Bad Surprises

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Wren wasn't sure if he should be smiling or extremely worried right now. But he was with Raven, so he voted for smiling, because it was impossible not to smile around him.

The two were heading through the Rainwing village, and Wren fought to keep any revealing emotions out of his scales as they did so.

"Where are we going?" Raven asked curiously.

"It's a surprise," Wren replied.

"A good surprise or a bad surprise?"


"Exactly. Tell me!"

"If I tell you, then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore, now would it?"

"That is literally the most overused, cliche answer you could have given me." Wren laughed. "Just tell me something about what we're doing. A hint." 

"Okay," Wren glanced at the ground. "So, I may have told my parents about us." Raven stopped his eyes wide.



"What did they say?" Raven demanded. "They were totally cool with it, weren't they? I told you they would be and oh crap, you told them about ME. Did you mention who my parents were? Please tell me you didn't." Wren made a face. "...Crap, you told them who my parents were. Welp, goodbye good first impression!"

"That's not true," Wren countered. "I got them to give you a chance. And they're totally cool with it." Raven looked skeptical.


"Yes, really, and that's why I wanted you to meet them. That way they could see that hey, my boyfriend isn't some psycho stalker who has no idea where the line is or why you shouldn't cross it."

"So you want me to meet your parents." 

"Yes." Raven stared at him.

"Okay, for future notice," He commented. "THAT IS NOT A GOOD THING TO LEAVE AS A SURPRISE."

"I thought you'd panic and refuse to go."

"And you're completely right, but I still would've liked some time to prepare!"

"What's there to prepare? Just be yourself!"

"Ah, yes, be myself and try not to do anything that remotely reminds them of my father."

"Your father is a sicko, and you're nothing like him."

"You don't have to tell me that; you have to tell your parents."

"My parents will be fine. Parrot doesn't give a shit about anything, so you're a shoo in as long as you're nice, and Rin.... Okay, she'll take a little bit of persuasion, but you are a very charming dragon and I trust you can handle it."

"You have too much faith in me."

"I know, don't make me regret it." Raven grimaced.

"I'm gonna make you regret it." He admitted.

They stepped inside, where Rin and Parrot were waiting for them.

"Raven, these are my parents," Wren muttered. "Parents, this is Raven." Parrot waved and Rin blinked in surprise.

"Hi," Raven said awkwardly, half wanting to run out the door and never look back. But Wren wanted him to do this, so he would do it and try his best not to screw it up, because Wren was pretty much the only thing Raven hadn't screwed up, and he'd like to keep it that way.

"Hello," Rin said politely.

"Hey," Parrot offered. They all stood in awkward silence, and Wren looked ready to die.

"Well, I can see why Wren took a liking to you," Rin commented. Macaw had always been ridiculously hideous, but Raven was the exact opposite. It was kind of amazing to note how such an ugly dragon could produce decent looking offspring.

"We kinda took a liking to each other," Raven said, immediately regretting every word. "I mean- that- I- " He stopped, grimacing. "I'm awkward, sorry." Rin smiled at him. Awkwardness was good. It showed he was intimidated, and he should be.

"Sooo, Wren told me not to say this, but I'm going to say it anyways," Parrot started. Wren facetaloned. " If you hurt him in any way, we will find you. We will kill you, and then we'll make your death look like an accident so no one can ever trace it back to us. Got it?"

"Got it." Raven nodded. 

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