Can't Stop Me

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The guards at the Sandwing Stronghold were strict and fierce warriors. Thorn would accept no less. Those that guarded her Stronghold were those she trusted most. It was a high honor to even keep watch on the outside, let alone be trusted to watch over the inside, or the Queen herself.

These guards were no funny business. They didn't take bribes. They didn't trust strangers, and even dragons they knew made them wary. No one got in or out of the Stronghold without them knowing about it.

Rosella walked in without a second thought, waving hi to the guards as they calmly let her pass without a word.

Such strict, trustworthy guards.

Thorn spotted the rainforest princess first, and smiled at her. She was always happy to encourage Parch and Rosella's relationship, even if she knew the future might complicate it.

"Did the guards just let you walk in here?" Thorn questioned. Usually they announced anyone who entered the place, and even escorted them in, just in case.

"Yep," Rosella nodded. Thorn facetaloned.

"Stupid globs of camel spit," She muttered. "I KNOW you're trustworthy, THEY know you're trustworthy, but that's not the point!" Rosella laughed.

"We have the same problem in the rainforest," She said. "Glory spent decades trying to train the Rainwings on how to guard, but Joy still ends up yelling at them on a daily basis."

"That's why queens have to be tough," Thorn declared. "Because when your bodyguards fail, you are your only last line of defense."


"So, do I even have to ask what brings you to my Stronghold, or do I just have to point you in his direction?"

"Directions would be helpful."

"He's in his room. Some dragons from one of the oasises were here earlier, and one of them tried to talk us into setting up an arranged marriage for him and their daughter." Thorn rolled her eyes. "Idiots." 

"As if Parch would ever agree to that."

"As if ANY of us would ever agree to that! I thought Sunny was going to murder them just at the thought of it breaking up our ship."

"It's interesting knowing that you're apart of the OTP of the entire Sandwing Royal Family."

"What's the Rainforest's? Still Glorybringer?"

"As hard as we try, nothing can surpass glorybringer."

"Well no duh. Ruby and I have written fanfiction on it for crying out loud." Rosella laughed.

Next to Joy, of course, Thorn was definitely her favorite Queen.


Back in the rainforest, on one of the platforms, Prism was struggling.

She was losing control; she could feel it. It was like an old scroll Rainkeeper had read her once. A scary story about a dragon who's talons weren't his own becqause he was being controlled by someone else.

She had always blamed that on animus magic.

Animus magic.

That was it. Prism wracked her head. Who did she know that was an animus? Who had she come in contact with? There was Stardust, of course, and she knew about Firefly, but-

Something smashed in her head, preventing her from thinking of any more names. 

It was killing her now. What animus would want to hurt her? Why? 

The fogginess wrapped around her mind, cutting away the thoughts. Prism panicked and looked around. She had to warn someone. Tell someone, anyone, before she lost complete control of her mind.

Her head was spinning, and part of her felt like she was a bout to pass out. Maybe she would, and that's how it would end. She'd be asleep, but some animus would still be controlling her.

"Prism!" A voice called out, and she spun in the direction of it.


Little innocent Mako was running towards her, laughing, with Wren not too far behind him.

Mako latched onto her like a sloth would, and Prism panicked even more. She didn't want to hurt him accidentally- except that it wouldn't be her hurting him, now would it?

"Mako," She whispered urgently. Wren was too far away. She had to tell someone, even if it was just a tiny dragonet that wouldn't understand.

"Yeah?" He looked up at her, and Prism ndged him back so that she could look him properly in the eye.

"Animus-" The thing in her head screamed, and she winced. Mako tilted his head, confused.


"Animus magic!" She said, the evil evil evil returning, louder than ever now. "You have to help."

"Help what?"


"Help-" Prism stopped. The chanting stopped. Fogginess covered her whole mind now.

"Prism?" Mako stared at her, a little worried. She glanced down at him, a puny little dragonet.

"Out of my way," She ordered dully, shoving him off the platform.

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