4 ways to Play this Game in RL ! :)

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If you want to Play Story Time in RL you can:

1. Either play like here: that every next player Sees what the Previous players wrote before - & Just Continues the Story :)

2. Or: You answer Point 1 & start rolling the paper not to let the next player See Your Answer when they answer Point 2 - then the person who answered Point 2 also 'rolls the peace of paper to 'cover their answer' & passes the paper to the next person who answes Point 3 - ect... till all Points are answered. - Then they unroll the whole Peace of Paper with All the Answers written by players - & one person ( the one who wants to ) Reads the 'whole short story' aloud :)

- This version is 'more Random' - because Noone sees other Players' answers... - & that's what makes it So Funny - because the 'final story' may 'not make sense at all'! XD

( & Everyone may Burst in Laughter after Reading the Result! 😆 )

3. A Totally Random 'Brainstom Version' 

- First you all 'Brainstorm' - that means 'Write all the ideas that come into your mind down' - as many ideas as you have. You can share: This Person prepares 'Lots of Possible answers for Point 1 - another one for Point 2 - another one for Point 3... - to have as many answers for Every Point as possible Prepared before the game.

*When you already have 'lots of Possible Answers for Every Point' prepared 

- you cut each single answer out of the piece of paper where you wrote it - & put them upside down not to let anyone see them - just group them according to the questions: Answers to Point 1 here - Answers to Point 2 in some other place ( you can put the pieces of papers with the answers on some clean plates - it will be easier ) 

*When this Part is done:

- You're Ready to start the Game! :)

To play this version of the game: each person will be taking a little piece of paper with answer to some point from the plate with the 'answers for this point' and turning it the 'Written Part' to the top

- And you decide if you prefer to let Player 1 choose 6 pieces of paper ( each from one plate with 'Answers for a different point ) to 'create His or Her Random Story alone - 

- or it's better to play this way:

'I take the answer for Point 1 from plate 1' - you take the answer for Point 2 from plate 2 - the next person will take the answer for Point 3 from plate 3 etc - till all 6 points are Answered & you have a 'whole short story' from 'Random Answers for Every Point' :) 

*You put all the answers you took the 'Written Part' up one behind another to form your story - & you can read 'Your Part' aloud when you're adding it to the story - or just put all parts together in silence to form a story first - that Will be Read by 1 Person at the End :) - you decide 

4. Version 4: Speaking One

- is the version you can use when 'you don't want to write the story down', 'you have nothing to write it on but want to play' - or your little Brother or Sister wants to play this game with You - but they Can't Write yet :)  ( - so this version is For Them! 😁👍 )

In the 'Speaking Version' of Story time game: You still have to follow the 6 Points pattern ( you don't even have to write those points down when you Played it so many times that you know 'what comes first' & what should be next - & you learnt the order by heart! :) ) 

- but you just Say the answers for the 6 Points - instead of writing them ( Plus of this version: The Other Players' reaction will be Instant - if you decide to make the Story funny :) )

So here Person 1 answers 'When' - Person 2 says 'Who' - Person 3 says where the characters went... etc till the end.  ( You have all the 6 Points in Previous chapter :) )

🌏 just Choose the Version of the Game

- you like The Most - & Try Playing it with your Siblings ( if they are old enough to understand the Rules & follow the Pattern ) or with your Friends :)

( or Even with Your Parents or Grandparents if you like - why not? :) - you all would be having fun, just find the 'Right moment' when they are 'not busy' - & when they 'have some time to play' :) ) 

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