Boysen's Visit

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Haze was ready to bounce off the walls. Boysen was visiting her.


Sure, he'd have to meet Thorn, but Haze didn't doubt that the Sandwing Queen would love him as much as Haze did.

.....Not that Haze loved him or anything. 

"Boysen!" She cried out as she caught sight of him, practically tackling the hybrid.

"Hey Haze," he replied, his eyes widening at the sight of the Stronghold. "This place is HUGE."

"You have no idea." She insisted. "Would you like a tour?" She teased. He laughed, remembering their tour of the Colors of the Wings headquarters.


"Okay, where should we start: the library, the room where Thorn and Sunny almost got burned alive, the Throne room, Burn's abandoned Weirdling Tower, the treasure room, the armory,  the observatory,"

"Wait." Boysen dropped dead in his tracks. "Wait......THIS PLACE HAS AN OBSERVATORY??"

"Uh, yeah." Haze raised an eyebrow as Boysen let out a screech.

"A real observatory?!?! WITH AN ACTUAL TELESCOPE??"

"Oh yeah. It's a big telescope." Boysen's eyes practically popped out of his head.


Haze rolled her eyes, grinning at the hybrid, and led him down the hall.

"I didn't realize you were such an astronomy fan." She admitted.

"Well, I am and I'm not. I wanted to be an astronomer when I was little." Boysen explained. "My dad was going to take me to this huge Observatory in the Sky Kingdom, but then the war started, and we never got to go." He frowned slightly. "I stopped wanted to be an astronomer after he died, but I still always wanted to see a real Observatory." Haze gave him a rueful smile and held his talons in hers.

"Well, maybe seeing a huge-ass telescope will make you want to be one again."

"Maybe. But if DOES, you realize I'm totally moving in here and never leaving that room."

"Something tells me Thorn might force you to marry me before she lets you move in."

"I am completely fine with that." Haze stared at him, pausing at the Observatory doors.

"For real?" she questioned. Boysen stared at her seriously.

"Yes, Haze, for real. I'd marry you in a heartbeat. But if a telescope comes with it, I'd make like Shorange and marry you tomorrow."

"I still can't believe Shore and Orange got married."

"I say it's about time."

"Agreed. But STILL!" He laughed and Haze opened the doors. She hadn't really explored the Observatory much, but judging by the screech of happiness Boysen let out, she assumed she was about to learn all about it.

"THIS IS AMAZING!!" Boysen yelled, running around the whole room with wide eyes. Haze smiled at all the paintings of stars on the walls. They'd have to bring Ander and Ray in here sometime, she thought. Those two could probably name everyone on the walls.

Boysen was practically drooling as he ogled the telescope.

"Why don't you look in it?" Haze asked.

"Because it's DAYTIME, Haze. I don't want to go blind." 

"Oh." Haze thought for a moment, a sly smile growing on her face. "Then I guess we'll have to sneak back here tonight, so you can inspect the sky."

"Really?" Boysen whirled towards her, looking hopeful. Haze nodded, smiling. She had never seen Boysen so happy before.

"So, why astronomy?"

"My dad used to tell me all kinds of stories about the stars and the moons and the sky. I know know which ones are actually true now, thanks to Ander. My favorite part of the day was always when the sun went down and Dad would take me outside to point out all the constellations." He smiled at the memory. "Mother didn't like that he kept me up so late, so we waited until she fell asleep to sneak out." 

Boysen studied a painting on one of the walls, the three moons in it all full.

"That sky gave me a lot of hope during the war." He admitted. Then he laughed. "Literally too, on the day that Hope fell into our cave."

"Your father sounds like he was great dragon." Haze offered. Boysen half-smiled.

"Yeah. He was. He would've loved you." His gaze went distant for a moment before Boysen shook himself. "It doesn't matter now." He declared. "If I dig up those memories now, all the ones from the war that I'd rather not remember will come up too."

"How often did you fight in that war, anyway?" 

"Just a couple times, and only one of those was a real battle. The rest were special missions. Cinder put me on a team with some others, and our job was to release prisoners."

"From other kingdoms's prisons?"

"No." Boysen looked hesitant. "We saved a lot of dragons from very bad places." He said quietly. "No one talks about those missions anymore. Not me. Not the dragons who were there. And not anybody else." Haze frowned.

"Why not?"

"...Let's just say some things are better left out of the history scrolls, Haze." He explained, his eyes dark.

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