Teens rant on Crushes and elders reaction to them

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We teenagers all have had crushes, that girl that we think is cute, that boy that makes the butterflies flutter their wings in our bellies. Those people that we meet that makes us stammer and forget words when talking to them, or we do stupid things and embarrass ourselves ️😐😐😕

There are two type of crushes, identity crushes and romantic crushes.

In both cases, the teenager feels smitten by a compelling person 🌚 who catches their attention. A third kind is the celebrity crush that shapes ideas and stirs fantasies in our head. (Like me and Harry Styles, you don't want to know the things we have done in my head 🌚)
There is a great outbreak of romantic crushes and gossip about them

"Guess who likes who?" 💁

Early adolescence and the separation from childhood has caused young people to want to act more grown up, and sexual maturity from puberty has motivated them to act in more young manly and womanly ways that they shouldn't (Yes, I mean sex, or something close to sex).

Since girls tend to enter puberty before boys 💪😌, they are more likely to experience the wave of crushes first, more drawn to boys than boys are to them. Taking their romantic feelings seriously for boys who treat them lightly or laughable 🙍💔

However, the time for same-age boys to become romantically smitten is not far off, and when it arrives, they find crush prices to be no laughing matter when they become smitten too 😌 Ha!

Particularly during the middle-school years, teenage crushes can be of the attraction (romantic) kind and of the admiration (identity) kind. In both cases growth is advanced by this influential experience, most often for the good, but sometimes not.

A hard part of crushes is when they are not returned, as is often the case. The chosen person is not aware or not interested.

Cases of

"She doesn't know I exist!" 😟😟

"He doesn't even notice me!!" 😞😞

Anyways, the disappointment is real. It's funny how the elder ones look at teenage crushes as a childish plaything, or they just discount it and look the other way.

I once told my aunty about my crush and she laughed at me 😒

"Why?" I asked.

"You are still a small girl Chidimma, you don't understand your feelings." 😐😐

But I did understand my feelings, they were mine and they were real. But well, "she is just a small girl what does she know?"

Here is what our fellow teens shared on this topic.

Cherry: This hasn't happened to me

Meexmy: Never happened to me

Amba: It has happened to me

This was the reaction, some of them had in the first paragraph, but let's go further.

Amba: It's annoying really.. too me it is. Almost all my crushes are one sided🌚

I am sure this is the situation most times.

Rita: Well, when I was 10, I know I was already having crushes on boys, but sitting here, years later, I am asking what a 10 year old girl even know about crushes.

Meexmy: A cousin of mine goes for ballet classes and guess what she said, her ballet teacher is a hottie. I was like God!!!!
Meexmy: She's just 8 o

Amba: I had my first crush when I was 3👀
Amba: I tried kissing the guy once but my dad was near😂

Cherry: Growing up my mom knew my crushes (just crushes🌚) because she is a teacher in my school and church, so she's always with me.

But I remember one particular boy like that in school that I really liked ehn😂😂 my mommy knew, thankfully he liked me too. Even his family members knew about me😂💔. Everything was just weird in a good kind of way, but when I finished sec. Sch. we lost contact and I was convinced that it wasn't meant to be.

I'm still waiting for the day that my mommy will ask me about him😂💔

Rita: I had my first kiss at 3, I can't remember the kiss sha, but I bet it was hot 😎

Tao: Eheh😹 let my mum just mistakenly know I have a crush😹😹😹 she'll sit me down and tell me the story of how she was a good girl who faced her studies during her days😒

Amba: I had a crush on this guy  for three good years🙂. Only to find out he LOVES my friends deeply
(I am sure many people have found themselves in situations like this)

Rita: 😂😂💔 that sucks, the thing is we can't blame our crushes, because they aren't magicians to know of our feelings.

Cherry: 😂💔 thankfully mom is someone that is understanding. She will tell me it's perfectly normal to like someone, it is your stage. If you don't like someone then you aren't normal😂💔

Tao: Those ones are my brothers😹😹😹 eh ehhh... They literally know all the guys I like😹😹😹

Rita: 😂😂😂 if my mum sees a guy looking at me with interest or she notices something, she won't talk when he is around oo, when he has gone, she will turn to Frank from who wants to be a millionaire, except this time— no cash.

And when we were all talking about our crushes, this happened...

Sun child: What If I told you that I never had a Crush. In middle school, I thought boys were extremely stupid beings. By high school, I was too focused on my grades.

Rita: Really? No one at all?!

Sun child: None!

Rita: 😂 you are something else

Sun child: I am serious
Sun child: Like I grew up among a large number of male cousins and they tell me that boys are stupid since I was young. So, I guess it stuck

Meexmy: I also never had crushes. Why?

Well, here are my reasons:
📌 None of the boys I meet matched up to my standards
📌 My dad has people watching me in school, islamiyya, basically everywhere I go... Yeah, he's that protective
📌 My mum always checks my chats, messages, calls, everything. If she sees I love... She doesn't wanna see what's at the end o, she'll start complaining.
📌 I have snitches for siblings, ️I was talking to my former classmate once when we were coming back from the market and my younger brother literally ran home to tell my mum

And the list goes on and on🤧

Do we have people like this? Who have never had crushes, share your experience with us and you thoughts on this topic.

Later on, a guy joined the chat and here is how it went

Amba: 👀 who are you?😂😂 abeg tell us about your crush jor

DJK: She was the most beautiful and intelligent girl in school, which made it hard to talk to her cause I was the direct opposite 'WAS'
I took charge and she agreed wtf?!!
Turns out she was a control freak, we didn't last 2 weeks, I LOVE MY FREEDOM!!!

DJK: And that is all a lie
I was only interested in ASSES

Cherry: Who doesn't love their freedom? 😂🌚

Rita: 🌚😂😂💔
Wickedness, not even for her personality?

DJK: Naa ASSES RULE DAT was my motor

Rita: Thank God you said was

DJK: Yeah I changed, I now look for booby (breast)

I know, boys right? 😒

Share your views with us here 😊

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