecture...
babe 😏


(a/n: I seriously don't know what I'm doing but third chapter is interesting 😶🌚)

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