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Rosella, Mora, Aria, and Aurora were chilling on one of the Rainwing platforms.

"You REALLY have a crush on him?" Rosella questioned, her eyes wide.

"Shut up, I know." Mora complained, her face red.

"Interesting..... Muy interesante...." Aria said vaguely. 

"I LOVE IT." Aurora declared. "Plus, if he likes you, then he'll stop liking me. Win win!" Mora rolled her eyes.

"Whatever you say, Aurora." They paused their conversation as Raven walked up.

"Um, Hi," He offered.

"Raven," Rosella commented. "What are you up to?"

"Well, actually...." he admitted. "I was wondering if any of you knew where Wren was." The girls raised their eyebrows.

Aria clicked her tongue, pointing at Raven. She clicked it again, pointing at the platform, a simple message telling him to take a seat.

"Sit down, buddy," Aurora advised. Raven frowned, but did as he was told.

"What are your intentions with my dear cousin?" Rosella demanded.

"Does it really matter?" Raven asked. "I mean- he's older then all of you, I'm older then all of you...."

"Oh, you really don't get it, do you?" Mora offered. "Wren is apart of THE family. You don't just get to make up your own rules when it comes to him."

"My family is very close, Raven." Rosella explained. "Wren is basically my older brother, so, if you want to get anywhere near him, I would advise getting the vote of a few family members first."

"And I am wary of you," Aria warned, sizing him up. "Neverím mu. No me gusta."

"Plus, you know," Aurora added. "Wren's my best friend and all, and I totally ship you with him- but that also means I'm like.....fourth? in line to destroy you if you ever hurt him, so..."

"You might be further back then fourth." Rosella admitted. "There's Rin, Parrot, Wren himself, Joy, Glory, Deathbringer, me, my dad, my mom, etc. It's a long list."

"I have no intention of hurting Wren." Raven insisted. "I just want to get to know him better- find out what he likes, what he hates, if he's free tomorrow night, that sort of thing." He smiled shyly. Aurora clasped a hand over her heart.

"MY SHIP." She proclaimed.

"Do you know where I could find him?" Raven asked. Rosella eyed him carefully.

"Your call, Aria." She offered. Arai stepped forward, inspecting every scale of Raven, the stars feeding her information on the dragon before her. Raven glanced around, a bit unnerved by her unblinking eyes. 

"Answer the question." She ordered suddenly. "Vai jūs noraidāt ļaunas zvaigznes?"

"Um...." Raven's eyes went wide. "What- What does that mean?"

"Answer." She repeated.

"......Yes?" He guessed, looking nervous. Aria stepped back, nodding once.

"Acceptable." She decreed. "For the present."

"Wren's probably in the Nightwing Village," Rosella offered.

"He like sunflowers and peaches!" Aurora told him. "Give him sunflowers and peaches." Raven smiled.

"Sunflowers, huh?" He paused, spotting a orange-ish dragonet attempting to sneak up to the platform. The strange dragon's eyes widened at the sight of him, and he pressed a talon to his lips, signalling that Raven shouldn't say anything. 

"What?" Mora frowned, turning. She smirked at the dragon sneaking up, until he crept up behind Rosella and covered her eyes.

"Guess who." He asked. Rosella grabbed him by the arms and neatly flipped him over her head, smiling.

"Parch." She grinned.

"Ow." He offered, looking up at her. "You're mean."

"And you're lucky I didn't kill you."

"Oh yes, because you're SO dangerous to me, Sellie." He got up, settling himself next to Rosella and wrapping an arm around her as he glanced towards Raven. "Who's the new guy?"

"This is Raven- Raven, this annoying creature is Parch."

"Hi," Raven offered. Parch eyed him warily.

"Hello." Rosella rolled her eyes.

"Raven here has a thing for Wren." She explained. "So you can quit it, Mr. Jealousy."

"I am NOT jealous!" Parch said, aghast. "I'm just making sure no creep tries to hit on you."

"Well my brother tried, and failed miserably." Raven offered. 

"Say what now?" Parch demanded.

"Don't worry about it." Rosella declared. "So, are you supposed to be here, or did you run away again and a search party will be here in an hour to force you home?" Parch gaped at her.

"I'll have you know I'm allowed to be here for a whole week- which means I can stay for two." He insisted. "And I brought others." 

Two smaller dragonet popped up from a tree nearby. One of them was a shiny black, the other, a pale blue mixed with golden scales.

"You guys remember Dusk's kids, right? Sage and Russet?" Parch offered. "They'd never been to the rainforest before, so I graciously offered to show them around."

"And by that you mean you expect ME to find someone to babysit them while you're obsessing over me." Rosella translated. Parch smiled cheekily at her.


"I'll take them." Aria insisted. Sage and Russet, after all, were her age.

"Both of them?" Rosella asked.

"I'll force Teal and Pax to help." Aria went on, her eyes locking on Russet's blue and gold scales. "Besides, the male is picante."

"What does that mean?" Parch asked as Rosella fought back a laugh.


A/N: Happy Thanksgiving!

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