Plans Change

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After meeting Wren, Permafrost and Stardust started to walk back to the Nightwing village, making their way through the trees.

"Rin seemed so happy." Permafrost commented, smiling. "And to think, she was so terrified at first."

"What, like you wouldn't have been terrified in her position?" Stardust asked.

"...Not really, no." Permafrost offered. "I would've been excited."

"Suuure." Permafrost shoved him playfully.

"It got me thinking, though." Permafrost went on. "Rin with a dragonet, Orange definitely not far behind."

"Everyone keeps saying that- is there something going on with Orange that I'm not supposed to know about yet?"

"Not to my knowledge, but it's possible. I mean, Shore and Orange have been married for a year already. It's expected for them to at least have thought about dragonets." Stardust thought for a moment.

"You know, we've been married for nearly a year." Permafrost grinned slyly.

"I know." Stardust glanced over to look at her.

"...You're a little jealous that Rin has a baby, aren't you?" The Icewing blushed.

"Maybe." She admitted. "But come on, haven't you ever wanted a dragonet?"

"Well...yes, but don't you think we're a little young to have a dragonet?"

"Rin is two years younger then me, and she has a kid! My parents were our age when they had me. Stranger things have happened, Stardust." He sighed.

"You totally want a dragonet, don't you."

"Yes." Permafrost declared before turning to look at her husband. "But only if you want one too." Stardust studied her face.

"Alright." He agreed, smiling slightly. "Let's have a dragonet." Permafrost let out a delighted shriek and hugged him.


Meanwhile, In the Sandwing Stronghold....

Boysen knew he should have gone back to his home weeks ago, but he couldn't. Haze was just too amazing for him to leave. He'd be perfectly content to remain here, at the Stronghold, with her, forever.

And Haze wasn't objecting, either.

In fact, Haze was quite certain that if Boysen tried to leave, she may have to kidnap him and keep him in the Stronghold.

But judging by the arms that were wrapped around her as she woke up, Haze didn't think that was going to be an issue.

Haze smiled. Waking up, all curled up together with Boysen, was definitely her new favorite thing. Boysen was always so peaceful when he slept, so calm. And Haze always woke up before him, so she liked to admire him for a while before the hybrid actually woke up.

Haze could only imagine what would happen if her father found out her and Boysen were sharing a room at night- let alone anything else they were doing. Meerkat would slaughter the poor hybrid. But they didn't care. They were just focused on each other. 

Haze frowned suddenly as her stomach twisted. A sickening feeling washed over her, and she quickly jumped out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

A few minutes later, after getting sick to her stomach, the nausea passed, letting realization wash over Haze as she took a shaky breath.

You could just be sick, she told herself. It could be nothing.

But Haze knew better then that, and she leaned her head back against the wall, swearing under her breath.


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