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Hope met with Apple in the Art Cave the next day, hoping that the Rainwing would teach her how to make a pink dragon sculpture, like she promised.

"Hi Apple," She insisted, bouncing over to her.

"Hey Hope," Apple smiled at her. 

"Can you show me how to make a sparkly pink dragon?"

"Sure. I'll grab some tools, and you get some clay, okay?"


A few minutes later, Apple was helping her mold the clay, and Hope's mind wandered back to the other day in the library, and what the Icewing had said.



"What's a lesbian?" Apple froze, not sure if she was supposed to answer that question or not.

"....It's a girl who likes other girls," She offered.

"Oh." Hope thought for a moment. "Apple?"


"Am I a lesbian?" Apple coughed, surprised at Hope's casualness.

"Um, I don't know...." She admitted. "Who do you like?"

"....I like Fiji."

"Then, no, you're not a lesbian."

"Why not?"

"Because if you like boys, then you can't be a lesbian."

"Can't I like boys and girls?"

"Well, yes-" Apple paused. "Hope....when I say like, what do you think I mean?"

"I LIKE someone, meaning that I think they're nice and want to be around them."

"Well, in that case..." Apple thought for a second. "Okay. Between Fiji and Stream, who would you rather kiss?" Hope's snout crinkled in disgust.

"Fiji, I guess. But that's just because Stream is Willow's, and I don't want to hurt Willow."

"Fine. Out of the cutest girl and the cutest boy in the world, who would you kiss?"

"Is Fiji the cute boy? Cause he's very cute."


"Then the boy."

"Then you're not a lesbian."


They worked in silence for a few minutes before Hope decided to bring up a more important topic. 

"Are you in love with my brother?" Hope asked suddenly. Apple dropped the tool she'd been holding, thrown off guard.


"Do you love my brother?" Apple gaped at her.

"Yes," She admitted. Hope narrowed her eyes.

"You hesitated."

"Because I wasn't expecting that question!"  

"What are your intentions with Embie?"

"What do you mean?"

"Would you marry him?"

"Yes." Apple replied instantly. "Wait....why do you ask?" Hope turned back to the clay.

"He really loves you."

"I know."

"He wants to marry you." Apple blushed.

"Did he say that?"

"He didn't have to. I know." Hope insisted. "I know lots of things, but I never say anything." Apple frowned, part of her wondering if Hope had some secret prophetic power no one knew about.

"What kinds of things do you know?" Hope shrugged.

"Little things. I know you love my brother, and that he is completely in love with you and he wants nothing more then to spend the rest of his life with you. I know that Fiji didn't hatch without wings, but I know better then to ask him what happened. I know that something haunts nearly every member of the Colors of the Wings, but few are willing to share what. And I know that my family is extra protective of me because of what happened in the war, and they're terrified to leave me alone because they don't want to risk losing me again. I know that Whisp has a giant crush on my cousin, and that Ember told you to look after me." She offered. Apple stared at her.

"You're a smart dragonet, aren't you?"

"I read a lot of scrolls."

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