None of Your Business

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Thistle was more wary after that, and the more he looked around, the more he kept spotting the mystery dragon. And the more he kept seeing him, the more he realized Sage had a point. He did look an awfully lot like the dragon.

Part of him started to wonder if he was a long lost relative or something. He couldn't have been either one of his parents. He vaguely remembered that from the short time he'd been  at an orphanage. His parents were dead, and as far as anyone knew, he had no other family.

No other family that knew he existed, anyways.

Coal had commented before that he looked similar to Qibli, but they had both looked into it, and no one knew of any relation through the rest of Qibli's family.

There was no record of Thistle's biological family at all. Not that he cared. He had all the family he needed with Willow and Stream, and if for some reason his real parents were out there, they should accept that he was happy with his mothers and should leave him alone. They had abandoned him. They had no claim to him now.

But if this mystery dragon was somehow related to him, maybe he didn't know that. Thistle certainly didn't want to talk to him- he just wanted this guy to go away.

So he went to the dragon he trusted to get rid of any potential threats that were poised to him or Willow.

"Stream," He offered. The Seawing glanced at him.

"Yeah?" He pointed.

"Do you see the weirdo Sandwing that's staring at us?" Stream looked, frowning at the guy.

"I see him alright."

"He's been watching me for days now. It's kinda creepy, and I don't know who he is, and I didn't think you did, so... I don't know... Can you get rid of him somehow?" Stream smiled at him.

"I'll tell Coal. He'll take care of it." So she did, and unlike them, Coal recognized the dragon. Recognized him as one of the few remaining dragons he wished dead.

And he had no problem approaching him, either.

"Sirocco," He said sharply. "What's an ugly dragon like you doing in Possibility?"

"None of your business," Sirocco warned.

"It's my business when you're stalking an innocent dragonet."

"I'm not stalking anybody."

"I have at least two dragons who beg to differ." Sirocco scowled at him.

"Let's keep this civil, shall we? You stay out of my way, and I won't cause any trouble for you."

"I know better than to make deals with gang members. How about instead you leave, and never come back."

"How about you tell me who you met at the ruins of the Sting Headquarters instead?" Coal paused.

"You know nothing about that." He warned. "And it is none of your concern."

"If my business is your concern, then yours is mine." Coal hesitated.

"I thought you already knew the dragon I met there."

"I'll admit I've seen him before. Never caught a name though. What do you want with him?"

"What do you want with Thistle?" Coal shot back. Sirocco paused.

"That's none of your business."

"It seems as if neither of us are willing to share anything about what is and isn't are business. So how about we make a trade. You tell me why you are watching Thistle, and I'll tell you who I met with on the Sting ruins, not that you should care." They stared at each other, Sirocco trying, and failing, to stare Coal down.

"Thistle is needed by the Talons of Power. I was sent to retrieve him and bring him to Vulture." He said vaguely. "Your turn." Coal sighed.

"After several decades of making poor decisions, my dear brother has finally decided to make a smart one." He admitted. "I met with Fennec, and I suggest you don't try to track him down. He's not worth the time and effort, nor does he have anything you'd want."

"I thought Fennec died in the Sting explosion," Sirocco said in surprise.

"And I thought you had no dragonets," Coal replied. He wasn't an idiot. Vulture was old. He needed an heir. He had wanted Qibli for that, the same way Prickle had wanted Coal. But with Rattlesnake dead, Qibli against the gang, and Sirocco being, well, Sirocco, Vulture had to resort to the next generation. And with Drought dead and Haze basically a princess, a dragonet of Sirocco's was the only other option.

But Sirocco was an idiot. He was downright stupid, and he made rash decisions. If he was after Thistle, and was desperate enough, Coal had no idea what he'd be capable of.

He told Stream, Thistle and Willow to go home.

A/N: Because cute things are cute.

My cousin and his wife had a baby two days ago, which makes me some sort of aunt according to my dad (I think it's a cousin once removed actually, but IDK). Either way, she's adorable, so here's a picture.

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