Let's Talk About Roleplay

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HELLO MY FRIENDS! IT TIS I! DreamSans_Official! Sorry i'm late, had to waste my time doing some other stuffz. Now, today we're going to be talking about roleplay! Specifically, the GREAT things that come out of it and the BAD things that may come out of it. Personally, I love roleplaying! It 's great to talk and interact with many different people, You get to roleplay whatever you want! However, as most of you know, there are sometimes times that may ruin a Roleplay. SO TODAY, we're going to be talking about the what you SHOULDN'T do in a roleplay. And also tips on how to make a roleplay better!

1. No God Modding. 

We're not going to talk much of this today, because I plan on making a Let's talk about on its own about this. But yeah, I'm pretty sure we can all agree. God Modding can be pretty annoying!

2. Don't ALWAY make 4th wall references.

I know what you're thinking. "BUT FORTH WALL REFERENCES ARE FUNNY!". Yes, they are! But the thing is when you have a reference repeated over and over...it kinda loses its funniness. Try to sprinkle fourth wall references out, don't let them be to close together! That way, when a reference is actually made it's pretty funny! However, this is more of your opinion type thing. You can do what you want with them! 

3. Don't always have your character lose in battle

I know we all worry that we may be god-modding, but when you make your character almost ALWAYS lose in battle. It's weakening the character more then you are actually stopping god-modding. Not only that, no offense to the characters who are like this, but it becomes less fun to have a battle with them when you KNOW they are most likely going to lose. Instead, try not to make your character ALWAYS win, but try and make it even. Such as your character loses, wins, then loses, then wins again. Or even wins, wins, losses, wins, lose, lose. It's up to you what pattern they should take, but try this method so your character doesn't appear in superior.

NOW LET'S DO SOME TIPS! They won't be as wordy as the above things.

1. When you want to make a specific character in a team more menacing, make them a little more powerful than the others. If you want the team to be scary, then have them all on par.

This can REALLY improve how your teams work and are a great rule should follow if you have a team.

2. When having a mystery character, lay down some hints between chapters, or make them appear once or so often.

This makes it so that the audience is getting enough hints to try and guess who it is, but also keeping them on the edge because they don't know directly. Lay clues about their past, their names, what they did, who they are, etc.

3. Add music.

Simple as that. If you can find good fitting music, use it. It amplifies the theme you are going for. Try to sync words with the music as well.

Welp, that's all for Let's Talk About today! Hope to see you next Friday, everyone! Bye! ^^

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