Interview Of My Life Line😍❤

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DATE: 29 July 2019
TIME: 10:08 PM

Assalam O Alaikum guyss! How are you all??

So finally first chapter of this book is heree and I am soo excited❤❤...
Let's beginn...

* BEHIND THE SCENES * (Interview is not started yet)

I should check everything last time...

Mic? Check
Camera? Check
Set up? Fully Check😂

*Shouts* IS SHE READYY?? "Yes she iss stop shoutingg" Ok Ok finee whatever I am the boss here you know -_-
*Zoho arrives looking stunning as always*😍😍😂😂

(I just want you all to feel like you're actually watching an interview and the set behind it😂😂 Just imagine ok XD and if you're the one who's giving an interview then I want you to feel like you are an actual celebrity and giving an interview😂😂❤❤)

* ON AIR *

Assalam O Alaikum everyone How are you all WELCOME TO MY SHOW... So today I am here with the person who's personally my fav and like a sister to me and I can't live without her... So plsss welcome the one and only ZOHA AZHAR (clapping pls)😂

Assalam O Alaikum Zoha! ( I am calling you with your actual name😂😂)

Walaikum Assalam Wishay!!

Q. So first Question what was the first thought came into your mind when you first chatted with me??

Ans: "The first thought that came into my mind about you was that you seems really sweet and it was so fun to chat with you because there's a lot in common between us, so everytime we were asking things about each other was like knowing one more similarity in us, It was so fun and made me talk with you more and know more things about you. Since the beginning you're very sweet and caring and truly I've never met someone online who cares this much like you do"

*takes tissues* Don't think I am crying it's just that it's so hot in here...

Q. What do you think about my book??

Ans: "I really enjoy reading your book because it's a lot different than other books, like no long stories or something, there are short chapters which are easy to read and also very much interesting and knowledgeable"

Aww Thankyouu😍❤❤

Q. Worst Chapter of my bookie?😂 or the chapter which is not as good as others??

Ans: "Umm this is veryy hard😂 I really don't think that there was any chapter which was not as good, I enjoyed and loved them all"

Ok thenn as you say😂😂

Q. Do you remember the first person You texted or even your first friend here??

Ans: *sips coffee* "Yes! I remember the very first person I talked with, It was a very short conversation with her and it was very good. dreamerkr96 That's her!❤"

Oh ok that's good!

Q. Tag 5 person who are very close to your heart.

Ans: "I have talked with many people here but there are just two who are close to my heart which is you and BreachWarden "

Awwii That just melt my heart you're also very close to my heart jaan ho meri😍😍❤  *takes a bite of marshmallow* whatt?? I don't like tea nor coffee and it's not necessary to only drink these in interviews😑😑😂😂 yeah so where was I??😆

Q. Tell me the first thing come into your mind after hearing these words:

1. Superhero
2. Wattpad
3. Cake
4. Right Hand (Just to be clear right hand means that the one whom you can't live without like you do everything with your right hand naa so like that who's your right hand)
5. Idiot

Ans: " 1. Umm ME! I'm a wonder woman!😂
2. Boooks and people I love to chat with :D
3. Chocolaaate *drools* 😂
4. My sister!❤❤
5. You, My Idiot!😂

Ohh My wonder woman😂😍😍❤... Reallyy?? I also love chocolate cake will go to eat after this interview😍😂😂... Idiot and mee?? Nice choice😂😂😂

Q. Any advice for me?

Ans: "Ummm never trust someone so easily! All I want is... I don't ever wanna see you get hurt because of someone, like breaking your trust on them because I think that hurts the most. You are seriously like my own sister and so precious to me so I want best for you in each way. ❤ There's one of my favourite quote which I keep saying to myself too whenever I feel down and I also want you know that Have Courage and Be Kind if you will be kind and helpful to others, then hopefully you will get the same and if not then tell me that person's name (Wow it rhymes)😂😂

Wow nice advice😅 I will try to do that and I know you will not leave the person who try to hurt me in any way so people Be Aware Zoho Is Everywhere😂😂❤❤.... And also no one can mess with my sister also....

Thankyou for coming means a lot

Thankyouu for having me here!! I really enjoyed❤❤

So guys here's the first episode of Let's Uncover: An Interview with Wishay!! hope you like it and I will be back soon with another amazing personality in the next episode till then Allah Hafiz And Assalam O Alaikum♥♥...


*pheww* done *throws this throws that* *SHOUTS* Can someone bring me a glass of water plss I am tired "What's with you and shouting today" I don't knoww when I will find out I will let you know I promise okayy😂😂

*lights off*
*Went to eat chocolate cake with Mi Amore*

Go follow ZohaAzhar she will always be there for you in every step of your life and will never make you feel sad, she can make you laugh or at least smile when you are not in a happy mood... So goo and follow my Queen😍😍❤❤... But that doesn't mean you will steal her from me remember this girl is mine only😂❤❤❤

One more thing IT'S RAINING HEREE HEAVILYY AND WEATHER IS SO AWESOMEE😍😍😍😍 Who doesn't love rain yrr😍😍❤❤

Sooo here's the interview guysss hope you like it plsss vote and comment and get ready to be the the next celebrity❤❤

Till then Allah Hafiz, Take care and love you all♥♥♥

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