Welcome to My 111th Book! :) 🎊

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I'm starting it today ( on July 4th 2018 ) - 16 Months & one week after My Joining Wattpad to give My Readers a Possibility of some Cooperation & Interactive Fun in a Writing game where each person 'Adds Something from themselves' following certain Points to Create a Short Story :) 

💠 Some of You May Know this Game 

- if you haven't heard of it: I'll explain: There must be at least 2 users creating One Story together ( if there are more - that's even better :) - so there should be from 2 players till the same number of Players as the number of the Points for the story - to let Every Player write at least 1 thing. - And what all the players write together will create a short story :) )

*The Ready short story written by all the players can make sense or not

( - you can add elements that will be 'logical' together with the Points the Previous players wrote - or you can write something 'totally out of the blue' - something that 'doesn't make sense' together with the previously written part of the text - just to make other users Laugh if you want :) - you decide :) ) 

✨ The only Rules are:

- the whole story Must be Appropriate

- no cussing in this story, please

- no killing, dying or violence 

( the story should be Pleasant to Read & 'ok for All Ages' :) )

*I'll give you the Points the story should contain

- to let you have a 'Story Pattern' in the Next Chapter 

- and when you have all Points of the 'Pattern' - you can start inventing the Story in comments: it should go like this: One person 'answers the first point' to start the story - the 2nd user answers the '2nd Point of the 'Pattern' to continue the story... - if just two users decide to play this round & write the whole short story 'in pair' - they should exchange: I mean Person 1 answers Point 1 in comments - Person 2 answers Point 2.. then person 1 answers Point 3... etc - till the whole story is ready :) 

*If 3 users want to write one story - they should also write one by 1: Person 1 answers Point 1 - Person 2 answers Point 2 - Person 3 answers Point 3...  - then Person 1 answers Point 4 etc - it goes around again

*If as many users as the Pattern Points decide to play the same round - Each of them will have 'just one Point to write for Themselves' :)

🌏 I hope that Everything is Clear 😊

- & that You'll Enjoy the Game!  ^_^ 

So just read the 'Pattern Points' from the Next Chapter

- & Let's start the Game! :)

( Please don't write anything else than your idea for the answer for a given Point till the 'whole Short Story' based on the Points I Give is Finished by Players...

... - You can comment the Story they wrote together Only When they Answer all the Points & their 'short story' is Completed - then, when you read their whole 'short story' - you can comment for exaple 'Lol, that was funny' - if they wrote a funny story or 'That was nice' if you like it )

*If you didn't like the Story they created - please don't comment at all. TY

😁 If I like the Story some users Invented based on the 'Pattern Points' I give - I'll ask them to create some title for their story - & I will put their 'common creation' in some next chapter of my book - giving them all as The Authors + my opinion about their story ( for example 'I really like your 'short story' or 'Your story made me laugh, thank you :) ) 

*If you have any questions: 

Write them in comments under this first Intro Part only 

( Your Questions or comments what you think of this book idea Here :) ⤵

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