Joy's Walk

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Joy was taking a walk around the Rainwing village, hoping it would help her clear her head and let her focus on what she was considering. 

She was thinking about challenging Glory for Queen.

Joy thought she was ready for the job, and Glory had certainly had it long enough. And since all her dragonets were grown up and starting families of their own, Joy thought it was the perfect time to try and take the throne.

She just wasn't sure that the rainforest itself was ready for her to take over the crown. 

Thus, Joy was walking around the village,  noting the dragons she saw, pondering if the forest was ready for her to step up.

"Hello Mother!" Ander called out, interrupting her train of thought. Joy turned, only to see Ander walking towards her, a distant-looking Ray at her heels.

"The hate is spreading, Mea." Ray muttered to his fiancee. "We need to act fast." Ander nodded, then turned to her mother, prepared to be as blunt as she always was.

"Mother, my lover and I are going on a vacation to the Sea Kingdom. We'll be back in a few days. Oh, and if you hear about any sort of violent murder going on there while we're gone, I assure you, we had everything to do with it." She said bluntly before grabbing Ray's talons and pulling him away. Joy paused, letting that sink in.

"Meander!" She called out. Ander backed up into Joy's view a moment later.

"Yes, mi madre?"

"Two things. One- hide your bodies. Don't leave evidence out in the open. Two- who are you killing and why?"

"A hater of Queen Glory and everything that is good in the world ." Ray declared. "Goes by the name of Guppy The Seawing."

"He's angered the scavenger internet realm." Ander insisted. "He must die."

"And he's insulted our honor." Ray added. 

"Oh." Joy offered. "....Carry on then." Ander smiled, and she and Ray ran off.

Joy paused for a second, realization of what she had just Okay-ed setting in. She shook her head.

"Love my daughter." She declared, continuing her walk.

A few minutes later, Joy stopped again, this time to eavesdrop on two of her most hated living subjects.

"You are SUCH a MORON!" Faithbringer was angrily saying. "I can't believe you!"

"I didn't mean for it to happen!" Macaw insisted, attempting to look innocent. "It was an accident."

"Accident MY ASS!" Faithbringer yelled. "You said nothing would happen. Does this seem like NOTHING to you?"

"If you're so angry, why don't you just get rid of it?" Macaw demanded. Faithbringer froze.

"I'm not getting RID of it, you sick freak."

"Why not? If you don't want it-"

"Because I'm not that bad a dragon, unlike YOU, you filthy liar!"

"If you hate me so much, why did you even kiss me in the first place?"

"Because I was DRUNK and you were STONED, and we were both in love with  married dragons who hate us!"

"Well, if you were drunk, and I was stoned, can you really blame ME for what happened?" Macaw asked. Faithbringer wound up and slapped him, snapping Macaw's head to the side- so that he looked right at Joy, who had heard every word.

"Princess Joy!" Faithbringer exclaimed in surprise. "That- I- um-" She stammered, trying to explain the slap.

"Oh, don't stop on my account." Joy insisted. "You can kill him for all I care."

"You don't even what he did." Joy raised an eyebrow.

"Do I really need a reason?"


"Exactly. Just make him suffer for me, okay?"

"Of course."

"Excellent. Feel free to find later if you need help disposing of his corpse somewhere unpleasant."

"I'm RIGHT HERE." Macaw reminded them.

"Is that supposed to matter?" Joy asked. "Didn't think so. Carry on, Faithbringer, have a nice day."

And Joy walked on, Faithbringer and Macaw's bickering growing louder behind her.

This, Joy thought to herself, is why walks don't help me clear my head.

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